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For the first time ever...

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  • For the first time ever...

    I am in tears because of a customer.
    I have never, ever in my life been spoken to the way i was.

    I tried my best to help this person and i was told how useless and pathetic i am. I've taken abuse before but never anything like this.
    Maybe after i smoke and gather my thoughts i can post the conversation.

    I really feel like quitting right now

  • #2
    That is horrible Fraggle. I'm sorry that you're hurt, but remember, Karma really likes to bite ppl like that in the butt. In the meantime, enjoy your smokey treat, take a few deep breaths, and enjoy these calorie-free choccies

    *hands over choccies*
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Someone really needs to make Iradney a Smiley offering choccies... I'd do it but I'm useless at that sort of thing.

      Fraggle: we you
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Ouch. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
        I agree with Iradney about the karma thing. This person will understand what they have done, someday. As weird as it sounds, the best thing you can do for yourself right now is forgive them. Don't let it eat at you.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Following my wonderful smoke out in the cold air, im more pissed off than anything. I've been working in customer service for 2 years, taken hundreds if not thousands of call and today was the first time i was reduced to tears.

          The bitch in question had one of her lackys call up and try arrange a refund. No problem there, im happy to do that, its my job
          Then said bitch in background was screaming at her slave that she wanted it replaced with a top of the range camera. He relayed the information to me and heres where it caused problems.

          Me - innocent party
          BC - Bitch customer
          BS - Bitch's slave

          me: sorry, our system will only allow us to replace this camera with teh exact same model. What i can do is give you a full refund for this and you can purchase a different item of your choice.
          BS - Hold on, my manager wants to speak with you
          BC - *Screaming already* Right, listen to me, here what you will do.

          Now, if theres one thing that pisses me off, is someone barking orders at me like im a slave.
          Anyway, bitch basically tells me to take back her camera and give her a top of the range version at no extra cost.
          Now as i've already explain to BS i can't do this, its an automated returns system that only allows items to be replaced with the same model.
          I tell BC this over and over again

          BC: Right, you are a fucking useless liar. I WANT MY NEW CAMERA
          Me: *Knowing this is going downhill very fast, i explain once again i can't do that
          BC *Calls me everyname under the sun*
          Me: Gives a warning to STFU (not exactly of course)

          At this point the phone is thrown (im assuming) back to BS who starting hassling me. Again i advise him i don't appreciate the amount of abuse im being given.
          And he says (yes i swear, he really said this) -

          BS- No one has been giving you any abuse, we have been perfectly civil. Its you who is being rude

          Then he starts demanding what i've already told them i can't do. Then they demand a supervisor, which im happy to get.
          Alas, all escalations were busy at he time so i had to organise a callback.

          Then BS started demading the supervisor hang on on whatever cusotmers they were dealing with to help BC.

          At this point another torrent of abuse was unleashed. At this point customer went by bye bye because i don't get paid enough to take that kind of abuse.
          This is shortened version, this call went on for a while, then i cried. I hardly ever cry. Bastards


          • #6
            What a nasty pair of people. What a shame you couldn't have said somehting along the lines of "I who was being rude? How odd, that's not what the recording of the call says".

            Forget them, Fraggle, they are sad inadequate people who are not worth your tears. The one thing you can be truly happy about is that an automatied system can't be over-ridden by a spineless manager, so whatever happens, all they are going to get is a refund for that camera.

            *hands Fraggle a gin & tonic, and a jaffa cake*
            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
            - Dave Barry


            • #7
              I don't know if I would have been able to handle that call without saying something back. It's idiot customers like that who make me not want to have a job. I hope you feel a bit better because that's not something you should have had to deal with.


              • #8
                Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                What a nasty pair of people. What a shame you couldn't have said somehting along the lines of "I who was being rude? How odd, that's not what the recording of the call says".

                Forget them, Fraggle, they are sad inadequate people who are not worth your tears. The one thing you can be truly happy about is that an automatied system can't be over-ridden by a spineless manager, so whatever happens, all they are going to get is a refund for that camera.

                *hands Fraggle a gin & tonic, and a jaffa cake*
                Many thanks. I needed that.
                At last tomorrow is Friday

                BTW they did demand i change the automated system, you know, the one the entire international corporation uses


                • #9
                  Wow, what a couple of jerks. Is there system in place where you could have handed them off to a supervisor when they first became abusive? There is absolutly no need to be expected to take abuse like that, and you're not paid to take the abuse, management is.

                  I must say though, you showed much more restraint then I would have. Don't let them get you down though, can you imagine how miserable they must be, hell BS has to work with BC every day (that in itself is a pretty nice hand of Karma).
                  My Karma ran over your dogma.


                  • #10
                    I just checked the notes again, the bitch actually got a callback from a manager who actually offered her less options than me ( ) and then withdrew all offers of goodwill as she was screaming at him too much ( )


                    • #11
                      Does anyone use a system that would let them do what they wanted? I've never heard of one. You always have to pay the difference. Assuming anything else is just stupid (and sucky).

                      I'm amazed that you lasted as long as you did. I have virtually no patience for that sort of thing and would have simply hung up far before you did.

                      I think I'll prescribe my favorite relaxation technique: Newcastle, a couch, and some Norah Jones in the background. Fall asleep before you finish the beer, wake up and finish it (if you can't do that with the first one, drink until you can--this part is key). Then go to bed. It rocks.


                      • #12
                        aww. im sorry fraggle. people like that suck. the thing is, they take YOU as the aim for all hostility at all companies everywhere. dont take it personally. realize that the abuse is aimed at the company, you just happen to be teh one hearing it.


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear that fraggle. But you can't let those people get to you.
                          I've been in retail for close to 17 years; you have to develop a thick skin. It seems that these days, your skin has to be stone. People are much ruder than they use to be.
                          And you don't have to take the abuse. When I get a customer on the line and s/he starts the yelling, screaming, swearing, etc., I politely say "Right. If you can't hold a civil conversation, then I will end this call. One more cussword, and I'm disconnecting." Normally, that's brings them back in line, but sometimes not. So it's a nice "click" and they're gone.
                          Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

                          "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."


                          • #14
                            me: sorry, our system will only allow us to replace this camera with teh exact same model. What i can do is give you a full refund for this and you can purchase a different item of your choice.
                            BS - Hold on, my manager wants to speak with you
                            BC - *Screaming already* Right, listen to me, here what you will do.
                            "And here is what YOU will do. You will accept an exchange for the exact same camera, or a refund of your purchase price, or you will get absolutely nothing."

                            BS- No one has been giving you any abuse, we have been perfectly civil. Its you who is being rude
                            "Really? Would you like me to repeat back to you every swear word you have called me in this conversation? Take a seat because it's going to be a while."

                            Good thing she got told to go take a flying leap. Customers like that are not worth retaining.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              grab your drink of choice and take a long, hot soak; melt away that tension and sweat away the filth that pair left as they skidded down the bowl of life...

                              was that recorded? i certainly hope so, because if this pair calls back and cries 'wolf,' the 'wolf' can give them a much needed bite in the ass!
                              look! it's ghengis khan!
                              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

