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But I don't like that one...

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  • But I don't like that one...

    Yesterday I changed phones on a customers account and she then wanted to activate the old phone for her mother. No problem at all.

    So I do the activation.. Even though we are pre-paid, we ask for an address so we can get a local number for our customers.. I asked for her address, she asked me why I needed it and I explained. So she gave me her address.

    Well I did the activation and gave her her number. She then said that it wasnt a local number for her. I explained that I got a number using the address she provided.

    I guess she didnt hear the, "so we can get you a local number" part because she gave me her po box, which is in a different area then she lived.

    So I had to do a mobile number change and I gave her the correct area code, using a different address.

    Then after I gave her the new number, she states that she doesnt like that number.

    I explained our process of doing number changes. We put in a request for a number, they provide a number. We do not get to choose a number.

    She wasn't very happy about that and put her daughter on the phone.I explained the same thing to her..

    But do they listen? No... I ended up getting a sup to take over the call, who said exactly what I did and got hung up on.

  • #2
    Seems to be another case of "If I Want It, You Have to Make It So" Syndrome.

    If people did get to pick and choose their numbers, their would probably be a lot of stupid numbers out there... I can only imagine some people picking numbers that were some kind of perverted sexual innuendo already.
    "Oh, you hate your job? There's a club for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet down at the bar." ~Drew Carey


    • #3
      The thing is, you used to be able to pick your number if you wanted to. But it got to where people were getting mad if they couldn't have the number they wanted because it was taken already. So they changed it to where they gave you a choice of like 4 numbers, and you choose your favorite out of that. But even THAT got to be a pain in the ass. ("I don't like any of those." So rep has to generate four more. This goes on forever and ever.) Now, you get whatever randomly comes up. Some companies ONLY let you change your number if you move or are getting harrassing phone calls. Some companies will change your number...for a fee.

      Thank sucky customers for all these new policies.
      I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


      • #4
        We get that even at my job CellphoneSlave.

        One classic one I'll never forget was this. (sort of a thread jack here, but its on topic )

        Lady had a 616 area code just to set the stage.

        The rest of her number was something like 5096259 or something close to that. The exacts are really not pertinent to the story other than the fact there was another 6 in the number (you may already see where this is going. If not, the full number is 6165096259 - do you see it.) Yes this lady wanted her number changed because it had 666 in it. The exchange I had with her went something along the lines of......

        SC: But it has the "Devil's" number in it. (yes she emphasized devil quite heavily in the way that only SC's can)

        Me: (sighing internally) Ma'am, I can understand why you might not like that. I however don't see where in this number 666 is there together.

        SC: But its 6165096259

        Me: Yes Ma'am I am aware of that. The fact that you have a 616 area code means that you have very good odds of another 6 showing up in the number. The only way I could guarantee that you would not get a phone number with the number's 666 in it in any combination would be to change the area code, and even that is not a 100% guarantee.

        SC: Well why not?

        Me: Ok, to generate a phone number I tell the computer I want a particular area code. Let's say 313 for sake of argument. The computer then shows me what cities we have local numbers for, not the numbers themselves, just the name of the city. I pick the city based on the input I'm given from our customer, in this case you. Then the computer generates the next number available to us in that particular city. I have no control over what the number actually will be.

        SC: Well I need a 616 area code. If not then it won't be local for me.

        Me:Ok then there really is not much I can do to change the number to your liking Ma'am, I do appologize for that.......

        SC: Are you Christian?

        Me: I'm sorry? (I knew this was gonna happen, it was just a matter of when)

        SC: I said are you "Christian"?

        Me: Ma'am I don't see where my religious preferences enter into this. Whether or not I hold a preference toward one religion or another has no impact on this situation. Further......

        SC: I knew it, you discriminatin' against me because I'm Christian and I'm black.

        Me: Ma'am, understand that it's not that I can't change the number, I have no problem doing that. What I am trying to tell you is that even if I do change it to another number with the 616 area code, that there is no way I can guarantee that it won't have the same problem you have with the current number. In fact in all likelihood I would have to sift through over 1000 numbers just to get to one that does not have a third 6 in it.

        Needless to say this argument went back and forth for several minutes until finally she relented and got a different area code. Despite the number being long distance for her she was happy.

        Seriously though, I can see wanting a specific number for a business like 555-CARS or something but other than that why does it really matter?
        Last edited by Chanlin; 02-17-2007, 07:22 PM.


        • #5
          Quoth Chanlin View Post
          Me: Ma'am, understand that it's not that I can't change the number, I have no problem doing that. What I am trying to tell you is that even if I do change it to another number with the 616 area code, that there is no way I can guarantee that it won't have the same problem you have with the current number. In fact in all likelihood I would have to sift through over 1000 numbers just to get to one that does not have a third 6 in it.
          Sadly, your chances of not getting another number with a 6 in it are: 1 in 9^7, if I don't miss my guess...
          Er... no... that's not right. Let's think here...
          numbers, 0 to 9, last number, minus first, plus one, for range... so, 1^7 in 10,000,000. Not good odds.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            I can understand maybe if the 666 actually showed up together in the number, but 3 sixes scattered through the number does not a devil's number make...imho. and no i'm not a religious/superstitious type..
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Actually in most cases the numbers are sequential.

              So assuming she had 6259 then 7000 - 6259 = 741 number to get to 7000 assuming that we even own the 7000 block of numbers

              To clarify is usually goes 509 - xxxx all the way up to 9999 then they make a new exchange which usually is something completely different. Why? Because most companies will never ever go through 9,999 numbers for one area.
              Last edited by Chanlin; 02-17-2007, 09:04 PM.


              • #8
                Quoth Lyger View Post

                If people did get to pick and choose their numbers, their would probably be a lot of stupid numbers out there... I can only imagine some people picking numbers that were some kind of perverted sexual innuendo already.
                When I changed providers about 3 years ago, the new company spent about 2 weeks trying to "port" my old number over to the new phone. We finally got them to give up trying, and they let me choose my new number out of about ten different exchanges, and about 15 different numbers per exchange.

                I'm happy with my "new" number, and much happier with the new company! I can actually make and receive calls at my house now!

                No, I don't know if my number spells out anything. I've not tried that yet.
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Lyger View Post
                    I can only imagine some people picking numbers that were some kind of perverted sexual innuendo already.
                    What? I only wanted that number because I was born in 1969.

                    Quoth Chanlin View Post
                    SC: I knew it, you discriminatin' against me because I'm Christian and I'm black.
                    Wow, she hauled out both the race and religion cards. Two cards for the price of one. Must have been your lucky day.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      Quoth Myra View Post
                      Some companies ONLY let you change your number if you move or are getting harrassing phone calls. Some companies will change your number...for a fee.

                      Thank sucky customers for all these new policies.

                      I don't know about the other providers, but I know that we started charging a $15 fee to change a number (except for harassment) because there were far too many customers changing their numbers 4 or 5 times a month. Changing your number resets your minutes, so people could burn through all their minutes in a week and then call in and change their number, thus giving them another full set of minutes again. So there would be customers on $19.99 plans with like 50 number changes in a few months. I felt bad for people who legitimately just wanted a different number, but too many people were figuring it out and abusing the system.
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Wouldn't it make more since to fix it so they *didn't* get free minutes for switching numbers?

                        Yes, I know, "..It's not allowed."
                        Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                        • #13
                          I was able to choose the 4 numbers of my cell number, my birth month and day 0814. I tried a few combinations of birth month and year, etc. but the one I got was the only one not already taken. That's the problem with "choose your number" systems. The good ones go fast and everyone else gets pissed off.

                          And also, that woman is stupid for saying you were screwing with her because she was black....I HATE it when people play this card. Makes me want to tear my hair out.


                          • #14
                            My favorite is when numbers get recycled, leading to the wrong number threads we've had. My dad's old number was recycled, and strangely enough, one of my rather good guy friends got it. Even weirder, is this guy friends reminds me ALOT of my dad. It was odd.

                            And I got lucky--I love my #. It was a random draw, and it's easy to remember. Plus, my mom and brother have the same exchange, so I only have to remember the last 4 digits.
                            Last edited by myswtghst; 02-24-2007, 12:13 AM. Reason: Because I can spell. Really.
                            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                            • #15
                              Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                              Wouldn't it make more since to fix it so they *didn't* get free minutes for switching numbers?

                              Yes, I know, "..It's not allowed."
                              Yeah, but The System doesn't see it that way. The System was programmed by the devil. It knows nothing of convenience or logic.
                              "You are loved" - Plaidman.

