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Handicap SCs (Long sorry)

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  • Handicap SCs (Long sorry)

    A few things: I didn't want to threadjack Dizzy Starshine's thread so I decided to start this thread. Also, please do not take this the wrong way and this does not reflect my view of anyone with disabilities but it's more of the SC aspect from what I have observed working at Whiskeyclone.

    Considering the nature of my job, working a parking lot for a sports arena the one thing that I have realized that is a bigger pain than the VIPS I get are those who have a handicap sticker. I say this because they can either be the most polite people in the world and won't use their disability to get freebies and follow our directions when we're trying to help them. The SC spectrum of course, is AMAZINGLY sucky. This is what really gets on my nerves is that they act like entitlment whores, they scream every insult in the book, they say and use everything but the kitchen sink. I have heard some of the nastiest things come out of their mouths because all our handicap spots are taken up. I have also heard some arguments that killed my brain cells.

    We have about 25 spots reserved for handicap on the 3 sides of entrances that we have available, that's a good 75 spots total but the spots get taken up quickly.

    Story time:
    The 3 worst Handicap SCs that I have dealt with.

    Location: Whiskeyclone, Date: November 2 2006, Event: Cheez-Whiz Basketball game. Backstory: I was just assigned to the brand new Musa North Club lot, which has reserved spots. Also at the time the University of Michigan was playing Ohio State University in college football. This is a VERY big deal in the hand state and Ohio, the day before a former U-M coach by the name of Bo Schembegler (Spelling?) died. This is important for this story. Because of this game people were coming in a bit later than usual.

    The Musa Club lot has a few handicap spots available near our east entrance, we also have a section dedicated near the north entrance which was where I was placed.

    "Hello sir, are you looking for your spot in Musa or just general parking?"
    *Said in a gravely voice* "Handicap, and I'd like to park in here." *Points to Musa*
    "Well if you want to park in here I need to see a Musa pass."
    "I don't have one, my handicap sticker should be enough."

    *I can tell where this is going, I decide to state why he can't park in there and point him out and not let him get a word in, I hate doing this but sometimes it's called for.*

    "This is a reserved lot, you need a Musa pass to get in here and you haven't shown me one. Our handicap lot is--" *He cuts me off*

    "Listen boy, I just want to park in here; I'm handicapped and if I say I want to park in here then you'll let me park in here."
    *My tone is starting to become serious, he's starting to hold up traffic*
    "I just explained that you need a pass and I have yet to see one so as I was---" *CUTS ME OFF AGAIN!!!*

    "Don't get snippy with me boy, now listen Bo Schembegler came to Cheez-Whiz games a lot and he always got the royal treatment here. He had a cane and everything and *continues this odd rant for some time or 2 minutes.*"

    At this moment, I decided to end it I just want him out of my hair so I can help those who do have passes.

    "Sir, our handicap lot is that way and it's to your right. It's not far at all and we have plenty of spots last time I checked."

    *This isn't pleasing him, he pulls a SC tactic, the name bomb.*

    "Your name's ArenaBoy right?" *As he looks at my nametag*

    "Yes that is correct."

    "I want your last name because Guest Services is going to hear about you and you'll be lucky to get a job at McDonalds when I'm through with you."

    "I don't give my last name sir, professional and personal reasons."

    Insert another exchange over "I want your last name" and "I don't give my last name until he gives up."


    Story 2: This happened a few weeks ago, the same night as Expensive Dinner man and that clueless woman who wanted to park on the sidewalk. This was also a Cheez-Whiz game and we were playing a big team that night. I was in Musa again near suite's 2nd entrance. We were slammed that we had to send everyone to our overflow lot and the game didn't start yet. Of course, handicap was full in no time and while some are understanding, others were pissed but this woman I got was ROYALLY pissed.

    "Excuse me sir, I want to park in that handicap space available and the signs are blocking the entrance can you move them." This is the 2nd entrance she's referring to for suite, it's closed and there is no way that I am going to move them.
    "I'm afraid I can't ma'am, that's not my spot and unless you have a pass to get in there (Stupid rule for suite yes) they can't let you in."

    This woman looked like she was used to getting everything by throwing a fit that would make a baby look civilized. I had a strange feeling that she was going to throw a fit and surprise surprise she did.

    "WHAT!?!?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T MOVE THOSE SIGNS YOU STUPID C--T?!?!?!? I'm a fucking season ticket holder and I've been coming here for years and I always park in there. And now you just told me that I need a pass to park in here, are you new!?!?"
    "I don't appreciate being called that and I can't move those signs due to company policy, now as for your dillema, WE may have some spots available." *I give her directions, yes I realized that she has called me a c--t but I'm tired, I want to go home, and I just want to get her away from me.*

    "No, explain why the hell I need a pass for that lot when I've been going in there for years!?!?"
    "Company policy ma'am." *She drives off.*

    She comes back, starts yelling at me and I sit it out just letting her run her mouth till it's out of breath. When she asks her question of why she can't park in there and proceeds to call me another few names, I lost it. I admit it but I was at the end of my rope, I dealt with a guy who wanted to bet an expensive dinner and an idiot who tried to park on the sidewalk twice. I was tired and I did lose it. I felt bad about it but it was a HUGE slip-up and I find myself lucky that I didn't get in trouble.

    "You want to know why you can't park in there? It's easy enough, it's called company policy and the only reason I think you've been parking in there is that you've been making a fuss to the poor saps who have the misfortune of dealing with you. You're obviously not used to not getting your way as demonstrated here and you are really embarassing yourself big time. One day you're really going to piss someone off and they're going to chew you out for it and on your part it's well deserved."

    By gods, she was a mumbling mess and she drove off and gave me the bird.


    This is my 3rd and final story of handicap SCs and this wasn't as bad as the 2nd one but it's still bad. Once again, I was in Musa and I was managing my entrance. The person in charge of Musa has to walk around the lot making sure everyone is parked in their spot and that those who lack a pass are taken care of if they sneak in there somehow. It starts with a Land Rover and 5 middle age folk, 3 men 2 women. We were playing a smaller team and that means we're not as slammed.

    "We have handicap, we'd like like to park in there." The driver, a female who looked to be 45 or 46 years old points to Musa.
    "This is a reserved lot ma'am and I can't let you in here unless a Musa pass is presented."
    "Come on I just want to park in there we have handicap."
    "I need to see a Musa pass, otherwise our handicap lot is that way."
    "Why can't we park in there, just give us someone's spot."
    "It wouldn't be fair to the person who paid for their spot, unless you have a pass I cannot let you in."
    *One of the men chimes in*
    "C'mon ArenaBoy don't be an ass please let us in."
    An argument ensues of course, one of the guys actually asked if I wanted to get into this, I replied yes because it's my job to make sure the lot is running properly. I really wanted to say yes and you'll lose this argument pretty badly.

    "Listen ArenaBoy, you are going to let us in, IT'S THE LAW!!!!!!!!"
    "We want to speak to someone in charge."
    I grin and say I'm in charge of this entrance and the person in charge of this lot is busy and I have no way of contacting him.
    "I can't, he's busy."
    This ensues in the same vain, last name is asked for insert standard argument. Fortunately they gave up and drove off.

    If you read through this, thank you for doing so. I'm sorry it's so long. I wanted to get this off my chest and I happen to be working a Cheez-Whiz game Monday and I know I'll be at Musa. Like I said earlier, this does not reflect my views on handicapped people as it focuses more on the SC aspect.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    Gawd. Sooooo many people abusing the system yet again. Their handicap pass is so they can have the nice big spaces and maybe some extra help...but that's kinda it, mates.
    "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


    • #3
      Gee, and I thought the law was that you had to have X percentage of spots reserved for handicap access. Apparently you have an entire lot on top of the hc spaces in the other lots...?

      And why is it, when they say "Don't be an ass," generally they are the one being an ass?

      Hey, is a little part of you hoping someone says something along the line of "what do you mean you can't move the signs" while your arm is in the cast? Just so you can give them the "are you stupid" look while showing them your "handicapped" arm?
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        What's really sad, is depending on the state laws, sometimes they're right.

        Some states have it so that parking spaces can't be refused for handicapped persons, no matter whether it's a closed lot or not. Though, if I remember correctly on that, it depends on the number of automobiles parked in the total lots. I think it works out to being that if seventyfive percent or more of the spaces are taken, then they're allowed to park where they want, regardless of having a pass or not.

        I know Mississippi is that way, having had the misfortune during high school to work at the IBC (International Balloon Classic *Now held in Greenville MS.) one summer as a parking attendant. I think there's about eight or nine states that way also, but I forget which ones.
        Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


        • #5
          Well, if there are no HC spots left in the lot they are supposed to be in, then it is reasonable to let them park in a different lot that has HC spots left. But if there are spots for them they shouldn't get an upgrade just cuz they feel like it.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            I wonder if these people are the same kind who go into busy restaurants and demand a table. "Just move those people over there, they're almost done . . ." or "we'll be done before the person who reserved the table will arrive" or something to that effect . . .

            Too bad you don't have a loong stick and you can just poke them. "You see this, this is what you're doing to me, annoying isn't it?" like Chinese water torture or somethin.
            Last edited by karma_gypsy; 03-03-2007, 11:01 PM. Reason: breaking up the post a little bit . . .
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
              I wonder if these people are the same kind who go into busy restaurants and demand a table. "Just move those people over there, they're almost done . . ." or "we'll be done before the person who reserved the table will arrive" or something to that effect . . .
              The 2nd incident happened when we were busy and parking was pretty much out in the boonies. Surprisingly, I've witnessed the restaurant thing happen just like you said.

              BookstoreEscapee Said:
              Hey, is a little part of you hoping someone says something along the line of "what do you mean you can't move the signs" while your arm is in the cast? Just so you can give them the "are you stupid" look while showing them your "handicapped" arm?
              The 2nd and 3rd incident I was in my cast and no one has asked why I can't move the signs yet. The cool thing about it is it's impossible to tell if my arm is in a cast when you give a glance, only one customer noticed and that's because my gloves don't match and I keep the hand hidden quite well. As for your suggestion, I love it. I really cannot wait to pull that. I can see it now.

              And why is it, when they say "Don't be an ass," generally they are the one being an ass?
              Because they sadly tend to think that they are right and that the world owes them something. When they're called out by someone that uses logic that's their only defense and fortunately it's an easily breakable defense.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                Having had multiple knee surgeries, I've had handicap permits from time to time. From my observations, the people who make a fuss about handicap spaces are generally the people who
                A) Don't really need them, but are so out of shape that some doctor took pity on them.
                B) Are using an expired tag
                C) Are using someone elses tag (like old Aunt Gertrude, who is bedridden or dead and most definately not going to the game tonight).

                For the most part, those of us who are truly handicapped understand the realities and don't fuss about it.


                • #9
                  "Your name's ArenaBoy right?" *As he looks at my nametag*

                  "Yes that is correct."

                  "I want your last name because Guest Services is going to hear about you and you'll be lucky to get a job at McDonalds when I'm through with you."
                  Uh, okay, you just basically threatened this guy's job and you seriously expect he'll actually give you his name? Logic's just a word to some folks, isn't it?
                  "Here, boy, turn around and bend over so I can kick your ass!"

                  I'm glad that I haven't personally met idiots like these, but I suspect it's just a matter of time.
                  Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                  - Robert E. Howard


                  • #10
                    My dad has a permenant handicap permit and I've gotta say, the type of assclowns that you get to deal with piss me off. I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but around here they have to have a certain percentage of parking spaces marked as handicaped (the total number parking spaces is usually mandated by the total square footage of the store/building or # of seats in the restaraunt).

                    I do know though that the rules/laws that go along with the handicap permit can get a little complicated at first. But do these people think that a large company, running parking for a stadium (I don't know how large yours is, but I do know that dodger stadium where we go holds about 16-17,000 cars) hasn't had their legal department run over everything with a fine tooth comb to ensure that their asses are covered on pretty much all contingencies including handicap parking (they don't wanna tangle with the ACLU or any other human rights group).
                    My Karma ran over your dogma.


                    • #11
                      Quoth digilight View Post
                      They have to have a certain percentage of parking spaces marked as handicaped (the total number parking spaces is usually mandated by the total square footage of the store/building or # of seats in the restaraunt).
                      We have a total of 75 handicap spots combined, that's about 25 on all 3 entrances we have (One entrance is an exit and not an entrance.) We're covered unless the entire population of the hand state except for me becomes handicapped.

                      Do these people think that a large company, running parking for a stadium (I don't know how large yours is, but I do know that dodger stadium where we go holds about 16-17,000 cars) hasn't had their legal department run over everything with a fine tooth comb to ensure that their asses are covered on pretty much all contingencies including handicap parking (they don't wanna tangle with the ACLU or any other human rights group).
                      The basketball arena I work for holds in total 22,000 people so I'm guessing about 15,000 people in our general lot and 200 for our overflow lot. As for our legal department we don't have to worry. The owner is Loaded and that is with a capital L he's also very old as he just turned 80 a few months ago so it's kind of understandable as he has a hard time walking. We have plenty of spots but the problem also stems from the folks who purposely arrive late and expect a handicap spot, they fill up fast.
                      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

