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"I'm sorry I didn't design this building!"

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  • "I'm sorry I didn't design this building!"

    Yet another stupid customer complaining about the toilets in our bar. This time, it was to another member of staff, and it was unbelieveably stupid. An elderly man comes up to the bar...

    OM: Old Man
    CW: Co-Worker

    CW: How can I help you sir?
    OM: I would like to lodge a complaint!
    CW: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What is your complain sir?
    OM: The taps in your toilets!
    CW: OK, what was wrong with them? Were they dirty? Or broken?
    OM: NO! I don't like the taps in here!
    CW: *Senses this is going no where* And what don't you like about them sir?
    OM: Well, at my house, we have real taps. We have ones where you turn the tap to get it to work! Here, you have those annoying push down ones! They turn themselves off before I get a chance to properly wash my hands!
    CW: O....K....sir. Is that all?
    OM: Yes, so what are you going to do about it?
    CW: Well, to be honest sir, I don't think there is anything we can do about it. It would be an expensive and time consuming job to replace all the taps to your satisfaction...
    OM: What do you think you're doing putting taps in a place like this?
    CW: Well, sir, it is so that no customers can leave the taps running and flood the bathroom...
    OM: I'm not an idiot! I wouldn't do that! What kind of person would do that?
    CW: You would be surprised sir.
    OM: I want real taps in this place when I come back, or I will be speaking to your manager.
    CW: Well, I'm sorry sir, but those taps were put in place long before I started working here, so I do not see how this is my fault.

    The old man walks away, grumbling.

  • #2
    goodbye brain cells that were killed reading of that guy's stupidity
    "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


    • #3
      Ask him is he's willing to pay to upgrade the taps in your bar to his satisfaction. What's that you say? It's OUR job to change the taps? Well, we DID change the taps--we changed them to the style that stut themselves off, because some inconsiderate prick desided to flood the bathroom!
      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


      • #4
        I was in a bar in Nice, France recently, that didn't even have door handles on the doors. They were completely flush with the wall itself, tiled to match and counter-weighted, so if you pressed the right part of the "wall" the door swung open. The sinks had hidden taps with infra-red sensors, rather like the ones in McDonalds, so you stuck your hands into this hole in the walls to wash them. it was all very confusing, and a nightmare for drunk people. Those crazy French people and their Gallic sense of humour...
        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
        - Dave Barry


        • #5
          Customers throwing glasses and breaking them on purpose, then this asshole. CRML there is no way I could work where you work.


          • #6
            To be fair, I hate those things, too. Almost as much as the IR-sensor ones. They never give you enough time to wash properly. Still, I don't pitch a fit over them.

            Oh, and who's the idiot that keeps putting low-flow aerators on all the taps? The ones that turn the spray into a weak drizzle that is useless for washing hands? This is friggin' Ohio, here, numnuts. The typical water table here is something like five inches below ground level. It would take several years of extreme drought to give us water shortages.

            Oh, well. At least I don't yell at people who don't have any input into the matter.


            • #7
              We have the sensor taps at work (also auto-flush toilets; luckily they're not the overly sensitive ones that flush before you're done, most of the time,anyway). The bathroom up near my office is set up the same way as the bathroom in my old store, and when I stop in the store now and go in the bathroom, I keep expecting the sink to turn itself on, and then feel dumb when I remember they aren't automatic in the store.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Uhmmm wow. Where do people like this come from? Seriously


                • #9
                  Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                  OM: I want real taps in this place when I come back, or I will be speaking to your manager.
                  Excuse me . . .


                  Are you flippin' serious? This guy is a riot! You could almost send in this story to a stand-up comedian and they'd probably use it!! To complain about something so trivial is just . . . is just . . . well, we can always use a good laugh anyway. This is the part when you whip out the real taps from behind your back and say, "juuuuust kidding . . . !! You've just been punked!" And honestly, what do think the manager will say when the guy comes back and realizes the 'new-fangled, autermatic' taps are still there? (right, like the guy will ever come back) . . .
                  This area is left blank for a reason.


                  • #10
                    Quoth po'drph View Post
                    Customers throwing glasses and breaking them on purpose, then this asshole. CRML there is no way I could work where you work.
                    I know, seriously, I have about a million tales. I am the longest serving member of staff that is not a manager, and I've been there longer than some of them! And I've only been there for two years! The amount of staff that come and go is amazing. I actually love the job because what the customers say and do doesn't upset me, but it does give me some great stories to tell!

                    Thankfully, we've got a new manager. He's only been there a few weeks and already he's putting changes in place to get rid of the SC's. He figures if they don't like our bar, then they have no right to be in there.


                    • #11
                      When the mall in Eugene put in those automatic toilets and sinks, well, it was havoc on my poor mother. The toilets made her scream when she got up, and the sinks made her scream when they came on when her face was right next to them.
             do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                      Chickens are Asexual!


                      • #12
                        ...I must admit that I find those camera-operated and push-button faucets to be rather annoying myself. If my hands aren't so close to the spout to the point where the water is getting all over the counter, the water cuts off on me :/. Though I completely understand the point of having them for flooding issues.

                        And it's definitely not worth raising the stink this guy threw over it. I find it somewhat comical.


                        • #13
                          Honestly, I not only find those sort of taps annoying, but unsanitary. You're hands aren't clean when you push them, so they have your germs on them when you have to push them again, defeating the purpose of washing your hands.

                          That being said, am I going to have a fit and scream at the empolyees and manager about it? Heck no! I'm sure they find them just as annoying as I do and are just as powerless to change them.


                          • #14
                            Quoth mrsjfreak View Post
                            Uhmmm wow. Where do people like this come from? Seriously
                            People like this come from the evil land of Complainalot. They're never happy until they've found something to whine about, then they're satisfied that they've frustrated someone else.

                            Seriously, if a newfangled tap is the only thing you can find to complain about, that sounds like a pretty decent place.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              Quoth GayleShy View Post
                              Honestly, I not only find those sort of taps annoying, but unsanitary. You're hands aren't clean when you push them, so they have your germs on them when you have to push them again, defeating the purpose of washing your hands.
                              Yeah but surely it is just as bad for the other kind of taps? At least with push taps, you only have to hit it once, but with turn taps, you have to actually grasp the whole thing with your whole hand and fingers...

