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Two days of Suckfest!Get your tickets now! (long and pointless)

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  • Two days of Suckfest!Get your tickets now! (long and pointless)

    I don't know where to start. These two days have been absolutely the worst I can recall. All that's missing is a fire or some other kind of disaster and there's still a few hours to go...

    The most suck-tastic host

    I find out that there's a meeting for about 20 people. With great pain, I get the host to hand me the list of his guests (everyone with a looong and difficult foreign name). He finally gives me the list to make my job a lot easier, only after he had tried to casually to give the names by telephone first. "Errr...there's one guy coming...lemme think...his name is "Smith" and that's spelled Z-X-Z-M-Y-R-G-H...and, the second guy is called...". Nice try.

    Elevator madness

    People, if you're stuck in the elevator, please press the alarm a bit longer than 1/20 seconds. It won't cost you anything. All I head was a "B'!" of what's supposed to be "Beeeeeeeeep!". After realizing that it was, in fact the alarm, I go check the elevators. All of them moving, funny. As I stand there, wondering, after some time a guy comes and tells me that it was him pressing the button. "I was stuck in the elevator n minutes ago, he he". Oh, ta. You could've told me that n-1 minutes ago, after you got out the elevator and you could've saved me some time AND I wouldn't have looked like an idiot here.

    Elevator madness deepens

    After I first hear the reports that one of the elevators is broken, we call the repair service and I print out signs that say that the levetor is out of use (as if anyone reads them). I have lots of customers and everytime I'm about to go put on the signs, someone comes to my desks. Finally, as I'm on my way (not a great delay here, just a few mins), certain chronic whinewhinewhine-machine demands to know why we don't let people know that one of the elevators is broken. Instead of showing her an international hand gesture, I show her the signs and disappear. get the point

    Another elevator breaks down. The only one going to the top floor. And the restaurant that we have in the building and takes care of catering as well, needs to bring some stuff there. Lots of stuff, in fact. Only way to get them there is to take another elevator and carry tons of food one floor up through a spiral staircase. Guess who got the job?

    Garage rage

    T has sneaked into garage before, without permission. So when he calls me this time, I am fully prepared to tell him why I cannot let him in. After long argument about this, he finally accepts his destiny. Or so it seems. Because after that, he calls to the motherly lady in switch board and tells the same sob story. Gladly, she's having none of it and when he moans about hoe expensive parking is, she replies "Nothing in this life is cheap" and hangs up.

    Garage stupidity

    E is like T. She, too has sob stories and even though she's been here for two weeks, I have had countless arguments about (not) allowing her to drive her car to our garage. As I'm on the garage level alavetor lobby (putting up the signs about elevator being broken) she emerges from the garage. Whe she sees me, she looks guilty as hell. I fight the urge to start questioning her, as I find the situation extremely funny. It does, however, support my belief that someone uses his/her keys to let unauthorized people to drive into garage.

    Plain stupidity

    Customer comes to check in. He's still got his visitor ID from the previous day. He askes me if he should return that. Yes please.
    "You know I couldn't return it yesterday bacause you wern't here", he says.
    "You could have just left it on my till", I reply.
    "But someone could have stolen it!", he cries.
    Yes? So? What would anyone do with a piece of paper with your name in it? It's not like you can obtain someone's identity if you can get hold of his visitor ID. Besides, his name roughly translates in my language as "Stinko" so no one in their right mind would want that kind of name.

    We're all one big loving family here, right?

    Some one calls form the garage door. The connection is terrible, so there's a lot of blanks. I'm used to this, so there's only a few morsels of data I need to gather to know whether I can let them in. Speaking up makes all the difference, btw, but screaming makes everything even more uncomprehendable.
    SC: ...from neighboring town? X.
    Me: So who who's your host?
    Me:Hold on, I'll check if there's a reservation for the parking spot.
    Nope, there isn't. But I can make the reservation myself, if I get some information.
    Me: So who was your host again?
    SC:.I'm going...CUSTOMER SERVICE!!
    Me: ?? They don't actually have their cs here (a small lie; the customer service is physically here, but it's the call center, not a help desk or anything like that) so have you arranged a meeting?
    Nice. That's all I can say.
    Last edited by MissVendetta; 03-02-2007, 11:14 AM. Reason: spelling, grammar

  • #2
    What type of place do you work at?


    • #3
      Quoth MissVendetta View Post
      "What exactly, would you say you do here?"
      "I deal with the god d*** customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"
      /can't believe a trip to IMDB was required to remember that line
      //needs to watch that again soon
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Jewels: security (+ reception as a part of it) in an office building. Number of security personnel in the building: one (moi). Number of idjits: around thousand.

