Ok, so the last time I was at work, the servers went down, so we couldn't take credit/debit cards, take balance from/issue giftcards (which sucked, since I nearly doubled my sales were it not for that) or Nectar cards.
The nearest cash machines are on the high street behind the complex.
So I get one customer coming up to my till.
Me: Good afternoon, what can I do for you?
SC: Your colleague told me you aren't taking cards so I've just taken my poorly child all the way to the cash machine in the cold! I want Tickets to [film] and [food] and you will make the drink free as compensation for the trouble!
Me: (thinking) *If your kid is sick, he should be in bed, not here, and which cash machine did you take them to? [Furthest bank]? There's one just around the corner!* (out loud) I don't have the authority to give anything away for free and my manager put up signs on all the doors an hour and a half ago stating clearly that there is a technical problem with our chain and our IT department at Head Office is sorting it out. However, I will talk to the manager about this.
(The manager is dealing with another customer with similar issues, who has been offered her tickets as compensation)
SC: What the-? Fine then! I should have my tickets for free too!
Me: *If this goes on much longer you'll be going out the door* (sees another manager at the gate) Hang on!
I run to the manager and he says to do it and put 'complaint' as the reason for it. When I come back, the manager talking to the neighbouring customer speaks it over.
SC: (repeats everything to her) and I want the coke for free too!
Manager: We don't have the means to offer free concessions, but we'll sort the tickets out, how many was it?
She was still grouchy even as I apologised for the inconvenience! Darn it we're busting our keisters here and the majority of people understand that crappy things happen in businesses too. If your child was really sick you wouldn't bring her to the cinema, you'd have him in bed, sleeping after some hot soup (assuming she meant a bad cold)
The nearest cash machines are on the high street behind the complex.
So I get one customer coming up to my till.
Me: Good afternoon, what can I do for you?
SC: Your colleague told me you aren't taking cards so I've just taken my poorly child all the way to the cash machine in the cold! I want Tickets to [film] and [food] and you will make the drink free as compensation for the trouble!
Me: (thinking) *If your kid is sick, he should be in bed, not here, and which cash machine did you take them to? [Furthest bank]? There's one just around the corner!* (out loud) I don't have the authority to give anything away for free and my manager put up signs on all the doors an hour and a half ago stating clearly that there is a technical problem with our chain and our IT department at Head Office is sorting it out. However, I will talk to the manager about this.
(The manager is dealing with another customer with similar issues, who has been offered her tickets as compensation)
SC: What the-? Fine then! I should have my tickets for free too!
Me: *If this goes on much longer you'll be going out the door* (sees another manager at the gate) Hang on!
I run to the manager and he says to do it and put 'complaint' as the reason for it. When I come back, the manager talking to the neighbouring customer speaks it over.
SC: (repeats everything to her) and I want the coke for free too!
Manager: We don't have the means to offer free concessions, but we'll sort the tickets out, how many was it?
She was still grouchy even as I apologised for the inconvenience! Darn it we're busting our keisters here and the majority of people understand that crappy things happen in businesses too. If your child was really sick you wouldn't bring her to the cinema, you'd have him in bed, sleeping after some hot soup (assuming she meant a bad cold)