Yesterday sucked. With the strength of a thousand shop vacs.
To begin with, I turned my ankle on Wednesday. My ankle is very weak ever since I sprained it during my senior year of college, and then proceeded to not stay off of it because I needed to finish my portfolio in time to graduate. It took MONTHS to heal, and I don't think it ever really healed right. So it was going to be only a matter of time before I turned it again, but it's still a pain in the ass. And once again, I can't stay off of it, because you know, my job. I have to walk all over the store and show picky customers all the yarn.
But that's not really what made it sucky. What really made it sucky was when I was hunting through my boss' very, very messy desk for an invoice that wasn't there (which is another rant altogether), and I found a letter. The letter, my friends, had been written by an SC that I posted here about -- she was the lady who wanted to return some needles and didn't take a polite no for an answer. In the end, I had to all but throw her out of the store because she would. not. go. away. and kept insisting that she had NO WAY OF KNOWING that the return policy did not include needles. She finally left when I pointed out that the return policy was printed on the receipt that she was waving in my face.
Well, this evil lady, after treating me like her indentured servant, apparently went right home and wrote my boss a snarky letter about how RUDE I'd been and how she was NEVER coming back AGAIN. Of course, her side of events left out the fact that I'd been very sympathetic and apologetic to start out with, but that I simply hadn't been comfortable breaking store policy in this case. It left out that she'd pestered and badgered me until it became clear that politeness was not going to work. It left out how rude and awful she had been. In her version of events, she politely and sweetly asked me if I could pretty please accept a needle return, and I started breathing fire.
My boss hasn't said a word about this to me, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I mean, I'm very unlikely to be fired over this, since I'm singlehandedly keeping the shop afloat right now (and making a LOT of really good improvements), and since she gets far more people hunting her down to tell her what a treasure I am, but it really brought my day down to see that some bitch was telling vicious lies about my conduct to my boss as an act of petty revenge.
To make matters worse, animal control called and said they thought they'd found my co-worker's lost cat, but then it wasn't him.
She was being really cool about it when she came in, but I could tell it had really gotten her down. Heck, I don't even KNOW her cat, and it got me down. I know how terrible I'd feel if it was one of my kitties out there in the cold, cruel world.
To begin with, I turned my ankle on Wednesday. My ankle is very weak ever since I sprained it during my senior year of college, and then proceeded to not stay off of it because I needed to finish my portfolio in time to graduate. It took MONTHS to heal, and I don't think it ever really healed right. So it was going to be only a matter of time before I turned it again, but it's still a pain in the ass. And once again, I can't stay off of it, because you know, my job. I have to walk all over the store and show picky customers all the yarn.
But that's not really what made it sucky. What really made it sucky was when I was hunting through my boss' very, very messy desk for an invoice that wasn't there (which is another rant altogether), and I found a letter. The letter, my friends, had been written by an SC that I posted here about -- she was the lady who wanted to return some needles and didn't take a polite no for an answer. In the end, I had to all but throw her out of the store because she would. not. go. away. and kept insisting that she had NO WAY OF KNOWING that the return policy did not include needles. She finally left when I pointed out that the return policy was printed on the receipt that she was waving in my face.
Well, this evil lady, after treating me like her indentured servant, apparently went right home and wrote my boss a snarky letter about how RUDE I'd been and how she was NEVER coming back AGAIN. Of course, her side of events left out the fact that I'd been very sympathetic and apologetic to start out with, but that I simply hadn't been comfortable breaking store policy in this case. It left out that she'd pestered and badgered me until it became clear that politeness was not going to work. It left out how rude and awful she had been. In her version of events, she politely and sweetly asked me if I could pretty please accept a needle return, and I started breathing fire.
My boss hasn't said a word about this to me, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I mean, I'm very unlikely to be fired over this, since I'm singlehandedly keeping the shop afloat right now (and making a LOT of really good improvements), and since she gets far more people hunting her down to tell her what a treasure I am, but it really brought my day down to see that some bitch was telling vicious lies about my conduct to my boss as an act of petty revenge.
To make matters worse, animal control called and said they thought they'd found my co-worker's lost cat, but then it wasn't him.
