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I didn't say that!

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  • I didn't say that!

    So, I work phones for a company that does discount and free medicine for people. (Not selling, we handle programs from the actual manufacturer).

    I get a call from a woman, very angry. She called back in Oct of last year to request a rebate form, which we mailed. She called to see where it was, having not recieved it, in FEBRUARY. And called a different department to boot. The notes from the person she called state, "informed patient we don't handle rebates, transferred to (our department), patient hung up while being transferred". The woman says to me, they said you don't do that anymore, and hung up on me. I tried to tell her about the misunderstanding, and that we do send them out, and that I would send one out for her. But she goes on a screaming fit, refuses to let me speak. I finally state, ma'am, if you won't let me speak, then I can't help you. Have a nice day, and thanks for calling. She shuts up for a moment, as they usually do when I say that, then starts screaming at me that I better not hang up. I inform her that I have no intention of doing so, and she trys to argue that saying have a nice day means I'm about to hang up on her. (I've NEVER hung up on a customer. giggling them around on the line is too much fun!) And during the screaming, she mentions how rude the last person, and why she hung up on them. I grab on this, Ma'am, I thought you said they hung up on you? "What? NO! I NEVER SAID THAT! I said YOU were going to hang up on me. LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR! " The magic words that means my poor sup, who does NOT know how to handle angry people, is about to get angry at me. "Certainly ma'am, one moment. " I reach for the hold button, and, as I press it, she says, RETARD. I imeddiately hit the line button to pick the call back up. "Ma'am, please do not insult me, that was uncalled for." Stunned silence. then, "What?" Ma'am, you just called me a retard. "I was on hold! I'm allowed to talk to myself on hold! WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME WHEN IM ON HOLD!" Ma'am, i was reaching for the hold button when you said that. You werent on hold yet.

    Then she says, I shiat you not. "I didn't say it. " What? Im incredulous. shes actually trying to say... " I didnt say it. I didnt say nothing, you heard me say nothing. "

    I was stunned. I heard you, you admitted it, now youre saying....

    some people.

  • #2
    So, what happened then? Gotta know!
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      How do you hear someone say nothing?

      "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


      • #4
        At that point, I probably would "accidentally" hit the release button.


        • #5
          I think once you call someone a retard, you're done. There are certain things I'll put up with (swearing, as long as it isn't directed at me, for one) and some things I won't (personal insults of the very non-PC variety are amongst them).

          I do love that customers seem to forget that we can hear them, even when they think aloud.
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            These are not the droids you're looking for?
   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

            Chickens are Asexual!


            • #7
              zzap, just about.

              as for what happened, my sup came over later, and i apologized for her having to deal with that wingbat. She shrugged her shoulders and told me next time, don't call them on it when they are being hypocritical and lying.

              Enh. I used to work for chase, im still kinda used to my banking instincts. This whole, we be nice to them to get them to use the program, becuase they arent the ones paying us, thing, is kinda new to me.

