If and when it comes to court, tell the truth and call her a liar (and she moved her car). You are under oath. Do not be 'nice' for the sake of her feelings.
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"I'm not saying you're lying..." But you are!
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Quoth 2gigch1 View PostIf and when it comes to court, tell the truth and call her a liar (and she moved her car). You are under oath. Do not be 'nice' for the sake of her feelings."If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga
Quoth LillFilly View PostWe just have to learn to pay attention and be aware of our surroundings.
She just wasn't willing to take the consequences of not paying attention.The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.
The stupid is strong with this one.
Quoth Dips View PostQuoted for truth!
She just wasn't willing to take the consequences of not paying attention.
They go round and round with me forever about how we shouldn't of towed them because they "just didn't knoooooooooooooowwww!!!!! Can't you just let me go this one time? I'll never do it again!"
We aren't making a moral judgement, we aren't saying you are a bad person, but the only way you learn how to do things the right way in life is to suffer real and tangible consequence when you do it wrong. Letting it slide would mean you'd learn nothing other than you can do whatever you feel like, forget the rules, and just whine your way out of it later. Paying attention to your surroundings is something very few people do nearly enough these days, it's a basic self-preservation instinct that goes largely unused so often in our day to day lives that people I think now are honestly shocked when they're called out for not paying attention.- They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.
Yep, we all make mistakes and maybe it wasn't crystal clear (though it sounds like it was at least a doubtful situation which would have made *me* think twice about parking there, just in case)...but she should have just admitted her mistake and cut her losses. She's lucky she wasn't towed."I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"
My mom is handicapped (well, sick and old), and I printed out a form for a handicap placard and when we went to the doctor I got him to fill out his part.
So you can imagine how annoyed I get when people without handicap placards park in the handicap spot.
One time I went to pick up my mom from dialysis and a person was parked without a placard. I told the person (young guy) that he can't park there, it was a handicapped spot. I go in the clinic to see my mom and go out again before she was ready to leave (she had to leave by wheelchair) and an older guy was waiting for me and started a fight with me. He said he was handicapped, that was his car. I told him he needed to get a placard. MOre fighting and he ends with, "you did find a place to park, didn't you?!" I didn't get a chance to tell him, "Um, asshole, you or your young friend in the car could have found somewhere to park, you obviously can walk (ok, yes, there are people who can walk who are handicapped) so you can walk some to your car, while my mom is in a wheel chair and needs the accomedations to be able to have someone get her out of the chair and move the chair out of the way, which means the handicapped space is best for her since there is room."
But asshole finally left and I moved the car to the handicapped spot.
they "just didn't knoooooooooooooowwww!!!!!). so he continues to drink. I tell him either take the coke outside to drink it or throw it away. He told me I should give him some grace since it's the first time he ever been here
Then he wants my supervisor so I called security to talk to him.
But I felt like giving him an analogy of him trying to park his car in his space and someone took his space. He tells the person that that was his spot; the spot-taker would respond with, "I didn't know, this is the first time I've been here," and not move his car. So how would coke drinker feel about that?Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.
Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.
I wish porn had subtitles.