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Utterly disgusting, no compassion, (LONG, sorry)

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  • Utterly disgusting, no compassion, (LONG, sorry)

    BG: My coworker just lost her daughter this morning so I came in on the fly to cover (obviously) /End BG

    It was explained to the couple of customers what had happened, that more coverage was coming, and we might have to close.

    If anyone had any feelings or respect, I would not be sharing these next instances

    I get there, my coworker is in back to compose herself before she comes out, as soon as she does, I hug her (cry like an idiot, but I digress)

    SC1: Um, could we stop the giddy little hug fest or would it be too much of a bother to get a fitting room?

    SC2: People die every day. Now, I want these shoes in "x" size go find them

    (After I was told to lock up so coworker could take other coworker home(she was in no condition to drive obviously)

    SC3: Do you have any coupons? (I explain coupons that are out, she didn't get any of those) She says, "well maybe I could get a discount since I was here when the bad news was given, you know distressing the customers"

    SC2:AGAIN!! ( I had locked doors and was told to ask whomever was left to leave) I turned down one of the panels of lights) She comes out of her fitting room and says, I'm still trying the fsking clothes on I need them for a fsking party tonight!!!!!!!Eleventy Turn the lights on so I can see what I am doing, you can't close while I am in here! (and technically, I can't be in the store by myself with a customer!!)

    SC4(ooh a new one!!) Ok, lights were still off, I have signs in doors, and lady walks up as I am pulling the door to lock it, and she says "I see your sign here, but I need panty hose!" I said I'm sorry, I can't do this at the moment, I start to explain, and she yanks the door from me, and starts bitching about "why is the store closed? did someone die?This was done in one of those sarcastic tones, like how dare a store be closed, everything should be open 24/7 ( I just tried to explain this moron!!)

    Finally, my other coworker comes back, and we are trying to get our bearings again, guess who has to open her mouth?? Yup, SC2!!!

    SC2: So, what, someone dies and you guys can't be bothered to do some work around here? I am a customer. I came out here in the snow to get these things for my party, now I want these damn shoes, or can you guys not be bothered to do some simple work?

    She came out a couple minutes later, and told my other coworker she would have to come back later as we were being drama queens and not showing our Christmas spirit.

    She came back in right before I was supposed to leave, and I just walked away...didn't greet her. My store manager took care of her though, because just thinking about her makes my blood boil!!

    All I can think is Karma.
    Cruise Ship Brilliance: "Do the elevators go to the front of the ship?"

  • #2
    That makes me sick.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Those F'ing SCS all need a wake up call. Stat. I'm so sorry for you and your coworker. You can imagine that if THEY had just lost someone dear to them, they probably would have used that as an excuse to get a discount or special treatment too. Sick people, all of them.
      Last edited by LillFilly; 12-04-2011, 03:53 PM.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Please accept my condolences for your co-worker who lost a loved one, and for all who knew either of them. Even when you don't know the one who passed, it's difficult to see a co-worker go thru such pain. I still recall years ago when a co-worker of mine lost his daughter, who was the same age as my daughter.

        I simply cannot understand at any level how a human being can act as those in your store. How anyone can have so little respect for other human beings is just beyond me. I honestly have to believe that some people simply are missing something in their brain that the rest of us have, that somehow keeps them from feeling any empathy for others - I try to believe that because to believe that a person would choose to be that way scares me way too much.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #5
          Please give your co-worker my condolences.

          And those SCs to have some perspective smacked into them. God, what bitches.
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            Um, can't you tell them to fuck off and get out of the store? Not in those words, of course. Unfortunately we're forced to use the "correct" terminology, a.k.a "we have the right to refuse you service."

            If they're going to be assholes, tell them to GTFO and only come back when they get some empathy.


            • #7
              I compliment you for your ability to stay calm, and send my condolences out to your coworker. Human life is precious, and to lose someone close is never an easy thing
              Tell a man there are 300 Billion stars in the universe and he’ll believe you.
              Tell him a bench has wet paint on it and he’ll have to touch to be sure.
              -Unknown Author


              • #8
                Quoth Merriweather View Post
                I simply cannot understand at any level how a human being can act as those in your store. How anyone can have so little respect for other human beings is just beyond me.
                They aren't human. And they certainly don't believe that we are.

                Please give my condolences to your CW, and a big hug.
                Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


                • #9
                  This story totally hurts my heart. Please tell your coworker there are people here thinking of her and sending up prayers. I feel sad for her, but even sadder for people who can't see beyond themselves. What a horrible existence that is.
                  "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                  • #10
                    When my father died last year, I held his hand as he went at 10:30pm, then opened for work the next morning at 6:00am. We were short staffed anyway so there was no way to get someone else to open, & I thought I could use the distraction. Well, I was as wrong as a one of Gravekeeper's shopping callers, and ended up getting sent home not long after the only other guy working that day (who was pulling a 12 hour shift) came in at 8am.

                    As it happened, it was a busy day for some reason, and one person did indeed pull out the "what, did someone die?" line. My colleague is known for not mincing words, and flat out told her "yes." This was someone previously well-known for her brusque manner; to this day she still asks how I'm coping with the loss, and no-one's had an unkind word from her for any reason since then.
                    This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                    I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                    • #11
                      Quoth orcprincess View Post
                      SC2: People die every day.
                      "Would you be so kind as to demonstrate that, bitch?!"
                      Quoth orcprincess View Post
                      SC2: So, what, someone dies and you guys can't be bothered to do some work around here? I am a customer. I came out here in the snow to get these things for my party, now I want these damn shoes, or can you guys not be bothered to do some simple work?

                      She came out a couple minutes later, and told my other coworker she would have to come back later as we were being drama queens and not showing our Christmas spirit.
                      I don't blame you for walking away from this she-beast, I would've been hard-pressed not to outright deck her. Horrifyingly insensitive, to say the least.

                      to your coworker. She has to be going through Hell right now, and self-centered, unkind SCs are the last thing she needs to deal with.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Quoth RealUnimportant View Post
                        As it happened, it was a busy day for some reason, and one person did indeed pull out the "what, did someone die?" line. My colleague is known for not mincing words, and flat out told her "yes." This was someone previously well-known for her brusque manner; to this day she still asks how I'm coping with the loss, and no-one's had an unkind word from her for any reason since then.
                        At least this customer had the decency to turn sympathetic.

                        Did SC4 show any? Or did she leave before you could say yes, someone did?


                        • #13
                          Oh how awful, that poor poor woman have to deal with those people; their entitlement clearly knows no bounds.

                          Please give your poor Coworker a hug from me, whilst I introduce those repulsive individuals to

                          Poor lady

                          I hope she is able to take some time off or failing that , that she does not have any more foul SC's for at least a while.
                          Last edited by MistressOfTangents; 12-04-2011, 03:40 PM.


                          • #14
                            Give my regrets to your co-worker and I hope she is feeling better. As for your customers, I hope they soon meet their end by a firing squad! Their behavior in a time of tragedy, ESPECIALLY when they had already been told the news, makes me sick!!!


                            • #15
                              Thanks everyone! We are giving her all the time she needs...luckily, she never had to hear these beasts and the things they said. I'm still horribly sad this morning, so I would never even try to imagine how she is feeling. Thanks again. I know there are actually nice decent people out there, just never seem to get them.
                              Cruise Ship Brilliance: "Do the elevators go to the front of the ship?"

