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Crappy People
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Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
O.k., so, so what if, let's say, ironically, the harddrive fell off the side of the computer, would you honor the warranty and tape it back on for him??!! I must say, it is quite funny . . .
When the customer does come to his senses though, he'll have an extra harddrive to *install* in his computer. That'll come in handy . . .
I have to say. I am pretty sure that F&R does not do this all the time. We are all only human. Occasionally, we just can't keep hold of our temper. Especially when they are so rude and insult your intelligence.......but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
Quoth Gravekeeper
This is an older thread, but I just came across it when I was trying to catch up on welcoming new members.
Did anyone who replied realize the OP is just a 13 year old boy who has his own private business building computers, and does not actually work for a company?
Did they also realize he is the son of MadMike, one of our Admins?
I think his father can probably explain the facts of customer service to him.
Revenge is not cool, but I agree that this guy got exactly what he was demanding.Last edited by Ree; 04-08-2007, 04:43 PM.Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.
I think this was hilarious, and with the added knowledge Ree just added, it jumps up to priceless!
The only thing to make it better would be if it was actually an external hard drive you taped on. That way, the guy would have absolutely no reason to complain, plus he'd likely have to come back for a cable for it!
Quoth Ree View PostDid they also realize he is the son of MadMike, one of our Admins?
I think his father can probably explain the facts of customer service to him.
OT slightly (I think I read about this here, and I thought it fit here): The P-P-P-PowerbookLast edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 04-08-2007, 10:12 PM.Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.
"I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily
Quoth tollbaby View PostMan, I realize people can be stupid, but that's not cool. It's stunts like that that make retail workers look bad
Quoth DGoddess View PostWe all get mad on occasion, however it's better to kill with kindness rather than let them see you get upset - the SC wins that way.
Besides, it's never a good idea to stoop to their level. Not only does it make you an SE (Sucky Employee) it gives a bad name to the company. Word will get around and make others wonder just what kind of employees the company will employ.
Sometimes you need to look at both sides of the situation.
Quoth tollbaby View PostThere's no excuse for cheating a customer. Yes, I realize that he got the bit of merchandise that he paid the extra money for, but you knew he didn't need it, and he was relying on your expertise. That's just not cool dude, no matter how sucky he was being (and yeah, I've been there, and I learned really quickly not to take that stuff personally).Last edited by Ree; 05-18-2007, 12:19 AM.Jacob (F&R Computer Man)
The real question here F&R would be wether the disc taped to the outside was a working one. if it was working, $50 is very slightly high for a 1.5Gb but it's still a reasonable price, at worst the guy insisted he wanted "A disk outside the computer" and he got one, it isn't really scam since F&R sold the client a working product to the specification of the client.
Plus latter he can sell it on ebay, or plug it in on a spare controller inside and use the space. No lossI pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.
"I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras
i don't see how this was even revenge.
customer demands drive on the outside of the computer, so F&R, being a good salesman provides what the customer demands even when the customer is being irrational.
opening the customer and making him feel like a fool would have been fun, but probably also would not have resulted in a sale, if you insult people they are less likely to do business with you.
if i had a customer demanding i sold them something pointless but not harmful, i would do it in a heartbeat.DILLIGAF
Quoth Lehk View Postopening the customer and making him feel like a fool would have been fun, but probably also would not have resulted in a sale, if you insult people they are less likely to do business with you.Of course, we've all wanted to do that at one time or another!
Welcome F&R Computer Man! I agree with IPF, the apple doesn't fall far....which you can tell by the avatar!Last edited by Pagan; 05-16-2007, 07:10 AM.It's floating wicker propelled by fire!
I don't see any fraud here either. The customer, who refused to listen, insisted on something additional. That additional part was added to the terms of the sale, which the customer agreed to. In short, F&R did exactly what the customer wanted.
I do a bit of computer salvage myself. Whenever I sell something, I always draw up a bill of sale with everything listed clearly. I'm also careful to mention that the parts are (usually) in "used" condition and sold "As-is."
(Some of you might have already heard this one...) Several years ago, a damaged laptop arrived on my desk at work. It had been dropped, and I was told to repair it. That turned out to be impossible--a new screen cost more than the thing was worth, and it was out of warranty. Rather than make it "disappear," I was told to put it to use running our fax machine. But, here's the funny part. Remember the damaged screen? Well, the machine kinda works with a regular monitor, keyboard, and mouse attached, but is no longer portable. What's funny, is that for the price of all that stuff, we could have picked up a used (better) machine than kept that thing. But, again, I simply did what I was told.Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari
Quoth EmiOfBrie View PostNot necessarily. Look at the facts.
1) He apparently didn't consider F&Rcm to be an "expert", so therefore was *not* relying on his expertise. (remember he felt the need to explain to F&Rcm what a hard drive should look like...he was dead wrong, but he felt he knew better)
2) He stated he felt he needed an external hard drive. F&Rcm obliged him instead of trying to argue with him as, after all, see point #1 above.
QED The customer got exactly what he technically asked for.Jacob (F&R Computer Man)