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Excuse me, I have to throw up

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  • Excuse me, I have to throw up

    Some time ago I caught a nasty stomach virus that did a number on me. I was in the middle of checking out a customer when all at once I got a strange feeling in my stomach. It's that feeling you get right before you throw up. The customer took one look at me & said...."You look awfully pale, are u ok?" I said..."I'm sorry I have to throw up!" That's when I RAN to the rest room & tossed my cookies.
    I cleaned myself up the best that I could & got back to the register only to have the customer throw a fit by saying...."OH MY GOD! Don't touch my food anymore! Get somebody else!". Seems that I didn't clean myself up as much as I thought cause I still had some throw up on my clothes. Yeah, I know it's gross but after tossing your cookies you're not thinking
    So A CSM came up & I told her what happened & she finished ringing up the customer. Then she tells me that the next time I have to throw up that I'm to flash my light & wait for a CSM. I'm like-----> I said..."Are you serious?? IF I wait for a CSM the next time I have to throw up then I'm likely to throw up all over the register!" She looked at me like I was crazy.
    One of the cashiers said that the next time just stay there & toss your cookies all over the register. That'll learn em---->

  • #2
    "Mmmm, what is this strange substance clogging up the register? It's...oh."

    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


    • #3
      Yes, because the need to puke can always be suppressed until the CSM shows up. I suppose that's what the little trash cans under the registers are for, in a pinch...
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Feel vomit encroaching...
        Turn on light...
        Can't help it, have to barf...
        Use trash can...
        CSM comes over finally, asks what's wrong...
        Nothing now... but I do need to wash up...

        And, maybe, go home? I'm sick.
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          I had a smiliar incident at Canadian Tire. I had a horrible cluster headache... almost as bad as a migrane. I had had one for three hours. IT was nearly closing time, I was the only cashier save Customer Service desk. I wasnt' feeling good, so I wandered over a moment to ask to go home aerly as there were THREE of them there.

          Their response? "No, you can't go home you were late!" *by five minutes, and it was NOT my fault. IT was the bus". "I'm sick too!"

          So I go back to the till and excuse myself to the customer, and 'hid' below the Till for a few seconds to stop from crying.

          I really wish I had puked in the till that day. I could hardly THINK. I got fired the next day because of it.
          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


          • #6
            I puked on the way home from work one night...and yes, it was nasty and painful.

            Towards the end of the day, a migraine hit me full-force. All of the symptoms came in at once--the pain, blurry eyes, the pretty colors, etc. At one point, it was like someone took a white marker and scribbled across my eyes Even so, I still had to finish what I was doing, and drive home.

            Let me tell you, getting home was um, interesting. Every bump in the road made my head hurt--and those of you who live in or have traveled through PA know that our roads suck. About 5 minutes from work, I had to pull over. The cookies wanted their freedom, and were staging a revolt.

            Rather than puke in the car, I quickly pulled over, threw the door open, and gave them their freedom. all over the parking lot, which happened to be the main lot of a police station.

            Did I mention I was sitting in front of a city police station? Even though the lot had a few cruisers in it, nobody was around.
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              Lucky you, they weren't there, Protege, they might have tried to get you for drunk driving... it wouldn't have stuck, once they tried to breathalyze you, but I doubt you would've passed some of the other sobriety tests... did you not have someone who could've come to pick you up?
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #8
                Quoth Juwl View Post
                Lucky you, they weren't there, Protege, they might have tried to get you for drunk driving...
                I tried calling my parents for a ride, and nobody was home. Getting a bus would have been difficult--my area doesn't have a direct connection to where I work, which means multiple buses. The only way home was to drive--stick to the main roads, drop the windows, and go slowly. Once home, I literally collapsed and slept for hours

                If I can though, I'd rather get a ride. DWM (driving with migraine) can be dangerous if you're not careful. Usually, the fresh air is enough to lessen the effects, but still.

                Driving (or riding) with the flu absolutely sucks. Centuries ago, one of the family cars had just been wrecked, and my mother had the other one at work, so my father took me to the doctor's office in the MG. I always liked to ride in that car...except in the middle of winter. No heater + the flu = not fun.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  That happened to a girl when I worked at Kroger. It just hit. All she could do was grab her trash can and start puking her guts out (luckilly we were really slow that day and there were no customers around). She was devastated.

                  Our managers always told us to just run. As one of my floor managers said one time, she didn't want anyone coming up to her and going "I think I'm gonna be- BLECH!"

                  Wait for a CSM, my butt!
                  "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                  • #10
                    When I was working in Philly, I went home early with a migraine one day. My office was 6 blocks from the train station (4 of them by subway, thank dog that day), then a half hour train ride. I get motion sickness but usually trains don't bother me - unless I'm already not feeling well, that is. I was practically lying down in the seat and just wanted to die. Then I got off the train and had to get in my car that had been sitting in the summer sun all morning. Luckily my drive to my apartment was only about 10 minutes. Went in, blasted my fan and crawled into bed for the rest of the afternoon. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, I suppose), I've never actually gotten sick to my stomach with my migraines. But, oh, how I want to sometimes....
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      I've had migraines that make me sick to my stomach since I was 10. When I first started getting them, I thought I was dying they hurt so bad. Fortunately I only get one of the "big ones" every 6 months or so.
                      "You are loved" - Plaidman.

