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It's the most craptacular time of the year...

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  • It's the most craptacular time of the year...

    And the SCs are already here. XD

    Mostly, it's SC-ness due to our list of times that we're going to be open over the Christmas period. Here is a selection of responses (times are generally six til ten, with six til six thirty on Christmas Eve), and my dream responses, not actually spoken.

    "I thought you were going to be twenty four hour, like last year!"
    We have never been open twenty four hours. Never, never, never. Why? Cuz a) we don't have the staff and b) we don't bloody well want to.

    "Why aren't you opening til midnight like the supermarket is?"
    Easy; cuz it's not in anyone's staff contract to work til midnight and none of us bloody well want to. See a pattern emerging here?

    "You're closing at six thirty on Christmas Eve?! But... but it's Christmas! What if I need to get petrol after that?"
    Then you have two choices. You can a) be better organised and fill your fucking car up at a time when we're open or b) go down the road to the Sea Creature Home garage which is twenty four hours. True, they're more expensive than us, but that's what you get for not being organised. Also, it's our Christmas too, and we want to leave at a decent time.

    "Closed on Christmas Day? But what if I need milk?"
    See above. Jeez, Christmas Day is at the same time every year. You've had all year to get prepared. You don't need a shop open every single day. Don't worry; I remember a time when shops were closed for days over the festive period, and don't remember anyone actually dying from starvation.

    "I'm busy Christmas Eve. Will you let me in if I turn up just after six thirty?"
    Let me think about it... .... ... no. Hard cheese.

    Just what is it about Christmas that makes people so unreasonable?
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Ahh, I so wish you had said those things.

    I've had people kicking up a fuss because the library's going to be closed for THREE WHOLE DAYS (Saturday, Sunday, Monday). One guy seriously goes, "Monday, really?" Uh, yeah, federal law about holidays falling on Sunday being observed on Monday and all that jazz. Also, we have no money for overtime. Having Christmas Eve off, though, I'm just taking as a blessing.


    • #3
      Funny how everyone's glad to have Christmas off . . . then complains because other people want Christmas off, too.
      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


      • #4
        It would be nice if you were allowed to say, "y'know, it's funny you ask that because even the staff here are asking 'Why the hell on Earth do customers think that we have no families and are open Christmas day?', along with 'Why is it the customers don't take any responsibility and aren't prepared?' That's so odd that you ask that sir/mam.."


        • #5
          Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
          "I'm busy Christmas Eve. Will you let me in if I turn up just after six thirty?"
          "I'm busy too - working here. Will you wait at your job till I get there - at, say, 7 ish?"
          "I can tell her you're all tied up in the projection room." Sunset Boulevard.


          • #6
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            Just what is it about Christmas that makes people so unreasonable?
            It has nothing to do with Christmas. They're like that all year.
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #7
              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
              Also, it's our Christmas too, and we want to leave at a decent time.
              ^^^THIS! A thousand times this! Hey SCs, do you truly think that only you and your family celebrates Christmas? Do you truly not comprehend that your fellow human beings wearing nametags and standing behind the counter also want to participate in the holidays? Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL, remember?
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8
                I heartily second this Xcashier. It really pissed folk off when they changed our Xmas eve closing time from 6pm to 8pm a few years back. They have relented a little... Any hours worked after 6pm are double time.

                With the customers I know well, I'm straight with them whenever they say something like "I thought you'd be closed.". I tell them if they, and others like them didn't come in at these times, they wouldn't bother opening.


                • #9
                  Yep. People are idiots. When Christmas falls on a Saturday we get the Friday off as the official holiday; when it falls on Sunday, like this year, we get Monday. I recall one year after Christmas when I was checking the dept. voicemail; we had been closed on Dec. 26 that year and our voicemail greeting stated that we are closed on major holidays.

                  So of course some twat leaves a message in the snottiest voice you can imagine, saying, "December 26th is NOT a major holiday!!"

                  Yeah, well, for us it is. TS, baby.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Panacea View Post
                    Funny how everyone's glad to have Christmas off . . . then complains because other people want Christmas off, too.
                    That's because they want everywhere to be open to cater to their demands since otherwise if everyone else gets Christmas off, then "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO!!!!11111!!111eleventy!!!!11!!!!!"

                    Then they argue that "if police, fire, doctors, nurses etc. have to work Christmas, then so should retail workers". I take great care in pointing out that apart from petrol stations and roadside mechanics, you will not die if the shops are not open on a public holiday. (and yes, while people SHOULD plan ahead for the big day in regards to fuel, accidents can and do happen)

                    I don't know if it occurs elsewhere, but it's traditional that on Boxing Day, a TON of new films get released down here. Fortunately the cinema workers get paid extra for working that day
                    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                    Now queen of USSR-Land...


                    • #11
                      I edited some of your answers to better fit my own sense of amusement.

                      Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                      "I thought you were going to be twenty four hour, like last year!"
                      Nope. Sucks to be you.

                      "Why aren't you opening til midnight like the supermarket is?"
                      Because we're not. Sucks to be you.

                      "You're closing at six thirty on Christmas Eve?! But... but it's Christmas! What if I need to get petrol after that?"
                      Then it REALLY sucks to be you.

                      "Closed on Christmas Day? But what if I need milk?"
                      Then it sucks to be a thirsty you.

                      "I'm busy Christmas Eve. Will you let me in if I turn up just after six thirty?"
                      Not a chance. Which means it really, really would suck to be you if you tried that.
                      Quoth XCashier View Post
                      Hey SCs, do you truly think that only you and your family celebrates Christmas? Do you truly not comprehend that your fellow human beings wearing nametags and standing behind the counter also want to participate in the holidays? Peace on Earth, Good Will to ALL, remember?
                      Answers: Yes they do, and no they don't. Remember, these are SC's, a group of people that believe the universe revolves around them, that everyone else is there to serve them and their needs, and that the people serving said needs have no lives, no families, and no life outside of work, i.e., serving them.

                      The bigger question is....why are y'all surprised by this, since you see it throughout the rest of the year?

                      "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                      Still A Customer."


                      • #12
                        I wouldn't even say that petrol stations need to be open, as if you have a fuel emergency you can just ring the AA or RAC. About the only exception would be medical places, cuz if you need medicine you have to be able to get it.

                        However, no-one is going to die just cuz they can't go someplace to buy their smokes and/or snacks. XD
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                          I wouldn't even say that petrol stations need to be open, as if you have a fuel emergency you can just ring the AA or RAC. About the only exception would be medical places, cuz if you need medicine you have to be able to get it.

                          However, no-one is going to die just cuz they can't go someplace to buy their smokes and/or snacks. XD
                          Rest stops. Chance for parents/kids to stretch their legs and for kids to go to the toilet if they need it. Not being too paranoid about the hygiene of public toilets, but MOST of the public toilet blocks are horribly maintained and a health hazard (in the sense of finding sharps/condoms)
                          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                          Now queen of USSR-Land...


                          • #14
                            Um, most petrol stations round my way have no toilets. I live in a medium size town, and if kids want to stretch their legs or go to the loo, there's a perfectly good park.

                            I mean, use the public loos there, which are in good condition and regularly cleaned, not pee in the bushes. XD

                            What might be true for your neck of the woods is not true for mine, and there really is no need for every petrol station to be open every day.

                            If Jane Doe volunteers to work Christmas Day, I see no harm in that. But what normally happens when places are open Christmas, is that employees are pressganged into working those days.
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #15
                              I'm in my mid-40s, and from a very large metropolitan area originally...and even I can remember when just about EVERYTHING was closed Christmas Day, especially if we weren't at home and had wandered a bit farther from The Big Apple. There are always a few exceptions, like movie theaters and Chinese (maybe other ethnic) restaurants. Some people who don't celebrate Christmas do like having something to do that day, and some people who don't celebrate Christmas like making money that day. However, I believe most people shouldn't be forced to do it. Christmas Day is still a national holiday in the US and many other countries, and no matter what your personal beliefs, it seems to be the one most people hold most "sacred" (for lack of a better word) working that day should be optional for most people. IMHO.

                              It would seem like a lot of the people complaining must be at least my age or older...guess they've just gotten spoiled over the years...
                              "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

