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The SCs before Christmas

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  • The SCs before Christmas

    I was on Uscan, and all was going pretty well except for a couple of people who got pissy after I told them they can't buy gift cards at the Uscan (because they won't activate on it for some reason). But then around 6pm, this lovely ordeal happened: A woman was on one of the registers using a debit card. The first time she tried it didn't go through because she hit NO for the Amount OK? question and cancelled it. Then the card didn't go through. Then it cancelled because she was moving a bag while trying to pay which messes up the system and stops the payment. What I didn't see is that she had the bag to the side and then moved it on the bag scale (she had the bag from the other store inside of our bag). I assumed that she had a bag of things she scanned and moved it, as many people who use the Uscan will annoyingly do and then bitch that their payment didn't go through. This is where it gets sucky, since she was assumingly drunk, or just a reallly angry bitch.

    Me: Miss you can't move the bags before you pay or it won't let the card go through.
    SC (assuming that I was accusing her of trying to steal): I was putting it on not taking it off! This bag isn't even from this store! It's from the liquor store next door!
    Me: OK miss but you can't put things that you didn't scan here on there.
    SC (still assuming I'm saying she was trying to steal): Do you want to see this bag? It's champagne! I know you don't sell that here (and it seems like you've dipped into it already!)
    Me: I never said you were stealing miss. All I said was that you can't move the bags before you're finished paying or else it won't let you pay.
    *Lather, rinse, repeat with SC repeately me showing her champagne which she definitely doesn't need, and me apologizing for the misunderstanding twice*
    SC: You're accusing me of stealing and embarrasing me! I'm a 50 year old grandmother with 3 kids there's nothing here I'd want to steal anyway!
    *I think: I am accusing you of being drunk or a psycho though. And I feel really sorry for those grandkids!*
    *Person from customer service calls store manager over, and then security when the store manager doesn't come right away* Store manager did come a few seconds later.
    Store manager: Excuse me, what is the problem here?
    SC: Your cashier here is accusing me of stealing and embarrasing me!
    Store manager: Miss, let's calm down here. It is Christmas. What is the problem?
    SC: I put these champagne bottles I bought in the liquor store down and he thinks that I was stealing something! You need to give him some serious training!
    *I think: And you need serious anger management!*

    Store manager finally calms this drunk and/or nutcase down, tells her that I was just doing my job, and she pays and leaves. I tell him what really happened, and he said I did nothing wrong. The customer service person asked if I was OK and several people gave me sympathy for who I just had to deal with. The front end manager also said that we have every right to check someone's bag no matter where it came from. Thankfully there was no one else like this tonight, although there were people who got all pissy when I closed the Uscans just before our closing time even though they were invited to check out at newly opened registers, and my first two customers when I opened briefly as we were closing were not prepared to pay when I finished and took a long time deciding whether or not to put something back.

    Being tired with people like this, combined with the pay cut that just went into effect for us, has made me decide I'm very likely quitting next month.

  • #2
    I don't blame you in the least...I used to love the idea of the Uscans but after using them I've decided the bloom is off the rose. I usually mess it up in some way, myself
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Sorry to hear about your pay cut. They already don't pay us enough to deal with these trashy customers. Now they want to pay you LESS? The only ones who should be taking a pay cut are certain managers and corporate executives. They don't really need those mansions and that expensive way of life, do they?


      • #4
        Quoth downforit2008 View Post
        They don't really need those mansions and that expensive way of life, do they?
        You've just suffered a serious head injury, haven't you?
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          No, I said they don't NEED that way of life. Not that they don't WANT it. There's a difference.


          • #6
            After all the crap you put up with and all the money you and your fellows make for the company, they're cutting your pay?! Yeah, screw them, you deserve better than that. I wish you the best of luck with the job hunt.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              I do actually have another job currently, the job from this post is a second job I do on weekends now for extra money and I decided to keep because I wasn't sure how the other job was going to work out. Thanks everyone that has given me support for my feelings.

