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No dogs allowed! Nu uh there's a new law

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  • No dogs allowed! Nu uh there's a new law

    This is my mother's story.

    Apparently a man came into the store she works with a dog. He was told that there are no dogs allowed in the building (unless seeing eye, etc) because of the cafe they have.

    He went off saying there is a new law passed that dogs are allowed "everywhere" and that you cannot keep his dog out.

    I'm not sure how long he was there but he eventually left. My mother in turn called my wife because her mother (my mother in law) works for the local health department. Of course, she had never heard of said law but would look into it (If it turns out to be true I'll post an update).

    But really, who could think dogs are allowed everywhere? Especially where food is allowed.

  • #2
    There are some laws in progress in various locations to allow some restaurants to be 'dog friendly', that is, allowing owners to bring their pets into the restaurant. I've never heard of anything along the lines of what was described in that story though.


    • #3
      My ex's (pocket-sized) dog got me kicked out of Target once.

      We don't mind small dogs in the bookstore (you have to be able to carry them) as long as they don't actually bring them into the cafe. I used to bring Pablo in to visit once in a while, and I'd let someone else hold him if I wanted a drink. (Though I did sneak him in under my jacket sometimes to say hi if the manager wasn't in there. Shh.) A bigger dog on a leash, not so much. There was one woman who came in once in a while and she always let me hold her chihuahua . The only dogs allowed in the cafe are seeing eye dogs - there was one woman who came in occasionally with her black lab; the didn't usually go in the cafe but when they did he'd just curl up next to her chair.

      I want a puppyyyyy!!!

      Sorry, I'm ok.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        My guess is there is a change being made to a law in that area that would allow restaurants with out door seating areas to allow dogs IF THEY WANTED (cause as of right now in most states, that's illegal) and that Mr. SC has it completely and totally wrong in his head. Selective hearing -- all SCs' favorite superpower!
        "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

        I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


        • #5
          Our store doesn't seem to mind small dogs. We have a regular who brings her dog with her in a little stroller. It's not strapped down or anything; it just sits there watching all the customers as it rolls down the aisles.

          I had a weird one the other day, though. A customer was asking me questions about routers. He was a perfectly normal, friendly guy. I'd have forgotten about him if not for one brief moment during our exchange. He suddenly looked down in the direction of his right pectoral and said, "Hey, where are you going?" Seeing my confusion, he then pulled aside his vest-jacket to reveal a spiny little lizard clinging to his shirt. Apparently the lizard likes to go shopping as well and just hangs out on the front of this guy's shirt all the while. I thought it was cool once he explained what he was talking to, even if that moment was a little odd.

          Oh, and I really like those book stores (usually a used book store, in my experience) that have resident cats who wander the aisles and beg for attention or sit on the sales counter as if guarding the cash register.
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
            Oh, and I really like those book stores (usually a used book store, in my experience) that have resident cats who wander the aisles and beg for attention or sit on the sales counter as if guarding the cash register.
            It is kind of a traditon. Unfortunately my boss won't let us have one for good reasons. In SoCal if the store is open the doors are proped open. We are on a high traffic street. I could not deal with a squished kitty.
            Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


            • #7
              I think I may know at least partially where this is coming from. There is a large movement right now from animal activists and dog lovers everywhere that we should allow dogs in bars. Now, I haven't done my full research on it, this is just what I've heard from the animal sanctuary that I work for. Apparently in Europe you can have dogs in bars. (And indeed, I've read lots of books that set up a scene including a large dog under the table.) So now, at least in Washington, a lot of people are pushing to have this brought into our way of life. I don't know if that applies to other establishments in other areas of the country or what...

              Honestly I think it'd be kinda cool. But I'm a dog lover, I'd rather have a dog near me than a human any day. I just can't believe that trying to pass laws like this is what our local activists are working on. Aren't there more serious issues that need to be addressed? Pet overpopulation, abuse etc?


              • #8
                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post

                I want a puppyyyyy!!!

                Aaaw, there there, I've always wanted one too but can't have one
                My mum never liked dogs so couldn't have one when I lived at home, and now i've moved out we don't have the space to keep one!
                I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
                another time, this world would fade away
                To find true love, is like no other joy,
                our choice is here
                be happy for today


                • #9
                  I think people just make up laws that happen to make mandatory whatever it is they want you to do. Or they have the ability to hear something like "they repealed the law that says restaurant owners cannot allow dogs in their establishment" and think "they made a law that says restaurant owners have to allow dogs in." It's stupid to even think that there would be a law like that. Why would they pass a law that limited the rights of a business owner in such a manner?
                  You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                  • #10
                    I don't mind (most) dogs, but I'd have issues with any place being "forced" to allow them to enter. Many people don't train their dogs very well -- heck, many people don't even train their CHILDREN very well -- and the last thing that I, as a lowly retail person, would like would be to be forced to clean up a big ol' dog turd. And I would most certainly not want to have to deal with a "doggie tantrum". When those big dogs get aggressive, it scares the hell out of me.

                    That having been said, if business owners want to deal with the potential mess and expense of allowing dogs, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed.

                    What is it with people who think they can bully people with 'It's the LAW!'?


                    • #11
                      The issue my mother's boss has isn't so much the small cafe (which is an issue too) but if the dog craps you just know some owners are going to let it sit there.

                      If you have the right to refuse service to anyone, that should include people who have dogs with them. I love my dog but I cannot see the point in taking her antique shopping with me.

                      And just because a law is passed that says "Businesses MAY allow animals in" doesn't mean "must" I think the owner has discretion in the matter.

                      I never got a call from my mother in law so I'm guessing no such law exists. (Reminds me of the lady who called my work saying there is a noise ordinance, we called the county offices, there is none.)


                      • #12
                        Quoth COMINATCHA View Post
                        Aaaw, there there, I've always wanted one too but can't have one
                        My mum never liked dogs so couldn't have one when I lived at home, and now i've moved out we don't have the space to keep one!
                        Thanks. *sniff* My mom would love it, my dad would roll his eyes and pretend to be annoyed, and my cats would hide for a few days and then get used to it (especially since the kind of dog I want would be smaller than them. But I'm not spending $2000 on a puppy, and I want to move out so finding a place with a dog might be difficult. Some day, though, I'll go to the shelter and see about adopting.
                        Quoth Arachne
                        When those big dogs get aggressive, it scares the hell out of me.
                        When Pablo gets aggressive, it's really rather funny . But I keep a close eye on him when other animals get near. Normally he just ignores them but if they get too close he'll growl and sometimes lunge at them. Though my aunt and uncle visited once with their dog and they kept going at it but never actually bit or anything. And Pablo was the one who started it most of the time.

                        When I was with my ex sometimes we'd bring Pablo to the bar, but he was a regular and everyone loves Pablo. It was funny watching his barfly friends all clamoring to hold this tiny dog and one guy would take him outside to walk him. Once we were there and some guy at the end of the bar kept looking inside his jacket. After a bit we finally saw the little face...he had a ferret in there and kept looking in to check on him and sometimes give him bits of food. He was cute but we didn't know the guy so we didn't try to see him.

                        Oh, and I stopped in the bookstore after work yesterday, and I was looking at something near the door when a guy came in with a little English Bulldog puppy. He was so cute (the guy wasn't bad, either, wink, wink) and soft; poor thing was shaking, though. Whether from the cold or he was scared, I don't know.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Last year when X-Men III came out, me and a bunch of people went to see it at midnight. A few people were almost late getting there so we had to sit in the front of the theater. About halfway through the movie, my friend Mike leans over and goes "look in the lady on my other side's jacket and tell me if I'm crazy..."

                          She had a chihuahua in her jacket IN a movie theater at one in the morning! I mean, really, does a dog NEED to see X3?

                          Also, when I win the lottery and own my book store and my bar (separate places! (c: ) they will both have pets. The bookstore WILL have a fluffy long haired cat, maybe two. And the bar? Well, I plan to live above with with a bulldog and a great dane or two, that will come down when the bar is closed and keep me company while I count and clean.

                          You know, when I win the lottery and have the money.
                          Last edited by reformedwaitress; 03-07-2007, 01:05 PM.
                          "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                          I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                          • #14
                            Quoth reformedwaitress View Post

                            She had a chihuahua in her jacket IN a movie theater at one in the morning! I mean, really, does a dog NEED to see X3?
                            I never understood that. I love chihuahuas, Pablo is one and it's all his fault I love them, and I've been known to take him shopping on occasion. But I take him to the bookstore where I have friends, and to the pet store to get him treats; I didn't take him places where he wasn't allowed (well, once, but I left when they told me he wasn't allowed), I didn't take him out to eat, I didn't take him to the movies...he doesn't have a special carry bag or stroller () (he has only a plastic dog crate if needed), he owns one sweater and that's only because he has no hair. I don't shop at the dog boutique and buy him $23 t-shirts and $15 chew toys. Really, people are crazy.
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              Quoth reformedwaitress View Post
                              She had a chihuahua in her jacket IN a movie theater at one in the morning! I mean, really, does a dog NEED to see X3?
                              Well, if the dog ever entered our chat room...he could see all the X3 he wanted
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

