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Fear, Fearless, and the crazy SC (longish)

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  • Fear, Fearless, and the crazy SC (longish)

    My first SC post!

    I work as a complaints manager for a very large department store. In the same town as a large college. Basically if wal-mart does not carry it, they come to us.

    Complaints Managers deal basically with customers all day long, and manage returns. Because of recent downfalls in the department store world, we have finally been allowed to turn down returns! Old policy was when something was brought back, we had to turn around and bend-over for them.

    Here is a fun story from last week to get my feet wet!

    But first the dreaded background info;

    Right around the policy shift, we have been getting a rash of returned software. Basically, people would be getting disks that would not run. And that the manufacturer would not accept them when we shipped them back. I got involved and found out somthing interesting, someone was buying computer games. Opening them, making a copy of the disks label. Then they would then put that label on a CDR or DVDR and then reseal the package with a shrink wrap machine. So it looked like the real deal, just defective.

    I had all the returned software put aside before it was reshelved. And that is where I found it. The box was shrink wrapped, but the clear circular sticker you need to remove to open the box was neatly cut.

    Lucky our inventory control software is relatively recent. When somthing is bought with anything other then cash, a name is attached to a recent. When you return somthing we print up a tag that is attached to the product. Its nothing but a bar code, however when you scan it with a hand scanner. You can find out who bought it, who returned it, why it was returned, and where it needs to go. To bad we remove them when the item is returned to the floor. (If you payed with cash, or its a gift we require valid ID. So we always at least know who returned it.)

    Well I looked up who it was, 19 years old with an out of state drivers license. Definitely a college student. I put a note on his account, if he tries to return somthing again. Call me.

    A few days ago I get the phone call.

    Me: Daskinor the Pixie Blight (bonus points if you get the joke)
    C: Sweet cashier girl in the electronics department.
    SC: enough said.

    C: "Hello sir, I am having trouble clearing a note from the system" (this is the secret code for trouble)
    SC: *in the background* Common I don't have all day, just give me a gift card or somthing.
    Me: "Il be down in 60"

    I get there, and here is this goth/pagan looking guy just giving her a hard time. White skin, red hair black makeup. Spikes on everything and the finger armor. I creep up.

    SC: I never had this trouble before, just take the damn return I have a gift receipt.
    S: "Hes here, he can clear the note so we can continue."

    The SC turns around, I forgot to mention I am a big guy, 6'8" and wide. The SC was only like 5'6" and was skinny as hell. But he looked shocked at first, but he slid right back into his confident self.

    As I am walking back behind the counter.

    SC: "This damn hillbilly cant seem to work the computers, can we hurry it up so I can get out of here."
    Me: *After giving him the eye of displeasure* "Let me take a look, and please don't insult the employees."
    SC: "Whatever man! Just hurry it up"

    I look over the package sure enough the sticker is cut clean

    Me: "Why are you returning this"
    SC: *rolls his eyes like this is some kind of huge inconvenience* "Like I told her, it was a gift. I already have it. Just give me a gift card."
    Me: "Alright I am going to need your..."
    SC: *Before I could finish he whips out his drivers license.* "Here"
    Me: *I make like I am typing in somthing, in the computer* "But in reality I hit the panic button that summons a security guard."

    Takes them less then 2 minutes to get there.

    Guard: "What is the problem?"
    Me: "Hold him for shoplifting, and call the police"
    SC: "WTF man, I was returning somthing. You have somthing against pagans don't you. You all are f**ucking white trash hicks."

    One of the security guards grabs him by the shoulder, the SC then turns and punches the him in the face then makes a run for it. They eventually catch him just outside the mall entrance.

    In the end we are pressing charges on assault, and shoplifting. His mother called the store manager yesterday. So I am curious to what she had to say.

  • #2
    Quoth Daskinor View Post
    His mother called the store manager yesterday. So I am curious to what she had to say.
    Welcome to! Glad you could be here.

    That sure was a great story to kick off with. And I admit, I'm a little curious as to what the mother said as well.

    Again, great story, and welcome!
    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


    • #3
      Quoth Daskinor View Post
      His mother called the store manager yesterday. So I am curious to what she had to say.
      I'm not a betting man, but 20 bucks says it's "How dare you arrest my son? My pweeecious would never do such I thing! etc etc..."
      Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


      • #4
        Oh, please, follow up with us. We like to hear the stories to the end, especially when an SC gets their deserved comeuppance!
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Quoth Daskinor View Post
          I get there, and here is this goth/pagan looking guy just giving her a hard time. White skin, red hair black makeup. Spikes on everything and the finger armor.

          SC: "WTF man, I was returning somthing. You have somthing against pagans don't you. You all are f**ucking white trash hicks."

          Welcome to the board, and blessings! On behalf of pagans everywhere, I can almost guarantee that if this guy was acting like this, he probably wasn't pagan! He's probably one of those that just likes those clothes. And we don't all dress like that, I'm mostly in jeans and t-shirts! If you throw up your beliefs when you've been caught doing something you ought not be, that's just wrong.

          But, yes, please let us know what "mama" has to say. I'm hoping against hope that she's a parent that does not automatically assume that her charming offspring could not possibly do any wrong.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #6
            Was this knucklehead wearing the uber-baggy pants many Goths I've seen like to wear? If so, it's no wonder he didn't get very far when he tried to run.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              Was this knucklehead wearing the uber*-baggy pants many Goths I've seen like to wear?
              it's not the pants-trust me I wear them(mainly because I'm tired of guys staring at my butt-the baggy pants hide that I have one ), it the fact that a goodly portion of them do nothing more strenuous than type on a keyboard and are out of shape. I'm in good shape, I can run in just about any type/style of clothing-ask the Army about running in baggy pants(more freedom of movement)-that's actually where I got used to it.

              *uber means over in German-it is not a modifier-major pet peeve sorry
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


              • #8
                OFF TOPIC

                Actually even the germans use it as a modifier on some words. Ubermensch (sp?) just for one example.

                And in this case uber baggy would apply if you put the literal translation in there, IE over baggy.

                I agree it gets overused quite a bit, but its still contextually correct more often than not.

                /OFF TOPIC
                Last edited by Chanlin; 02-24-2007, 07:51 PM. Reason: spelling


                • #9
                  Oh I would do anything to hear the mother give her son the proper comeuppance. Welcome to CS by the way!
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #10
                    Yes, yes, welcome daaaahling!

                    Let me be the first to introduce you to the salmon

                    and the brain bleach

                    Just be sure to put them back where you found them!!

                    Anyways, good story! It's hard to believe some people have the brains to actually do a con like that, but are stupid enough to do over and over thinking no one's ever gonna catch them. Good job on catching him as well! Hopefully he doesn't do this with other department stores as well . . . I, too, wonder what his mommy will say to him. If I was that boys mother well . . .
                    This area is left blank for a reason.


                    • #11
                      The mother is a piece of work herself!

                      I adapted the conversation from her transcription of the conversation. I only got to read it not keep a copy. Names changed of course.

                      SM: Store Manager, Shes so awesome, and cute I want to marry her
                      SCM: Stupid Customer's Mother

                      SM: Hello, this is Ms. Awfullycute
                      SCM: Hello
                      SM: Yes
                      SCM: Are you the the manager of ..........
                      SM: Yes ma'am
                      SCM: No your not, I want to speak to the manager
                      SM: I assure you ma'am that I am.
                      SCM: Alright, I want to talk to whoever can drop the charges on my son
                      SM: Your son?
                      SCM: His name is Goth Loser, and I am Mrs. Loser
                      SM: Oh yes, I am sorry ma'am I can not drop the charges. Corporate Policy.
                      SCM: Yes you can, he only stole a game
                      SM: I can not discuss the facts of the case, your son is over 18.
                      SCM: Listen Bitch, If he gets arrested he will miss school. He can not miss school.
                      SM: I am sorry I can not help you. Everything has been turned over to the authorities.
                      SCM: Can you not listen, This is my son's future! What kind of bullshit do you have on my son!
                      SM: I can not share that with you. Your son's lawyer can request an order of disclosure.
                      SCM: Its the way he dresses isn't it. He is entitled to dress however he sees fit. And you backwards people should not judge because of that. He is not a criminal.
                      SM: I can assure you it was not the way he was dressed.
                      SCM: *Yells so loud it can not be made out*
                      SM: If there is anything else?
                      SM: Ma'am we are the closest store to you and it is over 300 miles away.
                      SCM: *Slams Phone*


                      • #12
                        And thus I am 20 virtual dollars richer. For some reason I don't draw much comfort from that...
                        Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                        • #13
                          Yup, it was the Pweeeescious defence. Hell, I know folks at school who dress like that. Most of them are well-adjusted, save the taste in clothing.
                          Gun control is hitting your target; recycling is reloading your brass.
                          "It's not our fault the Business School makes you buy those crappy Gateways!"
                          "The queue is..."


                          • #14
                            I do have to admit though, that is a pretty clever way to shoplift. I imagine it would have taken alot longer to track down had he replaced the stickers before shrink wrapping them. If he only pulled it off once or twice, it might have worked.

                            Sadly, if someone DID end up buying that piece of merchandise, and brought it back claiming it was defective...I think corporate would tell them to pound sand thinking that THEY were the ones stealing!
                            "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."

