Are there still yuppies? I might be betraying my age here....anyway, this well-dressed couple came into the laundromat last night with a mattress pad they needed to wash. They had never been in a laundromat before and the woman kept saying that.
Now, one thing I really hate is when people act all helpless in order to get me to do their laundry for them. Old farts whose wives have passed away are especially guilty of this (they never had to touch a washing machine). The other most guilty of this are RICH PEOPLE. I am NOT doing your laundry for you unless you want to pay the drop-off prices.
So this woman is fretting about the machines. Her husband is useless. He just stands there, with this amused look on his face at his "adorable" wife. She finally picks a machine and asks me to explain the complex concept of detergent.
Me: "You'll want to fill your cap up about 3/4, put about a tablespoon of that into the prewash [I point at compartment], then dump the rest in the main wash compartment [point to other one]."
Woman stares at me with that slack-jawed, deer-in-headlights look. I repeat my schpiel.
Woman: "I-I still don't...I don't understand..."
Finally after several tries, she FINALLY gets it.
Geez Louise! How do these people get rich if they can't handle the simplest of tasks?? Then they asked if I would dry it for them because they had to be somewhere. I agreed, if only to be spared having to give a course on laundry drying. They left me money and came back before closing to pick it up.
Now, one thing I really hate is when people act all helpless in order to get me to do their laundry for them. Old farts whose wives have passed away are especially guilty of this (they never had to touch a washing machine). The other most guilty of this are RICH PEOPLE. I am NOT doing your laundry for you unless you want to pay the drop-off prices.
So this woman is fretting about the machines. Her husband is useless. He just stands there, with this amused look on his face at his "adorable" wife. She finally picks a machine and asks me to explain the complex concept of detergent.
Me: "You'll want to fill your cap up about 3/4, put about a tablespoon of that into the prewash [I point at compartment], then dump the rest in the main wash compartment [point to other one]."
Woman stares at me with that slack-jawed, deer-in-headlights look. I repeat my schpiel.
Woman: "I-I still don't...I don't understand..."
Finally after several tries, she FINALLY gets it.
Geez Louise! How do these people get rich if they can't handle the simplest of tasks?? Then they asked if I would dry it for them because they had to be somewhere. I agreed, if only to be spared having to give a course on laundry drying. They left me money and came back before closing to pick it up.
