I work in a railway station in the UK. We have a massive customer base, made up of every kind of SC and EW imaginable. What with immigrants, foreign exchange students & tourists, as well as illiterate natives, I have to decipher all kinds of grunts, mumbles, neeps, nops, & squawks into location names & product types. I'm used to it, but sometimes you feel like they're making it harder on themselves on purpose... Today I had the best/worst case yet. (Names and places are changed to protect the sucky.)
Me - The Protagonist, your narrator
SC - The Antagonist
SC - Ticket!
Me - To? *If they're terse, I'm usually terse back when I can get away with it.*
SC - Ticket!!
Me - There's over 3000 stations* in the country, can you narrow it down a little?
* An educated guess, which turned out to be remarkably prescient
SC - I can't hear you! Ticket!
*despite being a large man, I am accused of being very soft-spoken so I lean right down to my highly sensitive microphone & kindly repeat my earlier estimate for their listening pleasure.*
SC - Trumpton! *yes, everything they said was an exclamation.*
Me - Trumpton Town, Trumpton & West Chigley, or Trumpton Camberwick Green?
SC - Trumpton Camberwick Green!
Me - Single or Return?
SC - Return!
Me - So, you want a Return to Trumpton Camberwick Green? Excellent. That'll be 5 pounds.
SC pays, I hand over the tickets
Me - One return to Trumpton Camberwick Green. (And if you'd just said that to start with, we'd have been done 90 seconds ago.)

I'm so glad that we're not even expected to have good manners in my role; I do, I have excellent manners - I just reserve my best behaviour for those that deserve it!
Me - The Protagonist, your narrator
SC - The Antagonist
SC - Ticket!
Me - To? *If they're terse, I'm usually terse back when I can get away with it.*
SC - Ticket!!
Me - There's over 3000 stations* in the country, can you narrow it down a little?
* An educated guess, which turned out to be remarkably prescient
SC - I can't hear you! Ticket!
*despite being a large man, I am accused of being very soft-spoken so I lean right down to my highly sensitive microphone & kindly repeat my earlier estimate for their listening pleasure.*
SC - Trumpton! *yes, everything they said was an exclamation.*
Me - Trumpton Town, Trumpton & West Chigley, or Trumpton Camberwick Green?
SC - Trumpton Camberwick Green!
Me - Single or Return?
SC - Return!
Me - So, you want a Return to Trumpton Camberwick Green? Excellent. That'll be 5 pounds.
SC pays, I hand over the tickets
Me - One return to Trumpton Camberwick Green. (And if you'd just said that to start with, we'd have been done 90 seconds ago.)

I'm so glad that we're not even expected to have good manners in my role; I do, I have excellent manners - I just reserve my best behaviour for those that deserve it!