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An innocent 16 yr old,and his first job

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  • An innocent 16 yr old,and his first job

    Well,this is the first story I'm contributing to this *ahem* lovely collection.It all starts off 4 days after my 16th birthday,I like many young men,wanted to pursue a career so i could,for lack of a better lie,impress the ladies.Well little did i know you had to have a good job to do that,well just call the first place I worked at "Baco Tell"(no attempt to disguise the hellhole I was employed at)

    Well I had worked at "Baco Tell"(hereafter BT.) for nigh of 8 months,with no incident,not even one rude customer,I was beginning to think everything I had heard about the fast foo industry was a big lie,until,the most god-awful purple Pontiac Fiero with three Splash style stripes each being a different color(maroon,white,and i believe light blue,memory fails me)pulled into my drive-thru lane,one innocuous afternoon.

    While he was at the speaker ordering,even the most experienced member of customer service would be able to detect any wrong-doings.But as is often the case,when you get face to face with a customer,everything changes...He pulls up,and I feel comfortable saying I live in Oklahoma,(please dont stalk lol) is every stereotype for a red-neck imbred pig-fucker it has been my displeasure to hear,I do live here to,thats the first thing out of towners pull.Anyways I digress,this gut,we'll just call him Mullet,cause thats the biggest memory I have besides the car,gets his food,takes his condiments,but when the drink came,so did the problem.

    Now anyone who has ever handled a cup in fast-food knows if you squeeze the paper cups, the lid will pop like a zit,no matter how well attached,But oh no,not Mr.Mullet,I hand him his drink,he(you guessed it) squeezed the cup,a spectacular fountain of orange soda ensued all over the side of his god awful car,his snazzy interior,and indeed onto his lap,and the lap of his toothless she-beast.Now let me stop right here,I put lids on cups all day at that job,i know when a lid is attacthed because there is a difference in the way the cup feels without a lid,as opposed to a lid on top,But even then,even knowing that I put this lid on ALL THE WAY,I immediatley began spewing forth a nervous series of apologies while i handed him as many napkins as possible to Mr.Mullet,But no he was not having it,if I was to list the obscenities i was called,by this clearly 30 something man(keep in mind I'm only 16)you would get bored of reading and give up.We will just get to his ULTIMATE transgression,He spit on me.

    I am as laid back as you can be,I do not get mad,I do not start fights,Hell I barely argue over the t.v.But you do not SPIT ON ANOTHER HUMAN BEING PERIOD.At this point I lost control,I told Mr.Mullet to spit on me again(as threateningly as my squeaky 16 year old voice could muster) He proceeded to spit on me again(my fault I did say to do it),But this time I was not standing there dumbfounded,this time, I ripped off my headset and my nifty radio belt and leaped through the drive-thru window as fast as possible,now at the age I am no I would never do this,but I was a minor,the law didnt scare me then.I leapt from the window and in an instance i had given him the cleanest right jab to the nose you could have possibly imagined,there was blood,I dont know that I broke it,I very seriously doubt i did,but he deserved it.No sooner then my flawlessly executed jab lands that he punches the gas,and i mean punches it,He scraped his car along the building,breaking off a mirror,then proceeding to drive up one curb then off the other.

    As he's leaving the lot,all of my co-workers and interior customers had gathered at the window to watch this scene unfold, I made sure he was gone,then shaking as I had never shaken before,walked back in to face my inevitable unemployment...But no,My manager had witnessed everything from the time the drink was spilt,so she wisely told me to go into the office and smoke(she didnt want me outside)Now she comes in after 20-30 min of alone time for me to settle down,and says,I'm not gonna fire you,Under Oklahoma State Law,being spit on is considered assault with a deadly weapon as it is unknown whether the person has AIDS or some similar virus,and that virus can be contracted simply by having a strangers spit contact an open wound.So long story short,He had assaulted me,I had acted in self defense,and would have the backing of the company should he choose to come back,He never did.I finished my employment voluntarily with BT about 5 months later.

  • #2
    Usual disclaimer, folks - we don't condone violence except in self-defence. This one was along those lines, but please don't take this into a customer thrashing tangent.



    • #3
      That is just disgusting! I find it bad enough to watch people hawking away in the streets, but spitting at another person is vile.
      Oklahome State Law has the right idea there. That guy thoroughly deserved a punch in the face - good for you.


      • #4
        But Rapscallion, this site exists for the thrashing of least verbally that is. As Chaucer said in A Knight's Tale, " I will eviscerate you in fiction. I will document every pimple, every character flaw".

        Frankly while I'm a great one for emotionally destroying some sucktard, posting it here and then forgetting about it, there are limits and this hick stepped well beyond them.

        Were it me, I'd have gotten the plate number, followed up with a call to the police about the assault with deadly weapon charge just to really ruin that jerkwad's day.

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Yeah that guy was a complete..something I can't think of a polite enough word for.

          However, what you did seems a little unnecessary, surely self-defence is meant to be used to stop them attacking or hurting you further? There was plenty of other ways you could've stopped him spitting at you - just moving out of the way of the window for one, and calling the police.

          Also your excuse about it spitting being an offensive weapon because of the risk of AIDS - surely punching him in the face and getting his blood on you puts you many more times at risk


          • #6
            He... spit... on you?!?


            That is the most foul thing... just... uck. He's lucky you didn't decide to throw something at him, although the punch in the schnoz (sp?) was a nice touch-that's the least he deserved for that mess.

            I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
            "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


            • #7
              Good for you. Anyone saying that a punch to the nose isn't justified after being spit it or on, has never been spit on.

              Calling the cops? Please they wouldn't have done a thing other than say "we'll look into it" They aren't going to do anything for spit.


              • #8
                I agree with DM, Thats just fuggin nasty, spitting on someone. I don't blame you at all for decking the guy, expeccially at 16. I am, however, shocked that you're manager and company stood up for you. Most times they wouldn't even for self defense. It sounds as if the boss understands the fact that the customer isn't always right.

                My biggest question would be though (hypothetically) now that you're older (how much older are you now anyways?) would you still handle the situation the same way.

                I've been trying to think of how I would handle it myself, I think when I was younger I probably would have done the same thing. Now that I'm in my 30's and have been around the block I would probably let the legal system destroy him. But thats also because working in my line of work, I've delt with quite a few attorneys and former cops and know that I could find out how to best use the law to my advantage. Both criminal and Cival charges filed against him. But in the heat of the moment I just don't know.
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  Oh yea, spitting on someone is a real quick way to get thrown in jail. (As was mentioned, spitting on someone is considered assault in most states.) Even better, with DNA tests, they can PROVE it was your spit.
                  "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                  • #10
                    Quoth digilight View Post
                    My biggest question would be though (hypothetically) now that you're older (how much older are you now anyways?) would you still handle the situation the same way.
                    That's a tough one for me too (not that you asked me). At 16 I would have probably decked him too. Now I'm 22 which isn't too much older, but I still think I would have decked him. Then again I wouldn't have fit through the window at either age so...


                    • #11
                      As someone who has helped a friend drop a 410 HP Chevy small-block into his 1987 Pontiac Fiero GT, I would have punched the SOB for having such an ugly paint scheme on such a beautiful car...

                      And at 22, I know you didn't ask me either, I probably would have punched him as well. Except there'd be alot more force behind it due to my rippling taut muscles.
                      "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                      • #12
                        Too all who say it was not wise to punch him,i fully agree,i should have backed off and gotten te tag,but i was 16,i had raging hormones,and its kinda hard to sidestep spit you cant see comin


                        • #13
                          i dont think a punch would be sufficient for me
                          it would be more like this


                          • #14
                            Quoth yahurd View Post
                            it would be more like this
                            i think that was the single most awesome use of animation i have seen so far this year,it was hilarious someon would go as far as all that,im not saying it was bad,just overboard,someone should be proud of that
                            Last edited by Ree; 02-28-2007, 08:49 PM. Reason: Editing irrelevant parts out of quote


                            • #15
                              Well, I guess you can take comfort in knowing that this guy and the shebeast will probably end up on Cops or America's Most Wanted one day.

                              (as threateningly as my squeaky 16 year old voice could muster)
                              Please don't take offense to what i'm going to say but when I read this all I could picture was the pimply face / squeaky voice teen from "The Simpsons"

