I laughed so hard I teared up at this.
Woman comes in and asks where the bathroom is. Now in my store you walk in the door she walked in through (since there are two I'll do the directions from the door she used) and turn left and walk all the way to the back and then look left and there is the womens bathroom. If you just looked straight there would be a door with a keypad by the handle that says in plain English at eye-level "Employee's Only."
You're in a corner essentially with two doors.
She comes in and says, "Where's your bathroom." CW says, "In the back." This usually leads people to look for the sign that has the universal sign for "ladies room" on it, the stick woman thing with a skirt on.
This woman walks all the way to the back, stares at the storage room door for a little, stares at the keypad and then turns to the RIGHT and walks along the cooler doors (the back of the store) to the OTHER storage room, stares at that keypad for a little bit before turning around. I don't know what she did after that. I'm going to assume she found the bathroom (or A bathroom in any case) because she didn't come back up and ask again.
...really? REALLY?! IT WAS RIGHT THERE. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS LOOK TO THE LEFT. Lesson learned. We now have to say "The last door on the left when you go back." So people aren't wandering around like idiots staring at the keypads and wondering what the number combo is to go to the bathroom. Like it's a puzzle or something because we're that sadistic.
The more sucky thing is when people walk in, walk right past the coffee and then come up to the counter and act really offended because "there's no coffees out." What the heck are you even talking about!? There are EIGHT coffee dispensers RIGHT THERE WHEN YOU WALKED IN. How about you look around you for once in your miserable life and become AWARE. Holy nuggets what a thought.
Do we have Tums? Yes. Do we have eyedrops? Yes. Do we have mouthwash? Yes.
Do we have aisle numbers? NO. So when I give you complex directions to get to what you couldn't bring yourself to actually look for don't roll your eyes and sigh at me. I'm the only one behind this counter, meaning I can't leave it and you're going to have to go find what you didn't pick up and you're going to waste everyone's time while you stare at our products for five minutes trying to find freaking WALDO even though I told you EXACTLY where it is on the shelf.
Do we have gum? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WE HAVE MORE KINDS OF GUM THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WHOLE FREAKING STORE. (Excluding cigarettes........maybe.) You just walked down that whole aisle that has all the gums down it at eye level. AT EYE LEVEL. There is even gum sitting right next to you at the impulse buy racks. THE THREE IMPULSE BUY RACKS. "I can't believe you don't sell gum."!? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE!?
Okay, I'm done...
I just had to rant. Sorry guys. So many sucky/oblivious people. The first one wasn't so much sucky as it was a total fail. TOTAL fail. I hate it when you tell people where to go and it almost like they didn't even listen to you they just turned around, closed their eyes, and started walking. What's even better is when they think we have any of these things behind the counter:
Salad Dressing.
A sink.
A Water Fountain.
An Ice Machine.
Baby Wipes.
Tissues. (we don't have them because we don't want customers thinking we have them)
Ketchup, mustard, mayo, or any other condiment.
Paper bags.
"Small" bags. (They're all the same size.)
A public phone.
A Towel.
I'll think of more later. Tired now. Must Sleep. Have work tomorrow evening.
Woman comes in and asks where the bathroom is. Now in my store you walk in the door she walked in through (since there are two I'll do the directions from the door she used) and turn left and walk all the way to the back and then look left and there is the womens bathroom. If you just looked straight there would be a door with a keypad by the handle that says in plain English at eye-level "Employee's Only."
You're in a corner essentially with two doors.
She comes in and says, "Where's your bathroom." CW says, "In the back." This usually leads people to look for the sign that has the universal sign for "ladies room" on it, the stick woman thing with a skirt on.
This woman walks all the way to the back, stares at the storage room door for a little, stares at the keypad and then turns to the RIGHT and walks along the cooler doors (the back of the store) to the OTHER storage room, stares at that keypad for a little bit before turning around. I don't know what she did after that. I'm going to assume she found the bathroom (or A bathroom in any case) because she didn't come back up and ask again.
...really? REALLY?! IT WAS RIGHT THERE. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS LOOK TO THE LEFT. Lesson learned. We now have to say "The last door on the left when you go back." So people aren't wandering around like idiots staring at the keypads and wondering what the number combo is to go to the bathroom. Like it's a puzzle or something because we're that sadistic.
The more sucky thing is when people walk in, walk right past the coffee and then come up to the counter and act really offended because "there's no coffees out." What the heck are you even talking about!? There are EIGHT coffee dispensers RIGHT THERE WHEN YOU WALKED IN. How about you look around you for once in your miserable life and become AWARE. Holy nuggets what a thought.
Do we have Tums? Yes. Do we have eyedrops? Yes. Do we have mouthwash? Yes.
Do we have aisle numbers? NO. So when I give you complex directions to get to what you couldn't bring yourself to actually look for don't roll your eyes and sigh at me. I'm the only one behind this counter, meaning I can't leave it and you're going to have to go find what you didn't pick up and you're going to waste everyone's time while you stare at our products for five minutes trying to find freaking WALDO even though I told you EXACTLY where it is on the shelf.
Do we have gum? ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WE HAVE MORE KINDS OF GUM THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS WHOLE FREAKING STORE. (Excluding cigarettes........maybe.) You just walked down that whole aisle that has all the gums down it at eye level. AT EYE LEVEL. There is even gum sitting right next to you at the impulse buy racks. THE THREE IMPULSE BUY RACKS. "I can't believe you don't sell gum."!? HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE!?

Okay, I'm done...
I just had to rant. Sorry guys. So many sucky/oblivious people. The first one wasn't so much sucky as it was a total fail. TOTAL fail. I hate it when you tell people where to go and it almost like they didn't even listen to you they just turned around, closed their eyes, and started walking. What's even better is when they think we have any of these things behind the counter:
Salad Dressing.
A sink.
A Water Fountain.
An Ice Machine.
Baby Wipes.
Tissues. (we don't have them because we don't want customers thinking we have them)
Ketchup, mustard, mayo, or any other condiment.
Paper bags.
"Small" bags. (They're all the same size.)
A public phone.
A Towel.
I'll think of more later. Tired now. Must Sleep. Have work tomorrow evening.