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Today vs. right away.

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  • Today vs. right away.

    How was it? Lack of planning on your part...
    Story from laundry.

    Busy customer calls: Can you pick up my carpets today? They need washing.
    LW (Laundry Worker): Sure, I speak to guys, they do the driving but I suppose today is okay.
    BC: (Gives address and name) Any time today is fine.
    LW takes to BossGuy a note about pickup.

    One hour later.
    BC: Are you coming to pick up my carpets?
    LW: I told guys about this pickup. They'll come today. (thinking: You didn't say it's a emergency.)
    BC: Okay, no hurry, we wait.

    About one hour later.
    BC: When are they coming? My carpets are out waiting for pickup.
    LW: No idea, but I'll ask when I see them.
    BC: Okay, that's good.

    Quess what about an hour, while LW is busy with her work. Had no chance to talk to guys.
    BC: My carpets need to be picked up! Are they coming?
    LW: They will come, they might be on the road by now. (How could I know, they mostly work in the other building! I told them about pickup, I don't know about their schedules.)
    BC: Good! We wait.
    LWSees Jay passing by) Hey Jay, you know about the laundry pickup? Has BossGuy got that?
    Jay: No idea. He hasn't spoken to me about that. I suppose he picks 'em up some time today.
    LW: I wish.

    About half an hour and you propably quess by now what...
    BC: It's gonna rain soon! My carpets get wet! When are they coming?
    LW: I'll go and hurry them. Wait a while more. They'll be there in few minutes. (I hope so...)

    LW (runs to other building) BossGuy? Remember a pickup for carpets?
    BossGuy: Yeah? What about that?
    LW: Pick 'em up pretty soon, please. They have called me several times and now they say them need to be picked up before rain.
    BossGuy: I thought it wasn't a busy pickup?
    LW: It wasn't... at first.
    BossGuy: I see. I'm on my way.

    Mission complete in half an hour.

  • #2
    Quoth Web_Pict View Post
    BC: (Gives address and name) Any time today is fine.
    And it's not like you gave them a time why say any time that day was fine if it wasn't? More like "any time today is fine as long as it's within the next fifteen minutes."
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Quoth BeenThereDoneThat View Post
      And it's not like you gave them a time why say any time that day was fine if it wasn't? More like "any time today is fine as long as it's within the next fifteen minutes."
      You mean "Anytime today is fine as long as it's done 15 minutes ago".
      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
        You mean "Anytime today is fine as long as it's done 15 minutes ago".
        Yes indeed, that is what I meant.
        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


        • #5
          I might as well add more from laundry. People here are usually very nice and sweet, but there is opposites too...

          Anyhow, laundry is located beside a furniture shop and has a pickup shelf between them.

          A customer had brought a mattress for wash. When it was ready and wait for pickup, some furnitureshop customer noticed that.
          - How much for that mattress? I want to buy it! It's right size for me.
          Um... sorry, that is not for sale...
          - But it's just perfect for my bed!

          A lady passes laundry, sees the wet floor and is terrified.
          - Oh my god! There is water on the floor! Have you got pipes burst? Oh my, it's bad for structure, you should do something!
          Um, lady... it's okay, that is a laundry and floor is wet because of washing a carpet...

          A towel gets lost in laundry. Towel lady calls to LaundryWorker.
          TL: My towel is lost! It's pink and white bath towel.
          LW: Oh, we have one misplaced towel here, is it pink and white with flowers, 30 x 50 cm.
          TW: No, mine has squares, no flowers and it's 40 x 60 cm!
          LW: Oh, here is no other towels than this. Are you sure there is no flowers in yours?
          TW: I'm sure mine is pink and white with squares and it's 50 x 70 cm!
          LW: (can't find any other and want to be sure) Okay, what if I'll bring this for you so you'll see if it's yours.
          TL: Well then but my towel is pink and white, 60 x 80 cm and there is no flowers!!
          Grande final? It was hers. She was happy to get it back.

          Someone brought a quilt in a bag to the laundry. When LW takes a bag, customer says this: "You can take it out of the plastic bag."
          LWthinking *oh gee, I would not had noticed that by myself*) "Yeah, washing would be easier that way..."

