This happened to my friend Denyelle when she was tending bar last weekend. She signed up here, but has yet to post, so I guess I'll tell the story for her.
As some of you who tend bar know, sucky drunk customers are about the worst. It was a busy night and she had a lot of people at the bar waiting to be served, and I guess she wasn't moving fast enough for this one guy. He started banging his empty bottle on the bar to get her attention. She turned to him and politely told him, "Yes, I know you need another beer. I'll get to you."
I guess that wasn't good enough for him, because he started banging it harder. This time, she not-so-politely told him, "That's a good way not to get served at all."
He started banging it even hard her, and she told him, "That's it. I am not serving you." So he threw his bottle at her, and then grabbed the one setting in front of the guy next to him and threw that at her too. The first one missed her, and the second one grazed her shoulder. Either the guy wasn't very big, or she's a lot stronger than I thought she was, because she ran out from behind the bar, grabbed a hold of him, and physically threw him out of the bar.
He's just lucky her husband wasn't there. He's a nice guy, but he's not someone you'd want to piss off either.
As some of you who tend bar know, sucky drunk customers are about the worst. It was a busy night and she had a lot of people at the bar waiting to be served, and I guess she wasn't moving fast enough for this one guy. He started banging his empty bottle on the bar to get her attention. She turned to him and politely told him, "Yes, I know you need another beer. I'll get to you."
I guess that wasn't good enough for him, because he started banging it harder. This time, she not-so-politely told him, "That's a good way not to get served at all."
He started banging it even hard her, and she told him, "That's it. I am not serving you." So he threw his bottle at her, and then grabbed the one setting in front of the guy next to him and threw that at her too. The first one missed her, and the second one grazed her shoulder. Either the guy wasn't very big, or she's a lot stronger than I thought she was, because she ran out from behind the bar, grabbed a hold of him, and physically threw him out of the bar.
He's just lucky her husband wasn't there. He's a nice guy, but he's not someone you'd want to piss off either.