So gas has been a recurrent theme in my work life. I used to work at a gas station before working for a natural gas company. Anyhow, it was strange how many people thought that since I was a low-level, barely-paid, dead-eyed, jaded cashier that I would pretty much let them walk out the door with anything. Here's some fun ones. Also, imagine me as a short, scrawny, pasty guy who tries his best to keep a Buster Keaton expression at all times, it helps!
SC: Hey man, could you toss me a pack of Camels?
ME [knows he's underage]: Could I get your ID?
SC: MAN! Why do I need an ID if I'm not even going to pay for them?
ME: *sigh*
SC by alcohol case: Hey! Could you watch the security camera and make sure it won't see me?
ME: No.
SC: Could you turn it off?
ME: No.
SC: F*** you!
[same SC as above, different time] Hey! Could you put some Smirnoffs outside the back door for me? (we stored all of the liquor in back...right by the freaking delivery door, brilliant!)
ME: No.
SC: MAN! I'll let you have some!
ME: No.
[previous employee, now sucky customer]: Hey Michael, how are you!? (syrupy sweet)
ME: Not good, working.
PE: I need some gas, could you call it in as a drive off and describe a different car?
ME: Uh, no.
PE: Well, could you at least not call the cops?
SC: Man, I need some money or my dealer is gonna' kill me.
ME: Uh huh... [everyone did know this guy was a meth dealer]
SC: So...
ME: What?
SC: Could you just give me some?
ME: I'm broke.
SC: From the register.
ME: No.
SC: Dude, at least overcharge customers and let me have the change.
ME: Please leave.
[me in back seeing an idiot dashing behing the counter to steal a *CARTON* of Marlboros.] : DUDE! Put those back.
[idiot standing behind the counter with a very noticable bulge in his sweater pocket]: Put what back?
ME: The cigarettes perhaps?
SC: I don't have anything man.
ME: Then why are you behind the counter?
SC: I want to work here man...
And my favorite moment of all time at that store didn't involve a sucky customer, but a very lousy narcotics agent, whom I will call "LNA".
LNA, doing a lousy stoner impression:, you guys know..."power pills" (herbal energy) with...ephedra in them?
ME, trying not to laugh, since Ephedra had just been banned, and no one in their right mind asked for it by name: Nope, they're banned.
LNA: Oh really? Bummer man...real bummer.
ME: Yeah, so you had $x.xx in gas?
LNA: Yeah man! you go.
ME: Have a nice day.
LNA, before he leaves: Hey you smoke POT! (his eyes got comically large when he said "pot" and he said it really awkwardly)
ME: No. [*cough*]
LNA: Do you know where I could score some POT? (same inflection on "pot")
ME: No. Please leave.
LNA: [leaves and jumps into his fancy car with government plates]
ME: *laughing hysterically*
SC: Hey man, could you toss me a pack of Camels?
ME [knows he's underage]: Could I get your ID?
SC: MAN! Why do I need an ID if I'm not even going to pay for them?
ME: *sigh*
SC by alcohol case: Hey! Could you watch the security camera and make sure it won't see me?
ME: No.
SC: Could you turn it off?
ME: No.
SC: F*** you!
[same SC as above, different time] Hey! Could you put some Smirnoffs outside the back door for me? (we stored all of the liquor in back...right by the freaking delivery door, brilliant!)
ME: No.
SC: MAN! I'll let you have some!
ME: No.
[previous employee, now sucky customer]: Hey Michael, how are you!? (syrupy sweet)
ME: Not good, working.
PE: I need some gas, could you call it in as a drive off and describe a different car?
ME: Uh, no.
PE: Well, could you at least not call the cops?
SC: Man, I need some money or my dealer is gonna' kill me.
ME: Uh huh... [everyone did know this guy was a meth dealer]
SC: So...
ME: What?
SC: Could you just give me some?
ME: I'm broke.
SC: From the register.
ME: No.
SC: Dude, at least overcharge customers and let me have the change.
ME: Please leave.
[me in back seeing an idiot dashing behing the counter to steal a *CARTON* of Marlboros.] : DUDE! Put those back.
[idiot standing behind the counter with a very noticable bulge in his sweater pocket]: Put what back?
ME: The cigarettes perhaps?
SC: I don't have anything man.
ME: Then why are you behind the counter?
SC: I want to work here man...
And my favorite moment of all time at that store didn't involve a sucky customer, but a very lousy narcotics agent, whom I will call "LNA".
LNA, doing a lousy stoner impression:, you guys know..."power pills" (herbal energy) with...ephedra in them?
ME, trying not to laugh, since Ephedra had just been banned, and no one in their right mind asked for it by name: Nope, they're banned.
LNA: Oh really? Bummer man...real bummer.
ME: Yeah, so you had $x.xx in gas?
LNA: Yeah man! you go.
ME: Have a nice day.
LNA, before he leaves: Hey you smoke POT! (his eyes got comically large when he said "pot" and he said it really awkwardly)
ME: No. [*cough*]
LNA: Do you know where I could score some POT? (same inflection on "pot")
ME: No. Please leave.
LNA: [leaves and jumps into his fancy car with government plates]
ME: *laughing hysterically*