I'm at my register ringing in 2 girls that are 19ish, at noon, a busy time. Scam Woman, known as SW, approaches them, waving a merchandise return card.
SW: "Excuse me? Could you help me out? I have this gift card and they won't let me get my prescription at the pharmacy with it. Can I give you this card while you give me the cash so I can buy them? Please?"
2Gs: "
*mouths "no no no no no" and makes hand gestures indicating no*
2Gs "
Um...no. Sorry?"
SW: "*sigh*"
Me: "LP Guy, call the front please?"
LP: *ring ring* "sup?"
I give a name and description of the woman, and LP guy, as well as other LP guy who's coming in to help us fix our cameras. They go outside and talk to SW and her boyfriend. The prescription is legitimate, they tell LP guys, for antibiotics.
LP Guy 2 talks to Pharmacist. Legitimate prescription, but for narcotics. Interesting fact: In NH, you are not required to take IDs for narcotics, but Aid of Rite does anyway. So her information is on file.
Then Manager A tells me this: Boyfriend of SW was in returning things for store credit, adding up to about $10. He turns around and buy $5 worth of junk food, leaving $5 on the card. The particular prescription she wants? More than $5.
SW: "Excuse me? Could you help me out? I have this gift card and they won't let me get my prescription at the pharmacy with it. Can I give you this card while you give me the cash so I can buy them? Please?"
2Gs: "


2Gs "

SW: "*sigh*"
Me: "LP Guy, call the front please?"
LP: *ring ring* "sup?"
I give a name and description of the woman, and LP guy, as well as other LP guy who's coming in to help us fix our cameras. They go outside and talk to SW and her boyfriend. The prescription is legitimate, they tell LP guys, for antibiotics.
LP Guy 2 talks to Pharmacist. Legitimate prescription, but for narcotics. Interesting fact: In NH, you are not required to take IDs for narcotics, but Aid of Rite does anyway. So her information is on file.
Then Manager A tells me this: Boyfriend of SW was in returning things for store credit, adding up to about $10. He turns around and buy $5 worth of junk food, leaving $5 on the card. The particular prescription she wants? More than $5.