This one happened 5 or so months ago.
Background first.
My grandma has had cancer 4 times and survived. Breast cancer, throat cancer, breast again, then tongue cancer. She was a very fit woman who never smoked, ate properly and took good care of herself. It would always be: she feels sick, goes to the doctor, gets the news, calls each of her children (my dad) in tears about how scared the is, she goes through treatment, gets better, and is eventually declared cancer-free. The 5th time, the doctors found a tumor in her throat. They operated to remove it, but were unable to get it all. The tumor grew to the point where it was unoperable. She recieved treatments for it, but it got so bad she had to stay in the hospital. I visited her as much as possible and had to watch her waste away. She was eventually moved to hospice and died a few weeks later. I got the news at 8 at night and called my manager, in tears telling her I couldn't come to work tomarrow. She said not to worry, she was sorry to hear about my loss, and I could take as much time as I needed.
I took 2 days off, but then returned to work on the 3rd day because I felt guilty for inconveniancing everyone. Also, at home I stayed strong to be a rock for everyone else. I thought I could carry that same strength with me through work. I was wrong. I kept tearing up and would have to go in back to cry whenever someone brough it up. It was rough, but all my coworkers were very supportive and most of the customers could tell that I was on the verge of tears and were very nice.
End B/G.
This guy walked in and was obviously very pissed off about something. I was having enough trouble focusing as is, but he decided to make things harder and try to order at the speed of light. When I asked him to repeat it back, slowly, he got more irritated and repeated it really slowly.
SC: I saaaiiiddddd.......nnnaaacchhoooooo....beeelllllgr rraaannnddeeeee......mmiinnuuuusssss
I started getting teary. He kept it up. I eventually got his order rung up and was about to tell him his total when he cut me off to say:
SC: You're not very friendly are you. Didn't your boss teach you about "service with a smile"?
My eyes blurred with tears. I knew I couldn't finish the transaction like that, so I walked away into the office and told my manager to go help the asshole at the counter. She insisted I tell her what happened. I don't know how understandable I was, but she walked up there anyway after she got me some tissues. I was told later what happened.
M: Hi. That will be Total.
SC: That other girl ran off. I was about to leave.
M: Yes, she did. She came to get me to finish the transaction in her place.
SC: You should give her a lecture on good customer service. She wouldn't smile at me, then left without a word.
M: She isn't smiling because her grandma passed away 2 days ago and she didn't say anything because she is crying.
SC: If she can't smile, she shouldn't be here! It's unfair to customers!
M: Please pay for your food. Now.
I guess the jerk felt a little bad because he shut up after that. Or he saw that my manager wasn't about to do anything he wanted. She took over while a few of my coworkers gave me hugs until I calmed down enough to go back to work.
Background first.
My grandma has had cancer 4 times and survived. Breast cancer, throat cancer, breast again, then tongue cancer. She was a very fit woman who never smoked, ate properly and took good care of herself. It would always be: she feels sick, goes to the doctor, gets the news, calls each of her children (my dad) in tears about how scared the is, she goes through treatment, gets better, and is eventually declared cancer-free. The 5th time, the doctors found a tumor in her throat. They operated to remove it, but were unable to get it all. The tumor grew to the point where it was unoperable. She recieved treatments for it, but it got so bad she had to stay in the hospital. I visited her as much as possible and had to watch her waste away. She was eventually moved to hospice and died a few weeks later. I got the news at 8 at night and called my manager, in tears telling her I couldn't come to work tomarrow. She said not to worry, she was sorry to hear about my loss, and I could take as much time as I needed.
I took 2 days off, but then returned to work on the 3rd day because I felt guilty for inconveniancing everyone. Also, at home I stayed strong to be a rock for everyone else. I thought I could carry that same strength with me through work. I was wrong. I kept tearing up and would have to go in back to cry whenever someone brough it up. It was rough, but all my coworkers were very supportive and most of the customers could tell that I was on the verge of tears and were very nice.
End B/G.
This guy walked in and was obviously very pissed off about something. I was having enough trouble focusing as is, but he decided to make things harder and try to order at the speed of light. When I asked him to repeat it back, slowly, he got more irritated and repeated it really slowly.
SC: I saaaiiiddddd.......nnnaaacchhoooooo....beeelllllgr rraaannnddeeeee......mmiinnuuuusssss
I started getting teary. He kept it up. I eventually got his order rung up and was about to tell him his total when he cut me off to say:
SC: You're not very friendly are you. Didn't your boss teach you about "service with a smile"?
My eyes blurred with tears. I knew I couldn't finish the transaction like that, so I walked away into the office and told my manager to go help the asshole at the counter. She insisted I tell her what happened. I don't know how understandable I was, but she walked up there anyway after she got me some tissues. I was told later what happened.
M: Hi. That will be Total.
SC: That other girl ran off. I was about to leave.
M: Yes, she did. She came to get me to finish the transaction in her place.
SC: You should give her a lecture on good customer service. She wouldn't smile at me, then left without a word.
M: She isn't smiling because her grandma passed away 2 days ago and she didn't say anything because she is crying.
SC: If she can't smile, she shouldn't be here! It's unfair to customers!
M: Please pay for your food. Now.
I guess the jerk felt a little bad because he shut up after that. Or he saw that my manager wasn't about to do anything he wanted. She took over while a few of my coworkers gave me hugs until I calmed down enough to go back to work.