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I don't have to give you shit!

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  • I don't have to give you shit!

    This one happened a couple weeks ago but I never got around to posting it until now.

    I was at the insurance agency again, covering the desk, when this guy walks in. He was trying to find someone to deliver a letter to. Thing was, while he was at the correct address, he was looking for an employee of a company that hasn't been around in YEARS and was NEVER at this address (they were in a neighboring building that's part of the same complex).

    I explained that to him, and he got a bit peeved, claming his boss had given him bad info, but he accepted the explanation and left.

    Then he came back about 10 minutes later.

    Guy: Who was in this building before you?

    Me: I don't know.

    So he starts grilling me about it! He actually wanted me to call around and ask people in the building if THEY knew! WTF!

    Dude, seriously, I DON'T KNOW. And I'm not about to start harassing the agents and producers with pointless questions just to satisfy your overzealous curiousity. The info you seek will NOT help you. The company you are looking for DOESN'T EXIST anymore. They went out of business YEARS AGO. And they were *never* at this address!!! So what good will this do you?

    Guy: Well I'm a process server! I need to know!'s not my job to find people or places for you.

    Thankfully, he left at this point, because he was about two seconds away from having the cops called on him.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 08-16-2011, 07:49 PM. Reason: typos
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Dave1982 View Post

    Guy: Well I'm a process server! I need to know!

    Not a very good one, at that! How 'bout your do your own damned job, buddy?
    Do the research and find out for yourself!

    What an entitled jackass!!
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #3
      Here's a clue. The place going out of business could full well have something to do with why he's being served. Why not follow up on the lead!

      Don't those guys get paid relatively well to find those people?


      • #4
        If he's a process server, he'd have other methods of finding out, he was just being a jerk.


        • #5
          While I'm sure that, as a process server (and assuming that is what he really was), he has had times when folks have deliberately given him the run-around to avoid being "served". Thus, to a point, I can understand one being a bit persistant. However, in this case, it was probably very easy to see that the company that was there was not the same as the one the person was suppose to be an employee of, and thus they wouldn't have anything to do with them. At that point, save for maybe asking if anyone happened to know where said other company was located, they should have left and pursued other leads.


          • #6
            Give info? Ha!

            More than once someone on the internet has threaten to sue. (Still has not happened yet). Notice I post with my real FULL name?

            More than once they have demand I give them my address and/or phone number.

            I just laugh and point out since they are the ones suing me, they and their lawyers have to do their own dirty work.

            You had no duty to this individual.


            • #7
              We'll occasionally get calls asking for former employees where the caller will ask where they're working now or how to contact them. 1) That's personal info, I wouldn't give it to a random stranger. 2) How the hell would I know and why should I care?

              In a similar vein, we'll get callers asking about a product our company made years ago. What year was it made, what specifications, what's the value, etc etc etc. These people are always eBayers who want *my company* to do their research for them. Um, we have actual customers that I'd rather take care of. They're the reason I get paid, after all.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                Notice I post with my real FULL name?
                You do?

                *Looks up Earl*

                HOLY CRAP! GUYS GUYS! THIS GUY IS REALLY SMART! YOU'RE A CRUISER, TOO?! Oh my gods, I should have run into you!

                *Official Fanboy*
                Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                • #9
                  Well, I have a bit of a follow-up to this story.

                  I'm at an entirely different account this week, and I had to call in one of the copiers for service because the touchscreen had failed. Due to security policies here, when the technician arrived with the necessary replacement parts I had to escort him to the machine and stay there until he finished repairing it.

                  It just so happens that near this particular machine there was a display of various awards and other company memorabilia, so while the tech did his thing I wandered over to look at that stuff.

                  To my surprise, a large portion of it was from the same compnay that the dumbass process server was looking for.Seeing as this company and the now-defunct company were in similar fields, I'm guessing this company either bought the other or otherwise hired a lot of their old staff, and they took this treasure trove of awards and other items with them. They even had the freaking dedication plaque from when the defunct company's building opened back in the 90s!

                  So, I guess I solved at least part of that guy's mystery. Not that I'd tell him even if I knew how to get in touch.
                  Last edited by Dave1982; 09-07-2011, 06:56 PM.
                  "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                  RIP Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                    So, I guess I solved at least part of that guy's mystery. Not that I'd tell him even if I knew how to get in touch.
                    I don't see how it would help him anyway. He was looking for an individual that didn't work there anymore, so he was pretty much SOL.
                    Last edited by Dave1982; 09-09-2011, 01:20 AM. Reason: please do not quote the entire post
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      I would have told that guy something along the lines of:

                      "You're a process server? How about you serve yourself the process of GTFO?"

                      "You're a server? Either serve me some damn food or go get rack mounted!"
                      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

