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My average day

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  • My average day

    I decided to write a thread about my average day at McDs. Everyone on here is always so baffled by Kisa's customers being complete asshats, but I can relate. Usually I don't bother to do this kind of thread, because I don't have the time and I like to block it all out once I come home. It is like that at all fast food I think. Although I think that Taco Bell and McDonalds have to draw in some of the worst people because we have such cheap food. This is why you should be extra nice to the fast food workers out there and why they always seem to be on edge. It's because a good percentage of the people we deal with are either assholes or just stupid. Every time a customer walks through the door or pulls up to drive thru we are unsure of what kind of person we are going to get and it is a little nerve wracking to say the least. I worked the opening shift today and I got off fairly early so all in all not a bad day. I only had to work 6 and a half hours and I only had to deal with customers for 5 and a half of the hours. Still this was my day.

    Don't give me my food too fast.
    I occasionally see this guy, but he doesn't come by enough to be a regular. If he did I might recognize his car and then this situation could be avoided. He always come in during breakfast when we are going super fast and always beating our time limits. I typically have people's food ready for them before they have even paid, that's how fast we are in the morning. When this happens I wait at the second window until they have paid and then when I see their car rolling up I open my window. When they are within arms distance I extend my arm with their food. Most people love this as they don't even have to stop all the way when they get their food. I get a lot of complements about how fast we are. Not from this guy. He yells at me every time I extend my arm. Every single time I try and hand him his food he will yell at me that he isn't ready yet or just simply, "WAIT!!!!!!!" This usually goes like this:

    Me: *extends arm*
    Him; WAIITTTTTT!!!!!!1111!!!!!
    Me:*retracts arm, waits for him to roll up a couple more inches, extends arm*
    Him WAITTTTT!!!!!!
    Rinse, wash, repeat until I get sick of him and just keep my arm out there with him grumbling about me not listening. God, just take your food and leave idiot! Even if you aren't ready to take your food it doesn't hurt anything to have my arm out there waiting. If my arm gets tired, that's my problem, so why does it matter if you are ready or not? The only thing I can think of is that maybe he doesn't want the people behind him to know that he is the one holding up the line and if my arm isn't extended there with his food it looks like it is me?
    I think he might *possibly* have a legit mental issue that makes him act like this, which is the only reason I have not gone off on him. The first time he did this he decided to call me a bunch of names too which almost resulted in him getting a refund and a boot from the store, but then I noticed he was also drooling, so I'm not sure.

    Oatmeal Lady
    This lady comes in every single day and buys an oatmeal. About 15 minutes after she came in today I get a phone call from her screaming that her oatmeal wasn't mixed all the way today. Okay, this is annoying, and we should be better I will admit that, but why not just stir it? We gave you a spoon and everything. This is how the call went:

    Me "Hello, you've reached McDonalds."
    OL "Yeah, I come in everyday and order and oatmeal and it wasn't mixed all the way today." (keep in mind she was using the snide, snotty tone throughout the conversation)
    Me "I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like us to remake it for you?"
    OL "No, I'm not coming back there today. Are you kidding me? I'm at work already. I shouldn't have to come back for your mistake."
    Me "Okay, I understand. You said you come in everyday, right?"
    OL "Yes"
    Me "Okay, tomorrow when you come in just let your order taker know that you talked to *my name* and we will get you a free oatmeal tomorrow."
    OL "Ok, I should have known better. You guys never hand me my oatmeal right when I get to the window and today you did. I should have known something was going to be wrong with it."
    Me "I'm really sorry about that. I will make sure to follow up with the employees working right now to make sure they do a better job."
    OL *starts screaming for some reason* "I'm just so angry right now. I come in EVERYDAY and spend $2.14 EVERYDAY and now I get oatmeal that isn't stirred."
    Me "I'm really sorry about that."
    OL *hangs up*

    WTF? What exactly do you want me to say? I apologized, I offered to talk to the employees, and I offered a replacement. There really isn't much else I can say to you. Unless you want me to tell you the truth that you could just stir the damn thing yourself and it would taste exactly the same.
    She did this sucky customer thing to me on another occasion a few weeks ago too. That day we happened to be out of apples that go on the oatmeal and she had already paid by the time I discovered. I went to her and told her the situation, apologized, and asked if she still wanted it without the apples or if she just wanted a refund since I couldn't give her the exact product she had paid for. She said it was fine without the apples and I said ok, thanked her, and gave her a coupon for a free one the next time she came in to make up for it. Then when I hand it out to her she decides to yell at me for being out of apples and says, "I just don't understand how you can be out of apples. It's only 6 a.m.!!!" Uhm, maybe because we don't get truck every single day and even on the days we get truck it doesn't come until 10:30 soo...... that's how, stupid. If you are so upset about the lack of apples DON'T TELL ME IT'S OK!!!

    You want a receipt for something you didn't pay for?
    This guy decided to be annoying twice. First, he pays for a mcdouble and a med. fry and receives it. Then he decides he wants to change his order to a big mac meal instead and pay the difference. I just gave him the food and told him not to worry about the difference because it wouldn't be worth it for me to have to do everything necessary in the computer to charge him. I was annoyed with him for pulling this, but whatever. Then he comes back and wants a receipt for the big mac meal. I literally said to him "Uhmmm what?" because I was so confused. He says, "I know you didn't ring it up in the computer and all, but is there a way for me to get a receipt?" I explain to him that no, I can't print a receipt for something I didn't ring up and he leaves. But really, why would you need a receipt for something you didn't pay for? The only thing I could have done was ring up the meal with the appropriate 100% discount on it, but that probably wouldn't have made him happy, because I am sure that whatever he needed the receipt for it wasn't honest. It was probably to get reimbursed by his company or something like that.

    Waiting in line at an open register is a hard concept, I know. No, really, it is. I get it.
    I got put on counter told while another girl was on break. At this time I got a really long line and no one to back me up on preparing the food, so I was essentially taking 3 orders and then turning around and preparing those orders and then taking 3 more orders and so on. As horrible as this sounds, it wasn't really too bad as all the orders were pretty simple and I got them out pretty quickly. I get down to a point where I have about 2 people waiting in my line, 3 people waiting on their orders, and then 2 more people walk in. At the time that the two people walk in I have a nice, neat line in front of my register of the other two people and I'm bagging the people's orders and getting the other 3 people out. In between bagging, I go take more orders. Now this really confused one of the guys that had walked in. The other person that walked in joined the line that was already at my register. This guy, however, decided to go to the register that wasn't open and wait there. I go to my register and help the two people that were waiting there before he even walked in. This entire time he is growing more and more confused. He even asks one of the other people waiting why I haven't helped him yet. Uh, maybe because you aren't in line? That register isn't open, and there were people waiting before you? Maybe? Why would you think you could walk in to a crowd of people and walk up and be first in line?

    Repeating yourself is also hard.
    This happened while I was covering the break for the girl on drive thru. Our headsets are really bad and will cut in and out sometimes. I was taking a guy's order and the headset cut out so I asked him to repeat what he just said. He yells," I SAID A LARGE DIET COKE!!" and the speeds off and flips me off when he passes my window.

    Sorry if any of my stories don't make sense. I've been up since 4am and it's 2pm here now so I'm a little groggy.

  • #2
    Quoth notlovinit View Post
    Everyone on here is always so baffled by Kisa's customers being complete asshats,
    Good point Tho usually it's just how big of an asshat her customers can be, rather than the fact that they ARE asses ^_^
    Why would you think you could walk in to a crowd of people and walk up and be first in line?
    Why, because he says so, that's why! That, and he's probably used to doing it all the time and succeeding more than not (especially if you assume that someone else is available to take over that register...which you did not have)
    He yells," I SAID A LARGE DIET COKE!!" and the speeds off and flips me off when he passes my window.
    Uncalled for in any circumstance. What a
    Last edited by EricKei; 08-04-2011, 05:42 AM.
    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


    • #3
      Ah, this takes me back to my fast food days. Whether I want to go back is a whole different matter, of course.

      Most fast food workers will meet someone like the oatmeal lady: They will say they come in a lot, and every time something is wrong. Personally, if they get obnoxious about it (and more often then not it is likely they are simply attempting to getting additional items for free), I would ask "No offense, but if the service/food you get here is regularly bad...why do you keep coming back?" Very few had a good answer. Or even a bad one.


      • #4
        Oatmeal lady could buy a whole container of oatmeal for $2.14 and you know, make it herself, to her own specifications.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          Quoth EricKei View Post
          Good point Tho usually it's just how big of an asshat her customers can be, rather than the fact that they ARFE asses ^_^
          Very true. I usually don't get people being that big of jerks to me unless I have to tell them no to some weird request. I get a lot more stupid people than I do jerks. However, it never fails that when I work night shift I get a ton. I'll have to write a post next time I close.
          Last edited by Dave1982; 08-03-2011, 11:27 PM. Reason: broken quote tag


          • #6
            Wow, those customers do indeed suck . I have to agree with Eric as well, the guy who flipped you off should go himself.
            'Luck, you are Awesome and Full of Win' ~ Jay 2K Winger

            'Lets be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed' ~ Mark Twain


            • #7
              The thing with the "WAAAIIIITTTTT!!!!" gentleman is that if he is mentally challeneged then if he goes off on you he needs to be treated sternly, but not mean (I've worked with a few over the years, innocent, not generally aware of their impact on those around them). they usually settle down and are more polite


              • #8
                Well, I'll state for the record, that I don't like having the drive through person holding my food out the window if I'm not there.

                I won't yell, of course - I'm not a SC - and it's not such a big deal that I'll worry about it, but I still don't like it.
                The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                • #9
                  Oatmeal lady is just whacko. Ooooh, you spend $2.14 every day and ONE TIME your oatmeal wasn't stirred to your liking. Did it ever occur to you you could make your OWN oatmeal at HOME for a lot less money and it would be JUST PERFECT every time?

                  I have to give kudos to the fast food workers I deal with, on the whole. Not all are over the top friendly, but they don't really give me any attitude or take out their bad moods on me. I'm nice to them and they tend to be nice to me right back. Karma works.
                  "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                  • #10
                    The fact that food service jobs (especially fast food) attracts so much Suck and Stupidity is the main reason I wanted to avoid working those jobs. I can be patient, but not THAT patient.

                    My mom gave me an ultimatum once when I was looking for a job. Told me I had a week to find one, or she'd take me to Taco Bell, which was hiring. Two days later, I got the job at the wholesale club. And I breathed a sigh of relief.
                    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Stormraven View Post
                      Well, I'll state for the record, that I don't like having the drive through person holding my food out the window if I'm not there.

                      I won't yell, of course - I'm not a SC - and it's not such a big deal that I'll worry about it, but I still don't like it.
                      True, but he is there.. as I stated in the post he is within arms distance of me. He is right there at my window yelling at me to wait.

                      As for the people that hold the food out when you aren't there, at McDonalds it's coporate policy to do that. If our coporate bigwigs come by and catch us not doing it we get in trouble. I still don't though. The whole point of it is to make the customers move faster to come to the second window to get their food (you wouldn't believe how long some people take to pay, but that is another rant), but it doesn't really seem to help my customers and my arm gets tired so I don't do it. But I don't really care if I get in trouble with corporate. My franchise is so desperate to hold on to me that something like that isn't going to get me fired. But for others it might.


                      • #12
                        As a former, worker of the big yellow m, I can sympathize. I once made a rage comic about the stupid customers, so I thought I'd share:



                        • #13
                          Oh God... McDick's was my first paycheck-earning job. >.< I was hired because I was sixteen and they had fired half their staff and I was fired for missing three shifts without a valid reason, although due to not having a driver's license, dickery over the phones and the new-shift-day being moved, I didn't actually know about the third one and thus, did not show for it. This was the same place I watched a kid melt a plastic figure's head under a heat lamp, watched ice cubes get chucked in the deep fryers and watched one manager and one employee get dressed in cardboard boxes and sumo wrestle each other on shift. Which, admittedly, was pretty funny. Left that place with a burn scar on my right wrist, a large gouge scar on my knee and a shoulder that hurts every once in a while because I fell down the stairs to the supply room.

                          Sorry to threadjack. >.<
                          "I am nothing if not an equal opportunity asshole." -Gravekeeper

                          "F**k you and your tie." -Jester


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                            The fact that food service jobs (especially fast food) attracts so much Suck and Stupidity is the main reason I wanted to avoid working those jobs. I can be patient, but not THAT patient.

                            My mom gave me an ultimatum once when I was looking for a job. Told me I had a week to find one, or she'd take me to Taco Bell, which was hiring. Two days later, I got the job at the wholesale club. And I breathed a sigh of relief.
                            Amen. The last time I was 'between jobs' I kept getting pressure from my fiance (and others) to just go up to the Mickey D's, which has had a 'now hiring' sign PAINTED on the inside of their front window for like the last four years. The significance of it being PAINTED on the window was absolutely lost on them. Fortunately, I was able to find other work relatively fast and she went on to nagging me about other things.

                            I did work for McDonald's once, back in the 1980s. The job was crap back THEN - and as a general rule, the customers weren't nearly as bad as they are today. The rest of it - the random hours, the lack of competent management, the shitty pay, the stupid corporate mantra that honestly made me want to gag - I doubt there's been any improvement.

                            I am quite certain that if ever compelled to work fast food again, it will end badly. For me, for my managers, and for probably a dozen random strangers.

                            For those who work in fast food - I have considerable admiration for your ability to function under such conditions, and for the willpower that makes you go forth and do it again every day.


                            • #15
                              So..the oatmeal woman was incapable of stirring the oatmeal herself? Apparently if she's unable to do that, just how capable is she of doing her job.

                              I'd be half tempted to say something like "Well, you got a spoon didn't you? Use it!" and hang up.
                              Last edited by fma_fanatic; 08-04-2011, 11:03 PM.
                              Random conversation:
                              Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                              DDD: Cuz it's cool

                              So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

