Part of my job is to handle all incoming payments. Now, this wouldn't be so bad if people would use some commen sense when sending their payments...but we all know what the odds of that are. Below are some of the things that customers due when paying their bill that annoy and frustrate the crap out of me:
1. No remittance slip.
The remittance slip is attatched to your bill for a reason. It has all the information already on it that will allow us to easily apply your payment to your account. When its not included, you just create extra work for us...and by us, I mean me.
2. Writing notes on the remittance slip.
Don't write that you want to cancel your service, or that you are upset about a late fee, or that channel 26 is out. Call us. By actually calling, you can be rest assured that whatever you need/want/desire will be taken care of right away...not whenever your payment makes it here.
3. Parts of the statement.
The part of the bill that is suppose to be returned with your payment is call the remittance slip, and its at the bottom of your bill. Its the part that tears off easily. Don't rip off the top part of the statement and send that with your check. Sometimes people will go and return the middle section of the bill...which means that they went and ripped off the top and the remittance slip...that confuses me.
4. Names on checks.
This is a biggy. If you are sending in a check to pay something on an account that isn't in your name...write the name of the account holder or the account number on the check! It seems simple, but it isn't. Sometimes we will get 4 checks all from different people wanting to pay on one account...and of course there will be no account information on any of them. The addresses will be from places that we don't provide service to, and remittance slip either. If you can't be bothered to write any account info on the check, then don't be surprised if your check isn't applied correctly. Same goes for money orders.
Anything else that should be added to the list?
1. No remittance slip.
The remittance slip is attatched to your bill for a reason. It has all the information already on it that will allow us to easily apply your payment to your account. When its not included, you just create extra work for us...and by us, I mean me.
2. Writing notes on the remittance slip.
Don't write that you want to cancel your service, or that you are upset about a late fee, or that channel 26 is out. Call us. By actually calling, you can be rest assured that whatever you need/want/desire will be taken care of right away...not whenever your payment makes it here.
3. Parts of the statement.
The part of the bill that is suppose to be returned with your payment is call the remittance slip, and its at the bottom of your bill. Its the part that tears off easily. Don't rip off the top part of the statement and send that with your check. Sometimes people will go and return the middle section of the bill...which means that they went and ripped off the top and the remittance slip...that confuses me.
4. Names on checks.
This is a biggy. If you are sending in a check to pay something on an account that isn't in your name...write the name of the account holder or the account number on the check! It seems simple, but it isn't. Sometimes we will get 4 checks all from different people wanting to pay on one account...and of course there will be no account information on any of them. The addresses will be from places that we don't provide service to, and remittance slip either. If you can't be bothered to write any account info on the check, then don't be surprised if your check isn't applied correctly. Same goes for money orders.
Anything else that should be added to the list?