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Why yes, we ARE evil slot machine guys out to screw you!

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  • Why yes, we ARE evil slot machine guys out to screw you!

    Part of my casino job requires swapping out the cash boxes in the slot machines. If anyone is playing them at the time, they have to move away while we do our work, if they refuse, security will get involved. Most are understanding about it. This guy wasn't. I take it he'd been playing the machine for awhile and was totally in the zone when we walked up...

    SC: *startled* ... *notices our team and the security guys with us*
    SC: Who are you people?
    Me: We're just working on the machines sir, we need to you to step aside while we do this, it will only take a moment.
    SC: Oh no you don't! I know how this works!
    Me and CWs:
    Me: How what works?
    SC: I've been winning a fair bit of money on this machine...enough to get your attention it seems. You're going to rig this machine so I don't win as much aren't you?
    Me: No...we're just swapping out the cash boxes. It's like hitting the pause button on a video game, we don't alter the machine at all.
    SC: I don't believe you, you're going to try and screw me!
    (I should note it was pretty obvious this gentleman had been drinking)
    Me: Nobody's trying to screw you sir.
    SC: Ohhh sure, five guys with keys and three security guards just randomly show up when I hit a hot streak. Just where the hell were you people when I was losing huh?
    Me: Sir, I'm only going to tell you one more time. Please step aside so we can do this.
    SC: NO!
    Guard: Look sir, you can either get up voluntarily or we'll get you up and I'd prefer you did it on your own. Do you really want to make a scene?
    SC: FINE! I'll go, but I will be filing a formal complaint against all of you. I do not deserve this mistreatment merely for winning! *wanders off*

    We didn't run in to him again thank god, but the paranoia of some people astounds me.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Some gamblers are really, really picky and protective of "their" machines.

    Which totally doesn't make any sense. None of them are "luckier" than the others


    • #3
      This happened to me at a casino in Nevada I was visiting recently. I wasn't really on a winning streak, and had won about $60 in profit within an hour anyway before three guys come up requesting to change the cash boxes. Two of them were security guards and I knew they weren't fooling around and were just doing their job, so I grinned and said, "Sure, take your time. I have to get off while I'm ahead anyway. It's the smart thing to do."
      The guy changing the machine laughed at that and the guards grinned when he said, "See? You're a smart gambler to do that. You quit while you're ahead instead of pressing your luck and losing a ton of money." I grinned and nodded in agreement, then wished all three a good evening, and they wished me the same.

      And that was my attitude after having NINE beers. I guess they wished they had more customers like me. The guards were obviously there to make sure I didn't go Postal on a casino worker who is trying to do what his boss told him to do in the first place. But I can tell I made their day by how polite I was about it, given the full box of empty beer bottles that I was carrying away with me as well.


      • #4
        Doesn't that guy realize the best time to quit is when you're ahead? Especially if you are sitting on a nice sum of money. It doesn't take long for a hot streak to go cold (and in some cases really cold). And if there were some sort of rigging machines like that, the state gaming commission would come down hard on said casino.,


        • #5
          Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
          Guard: Look sir, you can either get up voluntarily or we'll get you up and I'd prefer you did it on your own. Do you really want to make a scene?
          We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
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          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
            And if there were some sort of rigging machines like that, ,
            they prolly would have done that remote, if they wanted to cheat


            • #7
              Quoth Yarnil View Post
              they prolly would have done that remote, if they wanted to cheat
              If they wanted to rig it so nobody made money on it, they probably would have rigged it before getting it on the floor.
              "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


              • #8
                Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                SC: I've been winning a fair bit of money on this machine...enough to get your attention it seems. You're going to rig this machine so I don't win as much aren't you?
                *Frustrated sigh* Well clearly you don't know how this works, sir. Because if you won anything significant, we would wait until you were outside the safety of the casino and the parking lot surveillance cameras. Then after kidnapping you and taking you out to a nondescript desert and/or mountain location we would hand you a shovel, have you dig a pretty decently sized grave and shoot you.

                We'd compensate your family with a mint on their pillow.

                Me: Nobody's trying to screw you sir.
                In any sense of the word, sir.


                • #9
                  Quoth Mr Hero View Post
                  We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
                  The easy way!
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