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That was a dirty look?

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  • That was a dirty look?

    This will probably be a bit long...

    About a year ago, I used to work in a jewelry store. It was a kiosk in the mall. Part of a chain, you may have seen one before. We did sell real jewelry (real gold, sterling silver, etc.), but because we were a kiosk, we got a lot of the types of customers that other kiosks get (those who like to carry large amounts of cash in their bras, those who like to haggle, etc.).

    So, I was working. And 2 ladies walk up. One looks decently dressed (jeans, t-shirt). The other looked...sloppy. She looked to be about 300 lbs., was wearing a HUGE t-shirt with stains all over it, her hair was a get the picture. I am not being judgmental about this, but it is pertinent to the story.

    So both ladies browse around and start picking out items. Expensive items. This always set off red flags for me (most often, they try to pay with a check, and it gets declined). They aren't giving the items much thought, just randomly picking stuff out. When all is said and done, they have about $500 worth of merchandise between them. I give them the total.

    Lo and behold, the larger woman pulls out her checkbook and starts writing. I knew it, but I do not jump to conclusions. If the check goes through, yay for me. If it doesn't, well, then oh well. While the customer is writing the check, I really don't have anything to do. So I stand there and wait. To my knowledge, I don't consciously look at anyone or anything in particular. A lot of times I look at the customer, but that is because they are the customer...why shouldn't I look at them? But apparently there was something in my gaze that the "skinnier" girl did not like.

    Her: "Nu-uh, you shouldn't be looking at her like that."
    Me: "Excuse me?"
    Her: "The way you're looking at her, just 'cause she's bigger. Nu-uh, that is not right."
    Me: "Ma'am, I do apologize if you think I was looking at her a certain 'way', but let me assure you that if I did, it was purely unintentional." Why would I give dirty looks to a customer who is potentially spending $500 at my store??
    Her: [Continues making little "Nu-uh" and "tsk-tsk" noises, muttering, "No, that is not right at all..."]
    Me: [Getting a little irritated] "Ma'am. I APOLOGIZED. I don't know what you think I did, but all I can do is apologize. Alright?"
    Her: [making little "Whoa-Whoa" gestures] "It's okay, it's cool. I was just playing." What? Playing? She sounded genuinely offended to me. Meanwhile her friend hadn't said anything.

    In the meantime, the check has been written. So, I take the check, and I ask for a Drivers License. Keep in mind the sloppy looking girl (SG) wrote the check, NOT her defensive friend (HDF).

    Me: "I just need to see your ID."
    SG: "Oh, I don't..."
    HDF: "Her whole purse got stolen, she doesn't have anything."
    Me: "Well, without a valid state-issued ID, unfortunately I can't accept this check. Especially for such a large amount."
    HDF: "I just told you, it was stolen."
    SG: "I've got a Social Security card?"
    HDF: "I'm sorry, that's our policy, I can't make any exceptions."
    HDF: "Fine, we need to go get cash. We'll be back."

    At that point they take off, and I put all the merchandise back. Of course they never come back. The whole situation was so bizarre. Not so much the bad check thing, but the fact that I got accused of giving a dirty look to a customer. That was definitely a first for me. First rule is, smile and be nice no matter what kind of person is on the other side of the counter, and no matter how much they freak you out.

    “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick

  • #2
    I've had similar situations in all my years of retail...I've learned that many tend to try and distract you and upset you to the point where you not able to focus on your job duties such as asking for i.d and standing firm about it...Had a woman go ape shit on me because I did not fold her clothes to he liking (same scenerio a rather large woman not dressed great and a slimmer mouthy friend) well she just kept snapping at me about everything but I still called the check in and lo and behold it was declined the slimmer mouthy friend just left her friend in there while she took off...sad really!


    • #3
      Quoth CSR Kim View Post
      At that point they take off, and I put all the merchandise back. Of course they never come back.
      "This is my surprised face."
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth CSR Kim View Post
        First rule is, smile and be nice no matter what kind of person is on the other side of the counter, and no matter how much they freak you out.
        It takes 28 muscles to frown
        It takes 14 muscles to smile
        It takes 0 muscles to give the SC's the dumb look they deserve

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          It takes 28 muscles to frown
          It takes 14 muscles to smile
          It takes 0 muscles to give the SC's the dumb look they deserve

          I really broke rule #1 with a freakin' protein shake! That would be been messy......
          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


          • #6
            Quoth georgiab View Post
            I've had similar situations in all my years of retail...I've learned that many tend to try and distract you and upset you to the point where you not able to focus on your job duties such as asking for i.d and standing firm about it
            Distraction was the first word that came into my mind as well, but nothing to do with ID. I wondered if Skinny was trying to distract your attention so completely, that Fatty would have time to grab the jewellery and run away.
            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
            - Dave Barry


            • #7
              I know a lot of "smart" scammers will do little things to "throw you off" so you might be an easier target when the scam comes to fruition. It sounds like she was trying to make you overly-self-conscious about offending her or her friend so you'd be more likely to let the "no ID" thing slide.

              Good on you for sticking to policy.

              Sometimes I wish that when I had worked in retail, I would have been allowed to keep all the policies for my area on a THICK clipboard....

              Customer complains, show them the policy.
              Customer STILL complains, show them the policy again THEN smack them over the head with the clipboard/policy for wasting your time.


              • #8
                Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                It takes 28 muscles to frown
                It takes 14 muscles to smile
                I heard this one too:

                It only takes 4 muscles to reach over and punch the person.

                While I don't condone violence it's funny to visualize.
                I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

