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In 'da club

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  • In 'da club

    Hey all, I don't post here much, but I enjoy all the tales you have to share. Here's one that happened just a few hours ago. I just copy/pasted the email I sent to my boss.

    BG- on Thursday nights my work has started doing a hip-hop club night. My work area is at the top of a set of nonfunctional escalators so I can see the floor from a bird's eye view for running lights -end BG

    Hey boss,

    Tonight was rather interesting, to say the least. I believe (coworker) sent you an email detailing some of the technical snafu's we encountered, so let me fill you in on my night's entertainment.

    Around 1am I observed a lady wander on to the landing. I initially thought she was part of the DJ's retinue, but she was not. I advised her she needed to leave the landing immediately. She said she just wanted to see the equipment. I told her that I understood her curiosity, but she couldn't be up there.

    She asked if I was the DJ. I told her I was not, and again asked her to leave. She asked where the DJ was. When I told her he was not up there, she became extremely agitated. She threatened to empty her water bottle all over the equipment and began swinging it around.

    I was taken aback by her sudden mood change, and stepped back from her, still asking her to please leave the landing. She darted past me and began pulling down faders with both hands, one of which was clutching what appeared to be a copy of the New Testament. She hit the audio console. With. Her. Bible. She managed to pull the right faders and the room lost audio for a few seconds before I could wedge myself between her and the console and push the faders back up. As soon as she went for the console, I got on the radio requesting security. After her stunt with the board and me repeatedly calling for security, she switched back into happy drunk mode, smiled at me, told me to have a good evening, and walked down the escalator. I managed to keep an eye on her in the crowd and was able to direct security to her when they arrived. A security supervisor(?) successfully located her and escorted her out of the club. He later returned to ask if any damage had been done to the console. Everything seemed to be fine, so I told him no damage was done. He then advised me that the lady was being arrested and taken to jail.

    Long story short, drunk lady hits audio console with bible, goes to jail.

    So, yeah. That was my evening.
    Last edited by jade504; 07-29-2011, 09:50 AM. Reason: escalators are not elevators.

  • #2
    lol! interesting mix of personality types in one SC. glad she was after the devil music, and not you!


    • #3
      What the flip? Someone needs more or less happy juice. Or more or less religion.
      OR BOTH.
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        Whoa. Carry Nation has apparently been reincarnated!!
        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


        • #5
          She was such a witch!

          Oh wait, no, witches are nice people.
          Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

