A study in their foolish attemps to reverse, reverse psychology.....
This is a small Pharmacy with a single til by the door for customers to purchase items quickly (when we have the staff to sit there..) and a Healthcare Pharmacy counter near the Dispensary.
It was one of those days, only 5 members in, most of which are upstairs arranging stock.
A arrogant woman stomps up to me and thrusts her basket in front of my Pharmacy advise table and declares "IS there no-one serving over there?!!". it then flashes through my mind that for her to have made that little declaration she must have walked over there, MADE the observation, made her way over to me to fruitlessly ask.....
Now, I had no idea if she was being stupid or just plain rude, why state the OBVIOUS???
its just like when people ask "is there no staff?" in a accusative tone, or when they like to stand in the queue and bitch "ohhh theres only ONE serving" while they raise their voice hoping to send the other customers into rants domino style.
LOOK, we've ALL been there! but when I go into a store I look at the queues and MAKE the conscious decision to queue or not!!
Another of their favourite phrases is "no-wonder this place is going downhil..everytime I come in here its worse" - well, if you REALLY think the service is THAT bad....why the HECK do you keep coming back to haunt ME?!!
Everyday they get ruder and ruder, I have a 1,000 tales to tell now.....
This is a small Pharmacy with a single til by the door for customers to purchase items quickly (when we have the staff to sit there..) and a Healthcare Pharmacy counter near the Dispensary.
It was one of those days, only 5 members in, most of which are upstairs arranging stock.
A arrogant woman stomps up to me and thrusts her basket in front of my Pharmacy advise table and declares "IS there no-one serving over there?!!". it then flashes through my mind that for her to have made that little declaration she must have walked over there, MADE the observation, made her way over to me to fruitlessly ask.....
Now, I had no idea if she was being stupid or just plain rude, why state the OBVIOUS???
its just like when people ask "is there no staff?" in a accusative tone, or when they like to stand in the queue and bitch "ohhh theres only ONE serving" while they raise their voice hoping to send the other customers into rants domino style.
LOOK, we've ALL been there! but when I go into a store I look at the queues and MAKE the conscious decision to queue or not!!
Another of their favourite phrases is "no-wonder this place is going downhil..everytime I come in here its worse" - well, if you REALLY think the service is THAT bad....why the HECK do you keep coming back to haunt ME?!!
Everyday they get ruder and ruder, I have a 1,000 tales to tell now.....
