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I need a stick or a bat or something...

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  • I need a stick or a bat or something...

    The circus that I call a job continues.....


    Me: "and your name?"
    SC: "Sarah"
    Me: "…Sarah?"
    SC: "No one knows how to spell my name so I'm giving you my wife's name!"

    I beg to differ, I know perfectly well how to spell "Jackass".

    Yeah, I have that, thanks.

    Me: "I'll get that message to her in the morning"
    SC: "Great. You know her cell number, right?"

    Nope! Not a clue. In fact I have no contact information for her at all despite the fact she's been a client for 6 years. I'm just pretending so you'll go away. Clearly my deception was not intricate enough to fool your devilishly powers of perception. I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids.

    High Fashion

    The caller made a point of describing every item she wished to order and pointing out her preferred colours of choice. Unfortunately this allowed me to visualize the outfit she was attempting to achieve. Pink camo top, pink pants and green shoes. Oh hell yes, now there's a fashion statement. Of course, the statement is "Please shoot me with a tranquilizer rifle from a low flying helicopter so that I may be tagged with a radio tracker to allow scientists to track my migratory behaviour.". But a fashion statement none the less.


    Me:"Ok, by credit card or CoD?"
    SC: "CoD"
    Me: "Alright-"
    SC: "How you would you like that I pay for it?"
    Me: "You can pay for it when it arrives-"
    SC: "Can I pay you on Tuesday?"
    Me: "…you can pay for it when it arrives, in about two weeks."
    SC: "So I can pay it on Tuesday?"
    Me: "You can pay for it at the post office in about two weeks."
    SC: "Ok"

    Well, you did seem to know what COD was… we passed the first hurdle. But you totally face planted on that second hurdle, didn't you? Do you need a bandaid or something? Tilt your head back, that helps stop the bleeding.

    I know, God do I know.

    "America West sucks big time"

    Preaching to the choir, sister.

    Shift Commentary

    I, perhaps foolishly, elected to hit MoneyMart this evening to save me a trip to the bank after I get off work this morning. There was, however, a fatal flaw in my plan I was not aware of. Namely that the closest MoneyMart to Edmonds station is two stations down… Surrey. Let me tell you, going into Surrey on the Skytrain at night is far more entertaining then it is during the day. Not to mention going to MoneyMart…..not only did I get stuck in line behind two crackheads trying to get a payday loan "in small bills" for their respective fixes……but by walking into MoneyMart I have just signalled to every hobo, druggie and miscreant outside that I am alone, it is dark and I am probably carrying a significant amount of cash.

    Needless to say I returned post haste to the Skytrain amid the shifty, outstretched hands of the denizens of the night. One of them even tried to bum change off me halfway across the crosswalk in the middle of the street. Oh yes, that's wise. If I stop to give you a quarter we'll probably both be maimed. I don't trust most Vancouver drivers not to kill me in broad daylight, nevermind at night in the rain.

    Daily Double

    Me: "What city are you in?"
    SC: "The airport."

    Many have tried that answer before and all have failed. But, as I have said before, I am a forgiving soul. I will give you put one more chance to redeem yourself and figure out where the hell you are. In fact, I will give you 30 seconds to accomplish this relatively simple feat. So put the phone down, take a look around, wipe the drool off your chin, read some signs or try asking someone nearby that appears to have more of a clue then you do. If you want me, I'll be over here humming the Jeopardy theme.


    Me: "Good evening, <Company Name> Roofing"
    SC: "Yellow cab?"
    Me: "No, sorry. You have the wrong number."
    SC: "Can I get a cab?"
    Me: "You have the wrong number."
    SC: "I need a cab."
    Me: "You have the wrong number!"

    Will I do admire your persistence; you will still be utterly defeated by a pesky thing called "reality".


    Me: "Do you have a pen ready?"
    SC: "Uhhhhhh……..actually, I do have a pen!"

    Sad part is I'm just as surprised as you are.


    Me: "are you calling for an information package?"
    SC: "Oh God, no"

    Hah, you read my mind.


    Dell only sells laptops to idiots. I just wanted to take a moment to point that out.


    Caller indicated he did not need our anti-theft software because he carries a gun with him everywhere he goes. Alrighty then.

    Ok, I'm an adult. I can admit when I'm wrong. Dell doesn't sell laptops to idiots. Dell only sells laptops to idiots and lunatics.

    Shift Commentary

    "Wow, why are you hungry?"

    Wow, not even at the office yet and already a stupid question. Thank you 7/11 guy for kick starting my evening!


    Caller complained that her heat wouldn't turn down so it was too hot in her unit. ( So open a window? ). She was insistent that this was a huge problem ( As she is "old and asmatic", so I must take automatically do whatever she says ). So I passed it on to <clientname> ( Because I know he loves this kind of thing…. ).

    Sometime later she calls back, enraged, because <client> called her back and told her to word for word to just open a damn window. ( Hah! ). She once again reminds me that she is old and asmatic ( and I guess cannot operate windows ). She then basically tells me that if she dies, its my fault. I disagree. If you perish because you can't figure out how to open a window, that's natural selection at work.

    She actually told me "On your head be it!" like some sort of witch's curse. Hrm, maybe I should be throwing salt over my shoulder or something.

    Random Trivia

    Caller asked approximately 5 stupid questions ( Yes, I counted. ) thus tripling the length of time it took to actually book her a room. ( You go girl. ). She also, for no rational reason, informed me that a cab would add $20 to the price of any hotel room ( Regardless of time or distance to the hotel apparently. ). Not because it was relevant in any way shape or form to the conversation. But just "so you know".

    The hotel she booked had free shuttle service.


    "867" is the area code of the damned. It's where braincells go to die. Where Canada, for our protection , ships those too dimwitted to function in normal society without driving the rest of us crazy. It's a concentration camp for those among us that can’t figure out how to operate a doorknob. It's a dark, terrifying epicenter of all that is dumb whose sole function is to periodically call the rest of us in an attempt to suck us into its deep, frightening recesses like a black whirlpool that feeds on the IQ of others. It’s a frothing swamp full of intellectual leeches that desire nothing more then to drain the very mental capacity out of your skull like some sort of terrible brain vampire.

    To sum it up, everyone there is stupid.

    867!!!! <sob>

    Me: "I only have that item in large."
    SC: "Do you have it in small?"

    See?! Brain vampires! BRAIN VAMPIRES!@ Sweet baby Jeebus, someone get me a knife or a helmet or something to protect myself with!

    ( First thing she asked when I picked up the line )

    SC: "Do you have a daughter?"

    ……not that I'm aware of and if I ever did this is definitely not how I'd want to be informed of it. You're not from the Maury Povich show, are you?

    Diplomatic Relations

    Caller explained that he was in the military ( I guess this lends to his street cred or something ) and that the filthy Canadian police had arrested his wife and he was just looking for some help from "ma govermant". I asked him what she was being charged with. He said nothing….I pointed out that she had not been arrested, but was just in custody. He explained that she was mugged. He also specified it was "by a bunch of Canadians". I don't know how he figured that out. After all, we do travel in single file to hide our numbers. ( God help you if you get that. ).

    Of course she was in fact just being interviewed as a witness…..but hey, don't let me interrupt you and your feeble grasp on the legal system.

    ( Yes, the irony that he's calling the US government for help and speaking with a Canadian is not lost on me. ^^ )

    Wrong Numbers, AGAIN

    Me: "You have the wrong number."
    SC: "Why?"

    ….why? Because you dialed wrong? Because you're half drunk? Because you're not paying attention? Because you have the intellectual prowess of wet cardboard? Because your parents were brother and sister? Hell, I don't know. Pick one and get off my line.

    Tech Support

    SC: "Yeah hi, I called over half an hour ago!-"

    Mhmm…actually, you called approximately 14 minutes ago according to my case files. So unless you're calling me from the future I would suggest that you are, in fact, full of steamy bovine caca.


    Me: "What size did you want?"
    SC: "2 times."

    Hrm, wait, let me check my Moron to English dictionary….ah ha! You mean 2XL. I see what you did there. You were showing off your mad l33t grade 2 math skillz. Bravo.


    Me: "-and your phone number?"
    SC: "xxx-xxxx"
    Me: "Ok-"
    SC: "Postal code 705."

    …..right. That'll do pig, that'll do.


    As usual gotta toss in one coworker story:

    EG = Evening girl who gets off as my shift starts. Yes, the Mario 64 one.
    Me: Moi, of course.

    ( As I walk in the door )

    EG: "Hi, Gravekeeper!"
    Me: "..why are you so damn cheery?
    EG: "Because I get to go home soon!"
    Me: "I will *not* tolerate that kind of cheerfulness when I first walk into the office."
    EG: "Oh, well sorry. *(&$@ you, Gravekeeper!"
    Me: "That's more like it."


  • #2

    Yeah, I have that, thanks.

    Me: "I'll get that message to her in the morning"
    SC: "Great. You know her cell number, right?"
    Cell number? I was going to send it by messenger pigeon. And by 'messenger', I mean one that I find trying to eat cigarette butts at the Skytrain station.

    I know, God do I know.

    "America West sucks big time"

    Preaching to the choir, sister.
    I almost flew with them to go to Orange County. However, the website kept screwing up, so we went with Air Canada instead. Divine intervention at it's finest I suppose.

    I, perhaps foolishly, elected to hit MoneyMart this evening to save me a trip to the bank after I get off work this morning. There was, however, a fatal flaw in my plan I was not aware of. Namely that the closest MoneyMart to Edmonds station is two stations down… Surrey.
    Are you new to the area? In what alternate reality did this come across as a good idea?

    Daily Double

    Me: "What city are you in?"
    SC: "The airport."
    May I suggest that she stay at the Airporter Toast Hotel?

    Shift Commentary

    "Wow, why are you hungry?"

    Wow, not even at the office yet and already a stupid question. Thank you 7/11 guy for kick starting my evening!
    Isn't late night munchies what keeps 7-11 alive in the first place?

    Sometime later she calls back, enraged, because <client> called her back and told her to word for word to just open a damn window. ( Hah! ). She once again reminds me that she is old and asmatic ( and I guess cannot operate windows ). She then basically tells me that if she dies, its my fault. I disagree. If you perish because you can't figure out how to open a window, that's natural selection at work.
    These people drive me nuts. You give them a solution to their problem and, instead of following through with it, they complain that you have ruined everything and they'll just have to suffer. Fine. Suffer.

    Random Trivia

    Caller asked approximately 5 stupid questions ( Yes, I counted. ) thus tripling the length of time it took to actually book her a room. ( You go girl. ). She also, for no rational reason, informed me that a cab would add $20 to the price of any hotel room ( Regardless of time or distance to the hotel apparently. ). Not because it was relevant in any way shape or form to the conversation. But just "so you know".

    The hotel she booked had free shuttle service.
    It also cost her $550 to fly there from Whitehorse. So you know.


    "867" is the area code of the damned.

    867!!!! <sob>

    Me: "I only have that item in large."
    SC: "Do you have it in small?"
    A lot of them own firearms too.

    Diplomatic Relations
    He also specified it was "by a bunch of Canadians". I don't know how he figured that out. After all, we do travel in single file to hide our numbers. ( God help you if you get that. ).
    Because they had all sewn canadian flags to their backpacks.

    Wrong Numbers, AGAIN

    Me: "You have the wrong number."
    SC: "Why?"
    Divine intervention? You were not meant to get through to Pizza Hut. Besides, they probably don't even deliver to Yellowknife.

    You were showing off your mad l33t grade 2 math skillz. Bravo.
    Ah yes. Morning coffee all over my keyboard. Awesome.


    Me: "-and your phone number?"
    SC: "xxx-xxxx"
    Me: "Ok-"
    SC: "Postal code 705."
    Again with the postal codes....

    …..right. That'll do pig, that'll do.
    Where have I heard this before?
    -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
    -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


    • #3
      Quoth BusBus View Post
      Where have I heard this before?
      Quote from Ling-Ling to Toot on Drawn Together, first episode. Toot says Ling-Ling's name 3 times and inadvertantly triggers his berserker rage.
      DJ Particle


      • #4
        It's also from Babe, a movie about a little sheep-pig. (he herds sheep in competitions). his owner says that to him at the end of the final competition. Wayyyyyy before Drawn Together.


        • #5
          Actually its from Babe.... -.-

          I know, Surrey, I was foolish. But I never go into Surrey so I didn't think anything off it till I stepped off the Skytrain into a pack of druggies. -.-


          • #6
            I don't know how he figured that out. After all, we do travel in single file to hide our numbers. ( God help you if you get that. ).

            Apparently I need God's help


            • #7
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              Daily Double

              Me: "What city are you in?"
              SC: "The airport."
              No! Not AGAIN! I mean, yes, it is also full of people and businesses, and that's slightly better than "the airporter," but Jesus on a cracker. Maybe they forgot to put their brain in their carry-on and it got lost.
              Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Diplomatic RelationsI pointed out that she had not been arrested, but was just in custody. He explained that she was mugged. He also specified it was "by a bunch of Canadians". I don't know how he figured that out. After all, we do travel in single file to hide our numbers. ( God help you if you get that. ).
                <waves hand> "We are not the Canadians you are looking for."


                • #9
                  *phoenix beat me to it*

                  After all, we do travel in single file to hide our numbers. ( God help you if you get that. ).
                  SAND RAIDERS!

                  i also am in need of god's help...
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Come, we must get indoors!
           do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                    Chickens are Asexual!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      EG: "Hi, Gravekeeper!"
                      Me: "..why are you so damn cheery?
                      EG: "Because I get to go home soon!"
                      Me: "I will *not* tolerate that kind of cheerfulness when I first walk into the office."
                      EG: "Oh, well sorry. *(&$@ you, Gravekeeper!"
                      Me: "That's more like it."
                      Sounds like conversations I've had with coworkers.
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth DarthRetard View Post
                        It's also from Babe, a movie about a little sheep-pig. (he herds sheep in competitions). his owner says that to him at the end of the final competition. Wayyyyyy before Drawn Together.
                        Ah...I've never seen Babe
                        DJ Particle


                        • #13
                          funny thing about the pig quote: i heard that this afternoon on an episode of 'johnny bravo.' gotta love imitations, right?
                          look! it's ghengis khan!
                          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                            Me: "Good evening, <Company Name> Roofing"
                            SC: "Yellow cab?"
                            Me: "No, sorry. You have the wrong number."
                            SC: "Can I get a cab?"
                            Me: "You have the wrong number."
                            SC: "I need a cab."
                            Me: "You have the wrong number!"

                            Will I do admire your persistence; you will still be utterly defeated by a pesky thing called "reality".
                            I love people like that. After they've asked for the third time I drop my voice an octave and say "I'm sorry. My grandson is with me today. Where do you need a cab sent to? Ok, a cab will be there within 30 minutes."

                            Figure that the average person will wait the 30 minutes for the cab to show up, give it another 10-15 minutes figuring bad traffic somewhere then they will call again. And since I have caller ID, I know to disguise my voice a second time and let them know that I'm not a cab company but a computer store.

                            thinking of them sitting on a cold street corner waiting on a cab that will never come is a fitting punishment for the crime of not listening to us clerks when we say we're hardware/computer/grocery/lingerie/sex toy stores.

                            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                            • #15
                              Gravekeeper, I am definitely a fan of your "column". always an enjoyable read--carry on
                              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

