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Sexual harassment at the blackjack table

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  • Sexual harassment at the blackjack table

    Dear Customers,

    When you come to a blackjack table, and you hand over a $100 bill, and the dealer asks if you want that in $5 chips or $25s, the correct response is not "Do you find me attractive? Because I'm looking for someone to fuck tonight. What time do you get off?"

    You got $5s.

    And I took it all from you in five minutes anyway.

    Please don't come back.
    Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet...

  • #2
    " How about Rosie? She's never turned you down before."

    My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


    • #3
      That is disgusting. Glad you got all his money. What a pig.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        +10 points for blunt honesty.

        -2,000 points for being a lameass pathetic dickwad.

        And -$100 for apparently not knowing how to play the game worth a fuck.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          I bet customers like this are only good enough for you to take their money!!! What a bunch of phony pickup lines.

          You're a blackjack dealer, not a prostitute. Do they not see a DIFFERENCE???


          • #6
            Quoth veniteangeli View Post
            I took it all from you in five minutes anyway. .
            Best revenge there is.


            • #7
              Quoth downforit2008 View Post
              You're a blackjack dealer, not a prostitute. Do they not see a DIFFERENCE???
              Yes, they do.

              They don't think they are actually going to have to PAY the blackjack dealer.

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth MoonCat View Post
                Glad you got all his money.
                It's not like I had to try very hard. The jackass was doing stupid stuff like splitting tens (WHO EVEN DOES THAT), and hitting on 16 when I had a six. It was like taking candy from a very stupid baby.
                Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet...


                • #9
                  First off: yeah, asshole. Kthxbye.

                  Second: what's wrong with splitting tens?
                  You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                  • #10
                    Cause the only thing that beats 20 is 21? So why split a most likely winning hand.
                    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                    • #11
                      Cos 20 is the third best hand in blackjack. Blackjack itself is the best hand (Ace and a face on the first two cards) and 21 is the second best (21 made from three or more cards). If you start with 20, that's two cards worth ten. If you split them, you run the risk of going from one hand worth 20, to two hands worth thirteen or fourteen, or something else terrible. It makes no sense and it's very bad playing.
                      Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet...


                      • #12
                        Ugh I hate drunk horny idiots. And the sad thing, you can't say anything back to them. I get verbally raped a lot by creepers.


                        • #13
                          can you refuse service if they get like that?


                          • #14
                            I am a man who was a casino dealer in the 1990's. The only time someone was sexual to me was an overweight, but not bad looking drunk girl. I was single, overweight, looking for a girlfriend and sex, but somehow her and her phone number got away from me.

                            I never dealt the "high end" pit, unless no one else could go back there, but there was a player named David C. who was supposedly extremely abusive to the dealer, cursing them, calling them names, supposedly telling one pregnant girl that he hopes her baby died. I never met this SOB, but I worked in several houses and he was infamous in all of them. If I was a spouse or father of one of those dealers, that David dude would have been threatened by me.

                            There was another guy named Dennis. Dennis was a trust fund kid whose families owned a bunch of ghetto convenient stores, or man. He wasn't a kid, he was about 35 years old.
                            Would come to the casino late in the evening, roaring drunk and extremely loud. He was abusive, but he was LOUD, screming and shrieking and if you aware of him, you would jump out of your skin. He played 100-500 a hand, so no one stood up to him and tell him to keep it down or get lost. Finally, one night, Dennis came in on Graveyard, the place was dead, and the shift manager and his assistant had enough of his BS and told him to cut it out. But we hated Dennis. He was stupid, a drunk, screamingly LOUD, and an asshole.

                            It's always fun to go to your shift and seeing the same people from last night, wearing the same clothes as before. Or seeing regulars who are in there every single day. I worked in a casino in Vicksburg where a farmer and his wife would come in, every single damn day. The guy would play craps, make horrible bets and acted like he owned the place. An asshole on the game, but actually wasnt a bad guy. Went outside one day and saw that he had some "12 Step" bumber stickers on his car, and I suppose he replaced booze with gambling.

                            My first casino Harrah's were really horrible to the dealers, opening and keeping open dead games for much longer than needed, killing our tip (or toke) rate. For those unfamiliar with casino work, the card dealer makes minimum wage plus tips. The tips are are pooled, then the amount of money by the number of hours worked were divided which came up with a tip rate. One way of keeping the rate up is to keep the dealers hours at a minimum. The Harrah's management just kept all the games open. Then they would work us until the player left the table making us work overtime. I the dealer am on 1 1/2 hours overtime dealing with some piddling customer playing $5 a hand all goddamn night long, without ever calling last shuffle. I later worked for Horseshoe in the same market and they were much better at closing games and if the owner Binion strolled in, he would have dead games locked up quickly.

                            Last story...I was a craps dealer. For those not in the know, a crap table more or less requires 4 men and a supervisor. One is on break while the other three work the game. This was about 15 or so years ago, but one of the dealers was named Vicki. Vicki was a cross between Roseanne Barr and Jaime Pressley as Joy from "My Name is Earl". There was a younger kid I think named David, a weird, skinny, geek guy (who I actually went to college with and met again at this job) who was somewhat grating to be around, and a spineless, greasy little mustached, spineless, weaselly Harrah's butt kissing supervisor named Gary. Gary was OK as a member of this motley crew.

                            Well, David and I had a head cold and felt like crap the whole night. I remember that David was the Dog's Dinner sick and not hungover. I had a bit of a cold myself, Vicki was being Vicki (she could be cool, but she could turn into a b*tch in a dime and we would get into it at times). I just wanted to do my time and get the hell out of there, I did not want to play casino that night.

                            The Graveyard crew comes in about 2 AM. They have about 4 players, and they were a little busy. Our game was reduced to two guys, throwing in $5 (one red chip) Field Bets. Every roll, two dealers had to bend over, give one red chip or take away one red chip. Over and over again. The manager would not close the game and direct the players to the other game. It's 3 AM in this empty ass casino, with two sick dealers and us working all goddamned night, that I had enough, I was mad.

                            Honestly, these two players were ghetto people, probably down to their last dollars and hanging out. I dont know why I did not get fired, but I went upstairs and went off on the shift manager. She cursed me back and I went downstairs. I then several days later came in and kissed her behind to make amends. I dont know why I was not fired. Probably because I have been there for a while.
                            Last edited by Ree; 01-30-2012, 01:23 PM. Reason: Removed fratching comment


                            • #15
                              We don't get tips. It's against New Zealand law to tip gaming staff.

                              And yes, I have the right to refuse service, but I tend to reserve that for people who do shit like what I detailed in my last thread, not for something as small as this - He only bet a hundred, and he sucked ass, so I took all his money and he left. Not a huge deal. Now if he'd harped on about it, then I might have thought about refusing him service.

                              Your stories were interesting, senor boogie woogie, but they're kind of more about your managers sucking, than about my sucky customer. Thanks though.
                              Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet...

