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Scammer: "It's not fair!"

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  • Scammer: "It's not fair!"

    I came back to work at Meijer after six months off, and they have changed a few things around. For one, I cannot log into any cashier terminal (except for U-Scan) because the store has gone to thumbprint authentication. Since Im only going to be around for a week, I technically do not exist. Anyway what they have me basically doing this week is running up and down the sales floor and covering breaks by just having the cashiers have me run under their name (huge liability if you ask me, but I'm not stupid). So I'm down on the Express Lane giving the cashier her break, and everything is going fine....

    ...And then this crowd of trailer-trash (no offense to anyone, but thats the only way I could describe them) led by a woman on a mobilized cart with one of those mobile respirator units comes down the lane. Everything goes fine, until I get to this MP3 player with a clearance sticker one the front that said 2 for $3....

    SC: Make sure that rings up 2 for $3.
    Me: okayyy....

    I ring it up, noticing the REAL clearance sticker on the back stating that it was $105, and sure enough its $105. The SC immediately goes into the whole "It says 2 for $3 on the front, thats what you should give it to me for" routine while I try to call Electronics to confirm the price (even though I know its wrong), while the cashier I'm covering for returns.

    We both concur that the price is wrong, all while SC is going "You should give it to me for the 2 for $3, thats not fair routine", we bring over the CSM, who confirms that it is not right (and also notices that the 2 for $3 clearance sticker is for FASHION clearance items, confirming my personal suspicion that she had switched the labels), SC doesn't listen to her, so CSM gets ahold of electronics as well as our team leader (who started the week after I left six months earlier, and thus didn't know too well), he comes over there and tells the CS (who is the all the while STILL ranting that "it wasn't fair"). I get called away to help another guest on a carryout, and come back, SHE IS STILL GOING. Our team leader basically says no. And then she FINALLY gives up, and says she'll take everything else (nothing that was worth trying to scam off us) and wasn't going to come back. TL, CSM, and I walk away (so I can know whose break Im covering next ), and he basically says to us "Thats perfectly fine with me if she doesn't come back."
    There is hope from Meijer Management. There is some backbone there!

  • #2
    Even if she wasn't the one that switched the tags (yeah, right.), who in their right mind would actually think that you could buy a MP3 player for $1.50!

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to flail about wildly.


    • #3
      Quoth Lyse View Post
      Even if she wasn't the one that switched the tags (yeah, right.), who in their right mind would actually think that you could buy a MP3 player for $1.50!

      Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to flail about wildly.
      yes but SCs are never in their right mind. and if they were they wouldn't know what to do with it.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #4
        Quoth Lyse View Post
        who in their right mind would actually think that you could buy a MP3 player for $1.50!
        And if there really was an MP3 player that cheap, would anybody want something that cheap? It would break before you got it out of the package!
        I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

        Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


        • #5
          Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
          And if there really was an MP3 player that cheap, would anybody want something that cheap? It would break before you got it out of the package!
          Actually, the one that she was claiming was 2 for $3 was rather nice...


          • #6
            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
            And if there really was an MP3 player that cheap, would anybody want something that cheap? It would break before you got it out of the package!
            I got one for my sister for free. She said she wanted one for christmas so I went to target. Most of their players were about U$50.00. They had a U$50.00 "gift card" that was a creditcard sized MP3 player, just thicker. I got her that instead.
            Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


            • #7
              Well done

              I am glad your manager stood up to that SC.

              Incidentally Tesco was doing a 259 MB player for £4.99. It made a brilliant gift!
              ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
              Quoth Gravekeeper


              • #8
                I'm a little suprised a woman in a wheelchair and on a respirator hasn't figured out before now that life ain't fair. Oh, well. Some people are thick.


                • #9
                  That was no SC, she was a downright THIEF. I think she should've been arrested for trying to commit such obvious fraud.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                    I got one for my sister for free. She said she wanted one for christmas so I went to target. Most of their players were about U$50.00. They had a U$50.00 "gift card" that was a creditcard sized MP3 player, just thicker. I got her that instead.
                    I saw those, they looked like a really cool gift.


                    • #11
                      There's a small chance she wasn't the person who switched the tags, but it's a verrrry small chance.

                      When I worked at the grocery store, one day a woman was caught switching tags on meat (not really tags, but you know, those price slips they slap on the meat). She was among the same "caliber" of people as the woman you described. However, there is a difference between lower income people who just hit a tough spot in life and those who are poor and play the "poor" card, and use their lack of income as an excuse for their trashy behavior. I came across tons of people like that at the grocery store, and even many more at the gas station.

                      Manners and class do not cost anything. I hate people who use their "status" on the income ladder as an excuse for trashy behavior and crime comitting.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        okay, this drives me nuts. I'm poor (I'm about $10,000 under the poverty "line" for a family of three in my area, and I don't make enough to make ends meet), and while I WILL dig through the meat displays to find the lowest priced package of meat, I have NEVER and WOULD NEVER stoop to switching labels.

                        where the hell do people get off pulling that kind of crap?
                        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Estil View Post
                          That was no SC, she was a downright THIEF. I think she should've been arrested for trying to commit such obvious fraud.
                          We had no proof that she herself had changed the label, although LP may have found something since then (t'was my day off today ), I do know that we have sent her photo to the neighboring stores in the area so they are on the lookout, especially since she had also thrown in the "But everywhere else does it" defense between her "It's not fair" rants.
                          Last edited by CrazyCashierGuy; 03-08-2007, 01:53 AM.


                          • #14
                            We used to have that problem a lot. One lady would always take the barcode sticker of pencil cases and stick them on very expensive electrical items. Needless to say I was a bit suss when a toaster rang up as a 89c case....


                            • #15
                              Tollbaby, you are an honest, decent person because you were taught right from wrong. Before my family moved to this area, we lived in another town and my parents combined income was less than $15,000 a year, for a family of four. It's not about the money, it's about being raised right and knowing right from wrong. Unfortunately, too many low income people think their circumstances allow them to commit crimes and scams. I'm not exactly rolling in the dough, hell, everyone on this site knows how I'm just squeaking by in life financially, and I'd still never act like the world owes me, because my parents taught me the value of honesty. I wish more people were taught that.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

