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*Blink* * blink*

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  • *Blink* * blink*

    I was closing manager the other night when I got paged to the front end for "customer service." When a manager gets paged to the front for customer service at my store it is never good. I get there and this really big man is just tearing into the cashier because she is following store policy. He was trying to return a ball of yarn that was on sale without a receipt, corporate policy dictates he gets store credit for the sale amount. That is what the cashier was trying to explain to him but he wasn't having it. I could hear him from half way through the store calling her every name in the book and just being a huge bully. I absolutely hate it when customers berate the cashiers. They're at the very bottom of the pecking order their ain't nothing they can do about corporate policy and if they break it they risk being written up. There is something especially vile about a large guy trying to intimidate a small woman like this cashier happens to be.

    So as I get up to the register he drops the c word. Yep in front of me. I pulled myself up straight (all five feet, four inches and 130 lbs of me) and said "Sir you will not talk to one of my cashiers that way. If you wish to use that sort of language with me that's fine I get paid more, now what exactly seems to be the problem?" He just blinked stupidly at me and told me she wouldn't give him cash for the yarn. I explained the policy again. He blinked again said "Oh" and left with his yarn still blinking stupidly.


  • #2
    Good for you!
    I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
    "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


    • #3
      Good for you standing up to him!

      I dispise "tough guys".

      I was not part of this, but I did witness it as I was shopping one day.

      I was at Books-A-Million basically killing time and relaxing when in walks this wanna-be gantsa with no shirt and his hat turned sideways.

      *Note: This was a couple of years ago, so it may not have been EXACTLY what was said, but it's close. Brief, strong language*

      WBG=wanna be gangsta

      E: Excuse me sir, you can't come in here without a shirt
      WBG: Excuse me?
      E: I apologize, but our dress code is clearly posted on our door

      (by this time, I think the store manager went ahead and summoned the police because they were there FAST! Also note, this was in the Cafe portion of Books-A-Million. The one near where I live has the cafe right in the front)

      E: Sir, I am not disrespecting you, you just have to wear a shirt when you come in
      WBG: Man, fuck you you little bitch
      E: Sir, you need to leave now.

      *WBG goes to take a swing at the employee and another customer grabs his arm and pulls him back*

      *WBG gets pissed, knocks the customer's coffee off the table and takes off running*

      (now here comes the funny part)

      *WBG runs out the double doors and into the parking lot, makes it a few steps and the Sheriff's Deputy that was summoned makes an appearance SPEARING him!*

      (anyone that is familiar with professional wrestling, think Edge)

      Everyone in the cafe starts laughing and clapping

      Gotta love wanna be gangeters. I know that nothing makes you more hardcore than knocking somebody's coffee off the table and running away


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        *WBG runs out the double doors and into the parking lot, makes it a few steps and the Sheriff's Deputy that was summoned makes an appearance SPEARING him!*
        Go Deputy Awesome! Stuff like that is why cops always drank free at my coffee place.
        "Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane."
        - Raven


        • #5

          I bet he got a nice case of road rash on his back since he had no shirt on. Not to mention the whiplash of his head bouncing off the street.

          I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


          • #6
            Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
            Good for you standing up to him!

            (anyone that is familiar with professional wrestling, think Edge)

            I was thinking more of Bill Goldberg, Rhyno(Rhino) Bobby Lashley, Batista
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              Wasn't quite Rhino style violent


              • #8
                bwahaha I can just hear Cartman right now... "Respect mah authoritah!!!!"

                teehee "Don't be disrespectin' me"... as if we want to see your scrawny little hairless chest.
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  Why is always people that ought not to be wearing (or not wearing, as the case may be) certain clothes will insist upon doing so. Like hairy guys with huge bellies wearing....speedos. Thereby making this necessary.

                  *We really need a smiley that's stabbing it's eyes out!
                  It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                  • #10
                    I had a guy bellowing at me b/c Ticketmaster decided to stop printing lists of the shows they offered. Reason for doing so?

                    1) To have a complete list every week - would be the size of an average PHONE BOOK. So having a partial list was annoying and useless.
                    2) The dates/people/acts/times would invariably change, making lists useless.
                    3) They took up too much room and cost too much to make and ship

                    I politely told the customer the lists went out of production several months before. His response to that was to bellow at me, lean over the counter, shaking his fist at me and blaming me for not pulling a list for him out of my ass. He actually accused me of hiding said lists, and said I must only put them out for "good" Ticketmaster customers. WTF?? I replied that there are no "GOOD" Ticketmaster customers as we only make $2 off a ticket no matter the cost of the ticket.

                    In walks in my Regional manager - as in, this guy is in charge of the East Coast out to Ohio manager. He sees this guy start laying into me again and walks over. He asks me if I'm okay. (I was a bit shaky in the knees but wasn't going to admit it.) Then he tells the guy to leave his store and never come back. The guy had the nerve to begin arguing with RM. Bad bad thing. RM is an awesome guy and probably the only person I miss in the hellish company - but you do NOT EVER piss him off. RM basically told the guy to leave, and if he ever came into his stores again, harassed his employees or made a scene in any way whatsoever - he'd have him arrested for trespassing. Then, he handed the guy his business card in case he had any "questions" and told him to get out. Now.

                    I stood there with my mouth open for the entire thing. RM then asked me if I'd like to have lunch with him, and went back to the food court (from which he had just come) to go get me food even after I insisted I could fetch my own. He even remembered I don't like mustard or onion on my McD's burgers. I loved that about him.

                    I hate when people intimidate others, especially much smaller others. oddly enough - I am a fierce defender of my staff, yet I really don't defend myself in such situations. Thank chocolate, I don't have those situations anymore at new awesome work.
                    Last edited by Luna; 02-25-2007, 01:58 PM. Reason: spelling
                    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                    • #11
                      Going back to my grocery store and Circuit City days, I can't even recall how many times big burly guys went off on me for one reason or another. You learn to let it roll off your shoulder, though thankfully I was always able to retain my composure and no one every succeeded in bringing me to tears or tremble before their supersized presence. But I will say this. If anyone, ever dropped the c-bomb on me, I would have been fired on the spot. But the smouldering crater where that customer had been standing would have made it more than worth it.

                      The nice thing about working customer service is that I have far more power than any customer.

                      "Sir, I would like to assist you, but I'm going to have to ask you to cease with the profanity."

                      Customer: F-this and F-you and F-your company

                      "Sir, again I am asking you to stop the abusive language, or I will end this call."


                      "As you have continued to use abusive language, I am now ending this call."

                      Then I hit my shiny little button and he's gone.
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                      • #12
                        Gotta love wanna be gangeters. I know that nothing makes you more hardcore than knocking somebody's coffee off the table and running away

                        Somebody should really write a gangsta' rap about that.

                        It could be called "Mama' said to knock yo' coffee up."
                        Last edited by Ree; 02-25-2007, 03:02 PM. Reason: Fixing quote tags
                        Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.

