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Frustration with payments

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  • Frustration with payments

    Part of my job is to handle all incoming payments. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if people would use some commen sense when sending their payments...but we all know what the odds of that are. Below are some of the things that customers due when paying their bill that annoy and frustrate the crap out of me:

    1. No remittance slip.
    The remittance slip is attatched to your bill for a reason. It has all the information already on it that will allow us to easily apply your payment to your account. When its not included, you just create extra work for us...and by us, I mean me.

    2. Writing notes on the remittance slip.
    Don't write that you want to cancel your service, or that you are upset about a late fee, or that channel 26 is out. Call us. By actually calling, you can be rest assured that whatever you need/want/desire will be taken care of right away...not whenever your payment makes it here.

    3. Parts of the statement.
    The part of the bill that is suppose to be returned with your payment is call the remittance slip, and its at the bottom of your bill. Its the part that tears off easily. Don't rip off the top part of the statement and send that with your check. Sometimes people will go and return the middle section of the bill...which means that they went and ripped off the top and the remittance slip...that confuses me.

    4. Names on checks.
    This is a biggy. If you are sending in a check to pay something on an account that isn't in your name...write the name of the account holder or the account number on the check! It seems simple, but it isn't. Sometimes we will get 4 checks all from different people wanting to pay on one account...and of course there will be no account information on any of them. The addresses will be from places that we don't provide service to, and remittance slip either. If you can't be bothered to write any account info on the check, then don't be surprised if your check isn't applied correctly. Same goes for money orders.

    Anything else that should be added to the list?

  • #2
    Augh! I hate it when people write requests on their remittence slips. We here at the call center then have to deal with them saying "Well why isn't my gas turned off? I wrote it on my biiiiiiiill."

    What in the name of Jesus Jones do think that will accomplish! jeepers!
    Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


    • #3
      ominousoat .... I feel your pain.....I deal with the same stuff. Last week I lost my voice and my doctor took me off the phone (yea!!) and I got assigned paperwork. Some of this paperwork is reading through all the remit slips that people wrote crap on and trying to decifer what exactly the customer wants. And since I wasn't suppose to talk, I couldn't even call the customer to ask questions (yippee!) Anytime I changed something to what I thought the customer wanted, I would put a remark on the account stating that the change was "per correspondence" so that the rep who gets the unhappy customer on the phone if I did the wrong thing will know that she/he can tell the customer, "Well, that's what you asked for!". I was back on the phone this week and damn, I wish I'd lose my voice again!!!


      • #4
        They do the same thing here when we lose our voices, the problem is I haven't lost my voice to the point of not being able to communicate for years...DAH! But we have to do correspondance even if we're on the phones...
        Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


        • #5
          We had this one group of college kids who were room mates, and decided to get our service.

          The all ahd a group checking account, so the payment that was mailed in would have four different names on it.

          That wouldn't have been so bad, but they decided to make their account with us under a fake name...and they never returned the remittance slip.



          • #6
            I will fess up to regularly writing something on remittance slips:

            "Thank you for your help."

            I figure it may be the only time that day that whomever deals with it gets thanked. I try to write it where it won't interfere with any of my account information. I hope like crazy that I've never inadvertently irritated anyone by doing this.

            Then again, I'm a little strange.
            "Mommy, Daddy, I want a Jagermonster for Giftymas!"


            • #7
              Thank yous, and smiley faces, and anything that is not negative is more then welcome!


              • #8
                Quoth Jewels View Post
                2. Writing notes on the remittance slip.
                Don't write that you want to cancel your service, or that you are upset about a late fee, or that channel 26 is out. Call us. By actually calling, you can be rest assured that whatever you need/want/desire will be taken care of right away...not whenever your payment makes it here.
                Only ONCE have I resorted to writing a note on a remittance slip and it was because phone calls to change the info and submitting changes online didn't accomplish anything. I called in twice and submitted info online 4 times and this company (they print a nationwide television guide - you figure it out) continued to ignore my request.

                Writing my gripe in large black block letters on the remittance slip finally convinced them to start spelling my name correctly.
                The customer is always right until I decide he isn't.


                • #9
                  I had almost exactly the same situation - all of a sudden my invoice started coming with a different address printed on it, although my address hadn't actually changed, and I certainly hadn't informed the company that it had. I called 3 times and it was never fixed so I finally wrote an aggrieved note on my remittance slip & that did the trick.
                  "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


                  • #10
                    Quoth Jewels View Post

                    Anything else that should be added to the list?
                    How about this one? If you have more than one account, please make sure you are paying for the right account! Do not bring in a slip for the other phone number, have us apply your payment, then call in later and ask us to transfer it to the other account. And, if this is so difficult for you, then combine the bills!

                    That last part isn't always doable, especially if you deal with people where each account is in a different name. That's how phone service is, at least. As for things like cable, water, electric, etc, no way can you get more than one of those!


                    • #11
                      We have people who will pay for other peoples cable...usually they are a relative or something. Its a PITA when they can't bother to write their acct number on the check. Then they get angry at us when they get a letter saying that they didn't pay last month.

