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Someone put suck in the water...

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  • Someone put suck in the water...

    Today, I was in back for the most part and got to be the one who sits back and enjoys the show. My stomach has been hurting somethin fierce and I don't have the willpower to deal with costomers. Luckily, all the managers understood this and kept me in back (Mr Dave said I looked like I was going to kill someone).

    Someone has an attitude problem...

    CW: What can I get for you?
    SC: I want a double steak stuffed taco.
    CW: I'm sorry?
    SC: A double steak stuffed taco.
    CW: A steak taco with extra steak?
    SC: No, a double steak stuffed taco.
    CW: Do you want a grilled stuffed steak burrito?
    SC: Nooooo. A double steak stuffed taco!
    CW: Do you want a steak soft taco with extra steak?
    CW: Do you want the grilled stuffed steak burrito, the triple steak burrito, the steak soft taco with extra steak?
    SC: *huffs* Noooooo!!!! A DOUBLE! STUFFED! STEAK! TACCOOOO!!!!111!!!!
    CW: Ok, how about this *punches in steak taco plus steak*
    SC: YES! THAT'S what I wanted!!!
    CW: Ok, anything else?
    SC: No.
    CW: $x.xx second window.

    CW later told me what happened at the window.

    SC: Is it really that hard to understand what a steak soft taco with extra steak is? *snotty*
    CW: Well, when you say it like that, no. When you say "double steak stuffed taco" it's difficult because we have nothing on the menu by that name.
    SC: It's your JOB to know what I mean!
    CW: Actually, it's my job to know the menu items. You can call it whatever you want, but don't expect me to know what you are talking about.
    SC: Ah-humph!

    The Jerk

    CW: Hi, how ar
    SC: Meximelt and a plain bean burrito.
    CW: O-kaayyyy... *punches in a meximelt and a bean burrito*
    CW: What is plain?
    CW: Plain as in regular, plain as in beans and cheese, plain as in onl
    CW: Ok. You are getting a bean burrito with only beans. You better hope that's what you wanted.

    Luckily, it was what he ment. But I hate when people do that because "plain" means different things to different people. Example: A plain soft taco could be just beef, only meat and cheese, or the regular meat, cheese and lettuce taco. We don't let out customers say "plain".

    Don't ask questions?

    CW: Is that it?
    SC: Yes.
    CW: Would you like anything to drink with that?
    SC: *huffy* Noooo.
    CW: And is your order correct on the screen?
    SC: *snotty* YES!!!
    CW: Now, listen honey. I'm just doing my job. There's no need to take that tone with me.
    SC: Uhh......

    I love CW

    Deja Vu?

    One of my coworkers forgot about my belly pain and decided to tickle me causing me to double over. I was clutching the table to keep me up and was hacking and heaving because of the muscle spasms.

    SC: Don't you dare throw up on my food!
    Me: (Wtf dude, I'm nowhere NEAR your food)
    SC: Go home if you're sick. It's not like what you do is important.
    Me: I'm not sick. I have cramps and I just got tickled.
    SC: Sure you did.
    Me: Fine, don't believe me.
    SC: Oh, I won't.
    Me: *back to work*
    SC: Are you going home?
    Me: *ignore*
    SC: Go home.
    Me: *ignooorreee*
    SC: Why aren't you leaving?
    Me: *ig-nooorreeee*
    SC: Real mature!
    Me: *is it getting chilly in here?*
    SC: I hope you get fired.
    Me: *icicles are forming*
    SC: Whatever. IIIII'm leaving!
    Me: *ok, have fun*
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    It's not like what you do is important.
    "It's important if you want to eat tonight."
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      Okay, I gotta ask: between those full-time idiots you tell us about, how many normal, non-sucky customers do you have, on average? Because those creatures you come across shouldn't be allowed in public, much less as a significant part of the normal population...

      Oh, and: yeah, your CW is cool...
      You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


      • #4
        About 30% of my customers suck to some degree. And yes, I love CW :3 she don't put up with crap from SC's
        Answers: $1
        Correct Answers: $2
        Answers that require thought: $5
        Dumb looks are still free.


        • #5
          This is why i always try and sound extra chipper when i am at a drive through. I'd rather sound silly, than like a SC.
          Shamus: Why hasn't anybody designs a cranium-anus extraction kit yet? It seems that so many people suffer from a improperly-stored head.


          • #6
            How the fuck do these people get by my screening process?! I mean, I'm trying to clone the right ones, and I give them all psych exams....I don't understand! At least let me know what state you live in so I can change my release zones.


            • #7
              I have never understood being nasty to someone just doing their job, and how difficult it is to actually read the menu board when ordering ... we were at the new Sonic in Manchester on the weekend because our friends wanted to get lunch there, and I always have gotten kicks out of servers on roller skates and the people in the next car over were pretty much screaming at their guy ... they ordered off the damned board and they still were bitching that the guy inside took the wrong order. Hubby bitched them out and yelled across at their car that they ordered by the numbers off the damned board and that seems to have been what got delivered to the car and they needed to shut up so everybody else in the area could enjoy their lunches. [we were in Max's car, a lovely old caddy convertible so we could hear every charming word out of the jerks mouths. ]
              EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


              • #8
                The tickling thing bothers me. As someone who is incredibly ticklish, that crosses a line and will surely piss me off. Hands off jackass.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  Seriously, your stories make me want to tac-nuke the area around your store. I have never seen that level of bitchy, stupid, and inconsiderate people any where I have worked.

                  PS: Plain == regular, it means the way it normally is, plain, nothing extra, no changes. It doesn't mean modifications!


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kisa View Post
                    CW: Now, listen honey. I'm just doing my job. There's no need to take that tone with me.
                    SC: Uhh......

                    Also, if someone had decided to tickle me during Rhino Cramps....I doubt there'd be anything left to even try cloning with.
                    By popular request....I am now officially the Enemy of Normalcy.

                    "What is unobtainium? To Seraph, it's a normal client. :P" -- Observant Friend


                    • #11
                      Quoth Seraph View Post

                      Also, if someone had decided to tickle me during Rhino Cramps....I doubt there'd be anything left to even try cloning with.
                      I don't like being tickled anyway, and while I'm cramping? Well, in my case it would have been awhile until I could move again, but once I recovered there would have been thermonuclear devastation.


                      • #12
                        Quoth thansal View Post
                        PS: Plain == regular, it means the way it normally is, plain, nothing extra, no changes. It doesn't mean modifications!
                        Well, plain can mean without modification. But plain can also mean with no sauces. Or it can mean with no sauce and no items beyond the basics that makeup the item.

                        If I heard someone describing something as "plain," I would assume that what they meant was that they only wanted the base item with no toppings and no sauces, myself.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Plain has a dozen different meanings sadly, depending on where you are..and who you are dealing with.

                          For instance, I can go to BK in town, say 'plain' and they know I want just the hamburger buns and the hamburger meat. If I do that at Taco Heck, it means 'With cheese and Lettuce' so I have to specify 'hold the cheese and lettuce'.

                          There are places that plain means just things like Ketchup and you have to say 'plain and dry' (dry means no mustard/ketchup, but everything else for the most part..but again it can vary).
                          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Mytical View Post
                            Plain has a dozen different meanings sadly, depending on where you are..and who you are dealing with...
                            "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the..."
                            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                            • #15
                              Jeez, what a bunch of assclowns you had to deal with! "It's not like what you do is important.." Right...because businesses love to pay people to do things that are not important...

                              What do you want to bet that the person who said that has the kind of job where nobody will even notice if he doesn't show up?
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

