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I cannot alter realty to fit your religion....

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  • I cannot alter realty to fit your religion....

    This one happened right before I got off shift so I didn't get a chance to add it to my reports.....I mean, I understand the guy's problem but sheesh.

    As I'm sure most of you back east know there's a lot of god damn snow there right now. So we had tons of flights canceled last night and tons of people calling trying to find hotel rooms. Most of them have been from Air Canada, United, etc....airlines that don't typically give us trouble. ( America West/US Air is the tard convoy that always causes us a ton of trouble. )

    So this guy calls in...does he need a room? Sort of. His flight was canceled yesterday and he stayed overnight last night. But now he can't leave the hotel or catch a flight because he's Jewish (Shabbat?). So no traveling. So he wants to book a room at the same hotel for tonight and tomorrow.

    This is where the problems start.

    We're an emergency line for stranded passengers. We can find you a hotel room for a discounted rate for one night only so you can catch a flight out the night day. We're *not* a reservation service. We can't book in advance nor can we book multiple days. We get you one room, cheap, for the night until you can catch your flight out and you have to confirm with that hotel that you're coming inside of an hour or they will give your room away ( They aren't charities afterall. )

    This isn't good enough obviously. He wants a room at the same hotel for the next 2 days but he doesn't want to pay the full rate. He wants the discounted rate for stranded passengers. But he's not stranded, he's voluntarily staying for 2 more days even if its because of a religious belief. So I can't help him.

    I explain this, several times, and tell him he'll have to simply ask the hotel he's already at to extend his stay for a couple of days. But he doesn't want to pay their rate, he wants our distressed passenger rate which, say it with me again, he can't get because he's technically not stranded. He's stranding himself. The airline had made arrangements to fly him out this morning but he declined because of the Shabbat.

    But is that the end? Oh no, no no. He keeps countering my explanation with the "Ya but I need" routine. Then he asks for someone "higher up". I tell him I'm as high ranking as he's going to get this early in the morning. He asks for the supervisor. I get to use my favorite line: "I am the supervisor". He begins asking for the just this once exception. I once again shoot him down.

    I explain....again....this time in even more vivid detail. See, the way this system works is hotels hold a number of rooms for us ( out of the goodness of their hearts ), call us and tell us how many. Then we book them. I can't offer a discounted rate at just any hotel, it has to be a hotel willing to give it that has spare rooms. The hotel he's at does NOT have any rooms to spare us at this time. It is impossible to get him that room for that rate there. If he wants to stay he has to pay the normal rate and make arrangements with them.

    But can't you talk to the hotel and get them to make an exception? NO. Thats not how it works. The hotels offer this service through us because they're NICE. Not because we have any authority to command them to. But you work with these hotels all the time so you talk to them and get it for me! NO DAMMIT.

    Finally I use my last resort: Cruel realty. I inform him that it is TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE as our software does not even allow for bookings in advance or for multiple days. Which is true. It doesn't. Because we're not a travel agency, we're an emergency service.

    Total call time so far? About 3-4 minutes. But its not over.

    Now he wants a discounted rate elsewhere (Thought you couldn't travel? In fact you specifically said no cars, taxis, planes, etc...). So I offer him the only hotel I have with any space ( Remember there's like hundreds of people trying to find a room in Toronto aside from this schmuck. ). After more arguing ( Can you get me it for 2 days? NO! I answered that already! It is technically impossible on every level. If you want 2 days, you pay for the next day. ).

    Finally I get him booked at this other hotel.

    So the morale of the story?

    1) I respect your and anyone else's beliefs but do not expect the world to conform to them.

    2) I guess it wasn't that important if saving $15 ( Which is about the cost of the cab to the other hotel! ) is a bigger concern then observing the Sabbath.

    I lost count of how many times he said "ya but I need" or "ya but you don't understand I'm Jewish so" and expected me to do the impossible for him.

    Whew....ok, I feel better now. I needed to rant that one out.

  • #2
    Lack of planning on your part....

    Bah, forget it, they'll never listen. do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

    Chickens are Asexual!


    • #3
      On the bright side, at least he didn't try the "you're discriminating against me because I'm Jewish" card...
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        that'll be when he calls back to complain


        • #5
          Just imagine what the poor desk clerk had to put up with in person. Oi.


          • #6
            We just deleted three posts in this thread. I'm not going to say what was posted, but those of you who did know who are you.

            I'd like to remind everyone that this is not the place for debating or bashing religion. If it happens again, we're going to start handing out infractions.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              It's worth noting that to treat the sabbath in this way he must be a very orthodox jew, as reformist jews treat it more as a day of pleasure rather than of no work. Reformist jews also seem to be the majority these days, or at least they are the majority who i come across.
              Last edited by NightAngel; 03-05-2007, 04:56 AM.


              • #8
                I am an Orthodox Jew. Traveling on the Sabbath for me is a HUGE no-no, unless it is a life threatening situation. I understand the customer's point of view here, although I don't know his attitude, how he spoke to you or how he behaved. I would not fly, drive, travel on the Sabbath.

                You have to understand that for an Orthodox Jew, traveling on the Sabbath is as forbidden to us as peanuts are forbidden to someone who is allergic to them. I do not expect people to agree or disagree, but to understand.

                This being said, I would take what I could get and argue it out with the airline that I had a problem with, and would VERY nicely ask the reservations person to try and help me out. Also, one cannot always plan for everything, especially not an "act of G-d", such as bad weather. I do not know how this particular customer behaved, but please try and understand. Traveling on the Sabbath is a desecration for us.

                If I had this problem, I would be eternally grateful to any and all help the reservations could give me.

                I have a question that perhaps someone here can answer. Using any type of lights, electronics, etc., is forbidden on the Sabbath. I know that many hotels use the magnetic cards now, instead of keys. Is there a way to use keys on these doors? For an Orthodox Jew, using such a magnetic/computerized key on the Sabbath is strictly forbidden.


                • #9
                  Quoth imal'sheva View Post
                  I have a question that perhaps someone here can answer. Using any type of lights, electronics, etc., is forbidden on the Sabbath. I know that many hotels use the magnetic cards now, instead of keys. Is there a way to use keys on these doors? For an Orthodox Jew, using such a magnetic/computerized key on the Sabbath is strictly forbidden.
                  I never thought of that one...I would think there is some way to bypass the electronic component, since you never know if it might malfunction, but it's probably a key only management would have. Haven't stayed in a hotel in a while but I think there is usually a key hole in the card reader box. I guess one of our hotel people would know better, though there are some smaller hotels out there that still use keys.

                  There's a town near me that has a large Orthodox community; they used to come to my BN a lot as it was closest to that town (they've since built one closer). Except Saturdays.
                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    Gonk. Now there's a thought.

                    We were talking earlier about how in something like fifty-seventy years at least half the stuff that isn't automated now will or might be. Food-ordering fridges, hybrid-hydrogen cars, automatic house amenity programmer, constant solar panels and auto recycling bins, electronic notebooks and photo albums. Now, save for a very thorough power cut, these things are going to be everywhere in the house and running through every religion's holy day(s)...whether they want to or not...

                    I seriously will feel for the orthodox Jewish community when this time comes, for I don't think even their summer-house will be electronic free...I can't think of what they'd do when all doors become automatic. Technology at the price of culture can only be a bad thing...
                    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                    • #11
                      I don't think Gravekeeper would have even logged this call on here if the guy hadn't been such an ass, regardless of his religion. All the customer needed to do, once told by him that he really couldn't get a cut rate any further from that hotel, would be to go to the FRONT DESK of said hotel, explain his conundrum, and see what the actual hotel could do for him.

                      All this brainiac managed to do was shoot the messenger.


                      • #12
                        Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                        All the customer needed to do, once told by him that he really couldn't get a cut rate any further from that hotel, would be to go to the FRONT DESK of said hotel, explain his conundrum, and see what the actual hotel could do for him.
                        What could the hotel do? Theoretically? If they were, like, a chain could they have transferred him somewhere down the road?

                        Always worth knowing these a feeling if I manage to get Down Under this summer I might need it...
                        "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                        • #13
                          The hotel was going to let him keep his room. He just had to pay the full rate. That was the crux of the issue. He didn't want to pay it and in the end elected to *travel* to another hotel 20 minutes away JUST to get a discount.

                          -and yes, he was being an arse. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.


                          • #14
                            I probably would have paid the additional and stayed. If the man was an arse, I apologize in the name of us "normal" Jewish Orthodox (although how I, having seven children, can be normal , is another thread entirely).


                            • #15
                              Quoth imal'sheva View Post
                              I probably would have paid the additional and stayed. If the man was an arse, I apologize in the name of us "normal" Jewish Orthodox (although how I, having seven children, can be normal , is another thread entirely).

                              I don't blame the religion. Being an butthead isn't restricted by race or religion. -.-

