i'd almost forgotten this 'special' case sc...almost.
she's a walking stereotype for trailer trash everywhere:
missing most of her teeth
loud and obnoxious
abusive and rude
expects a whole lot for next to nothing (preferrably nothing)
gramatically challenged
possibly drunk/high or both
round one and round two occur in the same way (a deja vu event), her plodding up to the register dumbly, like a cow (a brain dead cow), and ordering her drink, which is one of the few coherent things she managed to say during her visit.
i want a caramel macchiata, three, ONLY three ice cubes-you unnerstand that, ONLY three ice cubes, got it, 'cuz i'm gonna split it up when i gets home, a cup of ice and as much caramel as you can fit in the cup, and caramel syrup, not that vanilla stuff. (say this in the loudest, nastiest tone possible, with minimal slurring)
i proceed to make the drink, thinking, when have i done this before, only to realise, to my horror, that this is the crazy witch from a few months back that made me see beyond red (the worst customer in my history of working).
she begins to throw a tantrum before she leaves the register, howling incoherently about how it's wrong already, that's not enough caramel-my temper readout is already reaching red, and it hasn't even been a minute yet. after a few more seconds, my limit has been breached-i turn to my manager and ask him if i can take my break now (and i mean right now, because i'm about to kill this waste of tissue and precious oxygen) so i can cool off, because homicide isn't the answer (or worth my time).
he takes over, she continues to rant, trying to enlist the aid of other customers in her selfishness, stupidity and greed, who are actually watching her with a mixture of revulsion, horror and fascination, much like someone would watch an interview with a serial killer.
after she leaves, i'm calm again; however, i ask (and this is a first time in over three years of this job, so it's damned bad) if we can ban her, based on the abuse she heaps on us whenever we're inflicted with her patronage.
he asks if i felt it was that bad (would hell yes work?) since it was a first time? i tell him that this is the second time (that i'm aware of) and that she has been like this, and it's simply beyond abuse, and shouldn't be tolerated. he says that we should consider that maybe she's mentally ill.
mentally ill my ass, try meth fried; the incoherence and need for that much sugar? says some sort of drug addiction to me, not mental illness, and even if it were, she's not just abusive, but creating a hostile enviornment for all, not just employees, but for other customers. guh...
she's a walking stereotype for trailer trash everywhere:
missing most of her teeth
loud and obnoxious
abusive and rude
expects a whole lot for next to nothing (preferrably nothing)
gramatically challenged
possibly drunk/high or both
round one and round two occur in the same way (a deja vu event), her plodding up to the register dumbly, like a cow (a brain dead cow), and ordering her drink, which is one of the few coherent things she managed to say during her visit.
i want a caramel macchiata, three, ONLY three ice cubes-you unnerstand that, ONLY three ice cubes, got it, 'cuz i'm gonna split it up when i gets home, a cup of ice and as much caramel as you can fit in the cup, and caramel syrup, not that vanilla stuff. (say this in the loudest, nastiest tone possible, with minimal slurring)
i proceed to make the drink, thinking, when have i done this before, only to realise, to my horror, that this is the crazy witch from a few months back that made me see beyond red (the worst customer in my history of working).
she begins to throw a tantrum before she leaves the register, howling incoherently about how it's wrong already, that's not enough caramel-my temper readout is already reaching red, and it hasn't even been a minute yet. after a few more seconds, my limit has been breached-i turn to my manager and ask him if i can take my break now (and i mean right now, because i'm about to kill this waste of tissue and precious oxygen) so i can cool off, because homicide isn't the answer (or worth my time).
he takes over, she continues to rant, trying to enlist the aid of other customers in her selfishness, stupidity and greed, who are actually watching her with a mixture of revulsion, horror and fascination, much like someone would watch an interview with a serial killer.
after she leaves, i'm calm again; however, i ask (and this is a first time in over three years of this job, so it's damned bad) if we can ban her, based on the abuse she heaps on us whenever we're inflicted with her patronage.
he asks if i felt it was that bad (would hell yes work?) since it was a first time? i tell him that this is the second time (that i'm aware of) and that she has been like this, and it's simply beyond abuse, and shouldn't be tolerated. he says that we should consider that maybe she's mentally ill.
mentally ill my ass, try meth fried; the incoherence and need for that much sugar? says some sort of drug addiction to me, not mental illness, and even if it were, she's not just abusive, but creating a hostile enviornment for all, not just employees, but for other customers. guh...
