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You just can't please anybody these days!

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  • You just can't please anybody these days!

    No matter what you do, how kind and pleasant you are to your customers, you just cannot turn them around and make them all smiles when they get off your phone. Do these people like being miserable and unhappy, thereby getting more upset because you're providing nothing but empathy and courtesy?

    This lady called me upset that she could not access her on-line bill pay account and provided me with her username and password (after prodding her to do it at least five times; it was like pulling teeth!). It was discovered that she was using the wrong password, so I kindly told her to try the one we have on file. Nope, it was better for her to explode like a time bomb, use a few choice four letter words and bitch about how that's supposed to be her password. Not only that, after I went to the website and was able to get the password to work, she still refused to try it herself, yelling and screaming some more about how that's not supposed to be her password and that we needed to change it back to what she wanted.

    The only problem with this was, this lady would not tell me what password she wanted it to be, and I think it would probably because if she did that, she would no longer have a valid reason for being such an ugly witch on the phone.

  • #2
    Guess it didn't occur to her to accept the password you were giving her and change it herself?? I've been locked out of my accounts at least once cuz I couldn't remember the password and tried too many times. Had to call and have them reset it.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      Guess it didn't occur to her to accept the password you were giving her and change it herself?? I've been locked out of my accounts at least once cuz I couldn't remember the password and tried too many times. Had to call and have them reset it.
      I'm sure mentally it did occur to her, but that's the point I was making on this thread. People like this, no matter what you do to assist, even after you politely tell them why they are having problems and offer a solution, cannot be happy about anything. She could have changed the password herself, or allowed me to do it for her. Yet, with the latter option, she would not even tell me what she wanted as the password. It got to where I had to thank her for calling and tell her to have a nice day to get her off my phone.

