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Life in the Uk: A Guide to Citizenship...blah

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  • Life in the Uk: A Guide to Citizenship...blah

    As some of you know, I am living in England. Around late last year, they released a book on how to get citizenship in the UK (see topic for title). Now, seeing how everyone wants to live here, it is a huge seller. So huge that as soon as we get 20 in, they are all gone in at most 3 days, and our warehouse for customer orders never have them in. They now have 3 different books. The first is the "big book" that tells people all that they need to do to become a citizen. The second is a study guide for the test (there is a test that they need to take with questions like "what do you do if you spill a strangers drink in a bar" and stuff that people who were born here would not even know unless they were really into politics). The "spill strangers drink" question is Ths 3rd book is practice questions.

    This week we sold out on Tuesday and the warehouse is out so we can't get any of these books in at all. Now, everyone who came in and asked believed me and listened when they were told that we could not get them in for some time. The test is next month, so they wasted no time arguing and went on their merry way. One customer wasn't so easily persuaded though.

    She came in with a child (her daughter, I presume) and she had a sheet of paper with her. She comes up to the till and her daughter (who can't speak English too well) starts to ask if we have "The Journey to Citizenship.....". Straight away I know what she is talking about and say "sorry, we're sold out and can't even order them". The daughter and mother look at me very funnily and the daughter continues to ask. I repeat myself saying "yes, I know what book you are looking for, but as I said, we don't have it and can't even order it". This repeats 4 more times (I kid you not). Finally the mother shoves the paper she is holdong under my nose and says "husband call.....address"? On the paper is the address of my store. I say "yes, this is the correct address, but we do not have the book. I've already told you so many times". She says again "husband call address" and is pointing to the paper. All I say is "I'm sorry" and shake my head. She looks at the girl and at me and the girl says "the book is Life in the Uk......" I say "yes, I know that, I have told you we don't have it" They look angry and confused. The daughter then says "test is in next month..we need THIS book". UGH!!!!!!! I say "I am sorry, try another shop"

    So, they leave with confused expressions on their faces. Not 10 mins later Daniel, a co-worker, comes downstairs and says that they just came upstairs and asked him! He told them that books were downstairs and they asked him again. He asked if they have been to the Books Department and they say "yes" He asks what we told them and they say that we said we didn't have it. He told them that if we said that, then we didn't have it...and they started with the whole "husband call addrress" thing. They finally left after him telling them numerous times that we didn't have it.

    My question is: how the hell is this woman going to read the book, let alone take the test when she speaks NO English at all. If she is allowed and interpreter, that is not right. I think that you should have to know the language of a country beofre you become a citizen. Sweet Jesus!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    Knowing local languages would be nice, I hate trying to understand Spanish (This is Wisconsin!). I usually just end up grabbing one of the take-home menus and have them point to what they want.
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3
      Ahhhh...sucky customers in the language divide.

      Here at the call center when a Spanish (or other language) speaking customer call we have to give them a scripted response stating (roughly) that we will go "find" someone who speaks their language (as if it's a possibility that someone who speaks Russian will be on the floor) and then get an interpreter. We use a great company called "TeleInterpreters" that interprets your words as best possible to the customer; however, a lot of things get lost in translation, and if it's a sucky customer it's especially hard to knock sense into them through the translator.

      What's worse is once the interpreter and customer started going back and forth in their native languages (without translating, of course) and soon they were getting into a full fledged heated argument. I didn't know if he was trying to talk sense into the guy, or if they were talking politics or was frightening, but the customer ended up hanging up and the interpreter just said "thank you for calling, have good day!"

      Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


      • #4
        That sounds like me with the Wiis

        Customer: This is going to sound like a stupid question...
        Me: No, we don't have any Wiis and we're not sure when the next shipment is coming in.

        I was only wrong one time, but the person wanted a Wiimote, which we get in at the same time as the consoles.
        I AM the evil bastard!
        A+ Certified IT Technician


        • #5
          Citizenship, pfaugh. I hope that test is very very hard. I'm born and bred British who has an 11th-great grandfather who was beheaded in the Wars of the Roses by the Yorkshires.
          "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


          • #6
            Quoth ominousoat View Post
            Ahhhh...sucky customers in the language divide.
            What's worse is once the interpreter and customer started going back and forth in their native languages (without translating, of course) and soon they were getting into a full fledged heated argument. I didn't know if he was trying to talk sense into the guy, or if they were talking politics or was frightening, but the customer ended up hanging up and the interpreter just said "thank you for calling, have good day!"
            I had a guy call in speaking Czech. I called our interpreting service & the interpreter was advising me that the caller was being difficult. She then berated him into submission (*shrug*) & he behaved himself after that. LOL

            BTW, I speak Spanish.
            The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


            • #7
              We have a lot of Somalians who call us. When they get frustrated they start talking very fast, and yell into the phone (which is usually a cell phone, so bad reception to boot), and they seem to have the phone in their mouth...its hard to understand them..


              • #8
                Quoth Phone Jockey View Post
                I had a guy call in speaking Czech. I called our interpreting service & the interpreter was advising me that the caller was being difficult. She then berated him into submission (*shrug*) & he behaved himself after that. LOL

                BTW, I speak Spanish.
                I had an SC with an accent I recognized who kept screaming at me about his XYZTV bill. I kept trying to explain to him that the charges were valid, and if he hadn't wanted to watch "Naked Babes in Heat, part 7," then he shouldn't have ordered it. But since he did order it (at 40$ a pop, 10 days in a row, through his remote control), then the charge was valid. (Sadly, we're not allowed to flat out say, "Pay your bill")
                So, he yells to someone in the background -- in French -- about what an idiot I am, blahblahblah, until I heard the word "salope." (That's French for "bitch.") It didn't upset me, but I figured enough was enough. So I said, as loudly as I could into the phone:

                Monsieur, je comprends chaque mot de votre bouche. Ne m'appelez pas un salope. Et vous ne crierez pas à moi encore, ou j'arrêterai votre TV.

                (Translation: Sir, I understand every word out of your mouth. Do not call me a bitch. And do not yell at me again, or I will turn off your TV).

                Funny how he calmed down after that. Maybe being civil was not to great a price to pay for his porn?

                The really amusing part of the call was that our quality department recorded it and graded me on it for my bi-weekly review.
                I got a perfect score, and extra kudos for speaking a little French.
                The person grading me, after we signed the sheets for the grading, asked what I'd actually said. I just smiled and said, in French, "Nothing, honey."


                • #9
                  Quoth Bonnie Bitch View Post
                  Monsieur, je comprends chaque mot de votre bouche. Ne m'appelez pas un salope. Et vous ne crierez pas à moi encore, ou j'arrêterai votre TV.

                  (Translation: Sir, I understand every word out of your mouth. Do not call me a bitch. And do not yell at me again, or I will turn off your TV).

                  The person grading me, after we signed the sheets for the grading, asked what I'd actually said. I just smiled and said, in French, "Nothing, honey."
                  That was awesome. *claps*
                  Last edited by SongsOfDragons; 02-26-2007, 12:13 AM. Reason: cutting down
                  "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"

