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She didn't say it back!

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  • #16
    Yeah, sorry, I wouldn't be saying God Bless You back to anybody because I'm agnostic and to wish that a God I'm not sure about would bless her would not be a truthful thing to say. I do wish her the best, but that's it. A few callers at the call center will do that kind of thing but I just say thank you and try to get past it. Haven't had anyone complain about me not returning the sentiment yet, but if they did, and management even attempted to get me comply, I'd be looking into legal protection. I try to respect everyone's thoughts and beliefs (within reason, and it's pretty broad), but do NOT push it on me or try to get me in trouble for not going along with it.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #17
      Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
      So off I go on a delivery that did not involve a drunk college kid but a very pleasant (At that time any ways) lady. At the end of the transaction she said "God bless." not knowing what to say to that, I just said "Thank you." (I say thank you with every delivery). Why didn't I say "God bless you" back you ask? Well that is because I am an Atheist.

      So I got back to the store and the manager says that the lady called back bitching on how I didn't return the "God bless you.". I was asked why I didn't say it back, I told them why and I was told to just say it back to avoid any future conflict, I flat out refused to do so, it went against my lack of belief. I just told them to put a note on the account to say that a Theist needs to take the delivery.

      When someone simply says something like that to me (no matter what diety is mentioned), unless there's direct proselytizing, I take in the spirit I assume it was meant - no matter what I personally believe in, good energies are good energies. It makes the other person feel good, it does me no harm, I'll even smile or say thank you.

      But by definition a blessing of any sort is a free offering, not something you can demand someone give to you under any circumstances. You can expect an employee to be polite, friendly, or even fawning - but not that they offer you religious rites. She was absolutely majorly wrong to call and complain.

      However, it's your boss that really raises my blood pressure. There are definitely laws to keep bosses from forcing religion of any sort on employees, and IMO, religious discussion in general does not belong in the workplace (unless of course you work for a religious organization ). He's way out of line, infringing on your rights, and you should seriously consider reporting him to corporate - and should they side with him, to a civil liberties group.

      I personally think keeping religion out of business transactions shows more respect for those religions, and those who do or don't believe, than attempting to push people to say things they don't mean.

      Madness takes it's toll....
      Please have exact change ready.


      • #18
        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post

        There's enough misery and ill will in the world that I don't need to be adding to it by taking offense at something that was not meant to be offensive in the first place.

        And I don't say it, either. I've always thought it sounded... inappropriate, somehow, but I couldn't say why. *shrug*

        Now, with the OP, obviously the lady was being faux polite and got all offended that you weren't the right flavor of faux polite back. She was a bitch.

        I think that if you go all the other side just to get in their faces, you're not only sinking to their level, but in some cases making an extra dive down.

        This. Especially the part about the lady being "faux polite" and then getting PO'd because you weren't "properly" so in return.

        Of course, there are always alternatives:
        SC: "God bless."
        M:"Hope so. My case comes up in court this week."
        SC: "God bless."
        M: "Oh, I'm sure she will."


        • #19
          A "blessing"

          Well bless your heart.


          • #20
            Even as a pagan, I could easily say, "you, too."

            After all, I don't have to say which god, do I?

            Though that could be amusing. "May the Dagda bless you, too!" Let them figure it out...if they can.
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #21
              Quoth MoonCat View Post
              Even as a pagan, I could easily say, "you, too."

              After all, I don't have to say which god, do I?

              Though that could be amusing. "May the Dagda bless you, too!" Let them figure it out...if they can.
              Quasi-agnostic/secular Christian here. I'm more likely to say "You, too" to someone wishing that God bless me.

              But yeah, I could easily be meaning any god.

              Although then I'd be more likely to, in response, cheerfully tell them "Cthulhu fthagn!"
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


              • #22
                Quoth Stryker One View Post
                That is so funny, we went to see him a few months ago, a woman was heckling him and all the other people started to say "Bless Her Heart", Henry Cho said "Do you here them? That means Shut Up!"

                My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


                • #23
                  Are you freaking kidding me? The stupid lady actually COMPLAINED that you didn't repeat the "God bless" to her? I believe in God and all, but I wouldn't have thought anything of it if someone didn't repeat "God bless" to me, thinking that "Thank you." would've been good enough anyway. What a psycho!

                  Customers these days will find ANYTHING to complain about, I guarantee it!


                  • #24
                    Quoth MoonCat
                    Even as a pagan, I could easily say, "you, too."

                    After all, I don't have to say which god, do I?

                    Though that could be amusing. "May the Dagda bless you, too!" Let them figure it out...if they can.
                    My thought exactly. I usually just say 'You too.' unless they press it. Then I put on my fake smile and nod until they leave me alone.

                    Though I do like Jay's response.
                    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                    • #25
                      In the camp with others who have posted the same thing: a blessing is a blessing. One customer at my work always tells us "God bless you!" whenever he checks out. I treat the way I treat any gift: a gracious smile, a polite "thank you" and if I feel like it, a "you too." A gift is a gift, whether the hope of a blessing from God wished upon me or Auntie Maude's hideous socks.

                      Having said that, the woman who called up to bitch? Deserves a wet fish to the face.
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                      • #26
                        Quoth HappyFun Ball View Post
                        So off I go on a delivery that did not involve a drunk college kid but a very pleasant (At that time any ways) lady. At the end of the transaction she said "God bless." not knowing what to say to that, I just said "Thank you." (I say thank you with every delivery). Why didn't I say "God bless you" back you ask? Well that is because I am an Atheist.
                        Alternative reply #1: "Allahu akbar."

                        Alternative reply #2: "May the luck of the Seven Pillars of Booloo be with you at all times!"

                        Alternative reply #3: "Achoo!"
                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #27
                          Yeah, "Bless your heart" is not really complimentary. At it's most benign, it means "Oh, you poor thing" and is an expression of commiseration.

                          At it's worst, it means "You pathetic wretch." or "you're an idiot."

                          Here's a funny explanation about it.
                          Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 09-09-2011, 04:59 AM.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                            Alternative reply #1: "Allahu akbar."

                            Alternative reply #2: "May the luck of the Seven Pillars of Booloo be with you at all times!"

                            Alternative reply #3: "Achoo!"
                            1) particularly hilarious in areas where people go "Muslim=terrorist"
                            2) ... YES (will use)--Last Starfighter on VHS FTW
                            3) XD I have enough cause/effect continuity/temporal issues as it is. This is awesome.
                            "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                            "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


                            • #29
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              Yeah, "Bless your heart" is not really complimentary. At it's most benign, it means "Oh, you poor thing" and is an expression of commiseration.

                              At it's worst, it means "You pathetic wretch." or "you're an idiot."
                              Yes, another former NYC-area coworker and I were talking to our Southern-born-and-bred team lead about this very subject the other day. LOL.
                              "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                              • #30
                                I have to tell my story from yesterday. From 2005 to 2008, I worked at a Walmart in M(town). There was one customer who would regularly come through my line and at the end of the transaction ask me if I was "saved". I would nod, smile, whatever to get him moving out of my line :-) Fast forward to 2011 and I have moved 20 miles away, no longer at Walmart, but at another retailer. Who the heck comes through my line??? OMG !!!!!!!!!!!

                                I said to him, You used to ask me that when I worked at Walmart in M(town). I have the same answer today <smile>. He looks at me askance, realizes I recognize him (even after 3 years, that's how annoying it was!) and wanders off.

