Quoth BlaqueLily
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Scammer Bitten By Karma (MUST READ!!!) *Put Down Drink Before Reading*
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I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
My LiveJournal
A page we can all agree with!
This CRACKED me up! If i was a manager...ide do the same damn things to my SC's! He deserved to get bitched at by her and i now love her for it lol. That kinda reminded me of my post. Idk if you read about the customer who made me cry i just posted a few days ago.
I dont think she realizes that corporate MAKES the policies lol
Quoth SunshyneWalker4167 View PostI dont think she realizes that corporate MAKES the policies lol
You and yer manager were definitely in the right. and that's to both Kisa and SW4167"For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
"The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
"Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
"There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
"Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
"Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
"Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me
He Actually Complained! *UPDATE to "Scammer Bitten by Karma"*
He Actually Complained! *UPDATE to "Scammer Bitten by Karma"*
Yep, you read that right. The dumbass actually had the nerve to report Tina after trying to steal food and he FLAT OUT LIED through the ENTIRE THING!!! Tina was gracious enough to give me a printout of the Incident Report to read which I kept. The whole story is bull.
The District Manager emailed my boss and told him to investigate his claims and to gather written statements from the team members. I'm writing mine even if he doesn't ask. Tina is one of the few managers who will stick up for her employees so we're all doing the same for her. Earlier, she commented on how nice it feels to see that everyone has her back. Well of course we got your back! I can't count how many times she's helped us out when some ass is cussing us out or made us go on break or let us grab a bite to eat or a cup of pop when we're worn down. She's always there for us so we're fighting this right along with her.
I'll type what the report stated, changing names when necessary:
Customer stated the employee by the name of Tina gave him the wrong order and didn't call out an order number then told him he had to pay for it. He said no and the employee snatched his correct order out of his hand and threw it in the garbage. He asked for her name and she turned around and said her name and an expletive towards him in front of all the customers.
Joe requested his personal information may not be sent to restauraunt.
First, let's go over the contradictions and holes in his story:
1) He said she gave him the wrong order, but snatched the right order from his hand. How did he get the right order? Why would she take the right order and not the wrong order? Saying you got the wrong order usually means you got someone else's order and not your own. So, did his order magically float over to his table as he was quietly sobbing over his wrong order?
2) He stated she snatched the correct order from his hand and threw it into the trash. Your order was for here and therefore was on a tray. You were at a table. In order for that to make sense, you would have to be sitting at your table eating with the tray in your hand when she snatched the tray from your hand and threw it away. Most normal poeple put the tray on the table while they eat. What was it doing in your hand?
3) He said she ordered him to pay for the incorrect order. Why didn't he give it back? I mean, the order was wrong and he had the correct order with him at this time. If he's really such a standup guy, why didn't he give the wrong order back when he recieved his correct order? If I had an order that wasn't mine, I'd give it to the cashier and tell her it didn't belong to me. If she gave it to me, I'd thank her and keep it. If she took it and walked away, I'd let it go and leave knowing I did the right thing.
Now, let's go over Lies vs. Reality! Lies are in red and reality will be in blue:
Customer stated the employee by the name of Tina gave him the wrong order and didn't call out an order number
Tina gave him the correct order and the old man's order that he claimed was his despite the fact that she called BOTH order numbers.
then told him he had to pay for it.
Then, she politely asked him to give the second order back.
He said no and the employee snatched his correct order out of his hand and threw it in the garbage.
He called her a bitch and told her she fucked up so he wouldn't give it back. She grabbed the old man's order off the chair and threw it in the garbage.
He asked for her name
He yelled at 2 other employees and demanded her name.
and she turned around and said her name and an expletive towards him
She heard him abusing her employees and gave her name so he would leave them alone
in front of all the customers.
in front of 4 teens who couldn't care less and the old man who's food he tried to steal.
Joe requested his personal information may not be sent to restauraunt.
Joe is an idiot with a lick of sense and doesn't want Tina or her friends to let his address slip to the police.
I'm not sure what's going to happen, but we're all trying out best to prove his claims are total crap. If this escalates, we have video evidence and witnesses. I'm giving my statement tomarrow and also asking my boss if I can refuse to serve him if he has the nerve to return while I'm on duty. I hope he doesn't, for his sake.Answers: $1
Correct Answers: $2
Answers that require thought: $5
Dumb looks are still free.
That is an EW of the first magnitude. He KNEW he was in the wrong and he was embarrassed because Tina made him look like a fool (which he is!) in front of other people. So, to get revenge he concocted a story that makes him look like the innocent one - except it's (a) full of holes and illogic, (b) easily provable as a lie because of video and witnesses.
All that over what, a few bucks worth of food that he wasn't even entitled to? Asshole. Probably cheats on his taxes, too. And his wife. And steals on the job.When you start at zero, everything's progress.
I sincerely hope Corporate doesn't cave in. I hate it when they fire a good, valued employee to make some jackass SC happy.
With video evidence and the testimony of several employees, I would think they'd tell the fool to jump in the lake, but you know how that goes...I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
My LiveJournal
A page we can all agree with!
in this day and age it would not matter if God was a witness to this fiasco and sided with Tina. corp will shower said idiot with free stuff and either reprimand or fire Tina for daring to make said idiot look like the fool he is with "bad customer service"remember "the customer is alway right even if the "customer" is lying throught their teeth and everyone knows it.
I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
-- Life Sucks Then You Die.
"I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."
hmmm. Needs moar update.
Dude's a jackass but you've gotta admire the adamantium balls it takes to try something like that. Not the brains (or lack thereof) though.Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx