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My first SC

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  • My first SC

    I was looking through some old school work, and I found a report from when I was the innocent age of 14, and our school sent us out for Work Experience. It was then, that I remembered my first ever SC!

    Seven years ago, I was doing my first ever hard days work, 14 years old on a placement at a local newsagents...

    So, we had a delivery of magazines and comics, and my job was to go out and pick out copies that had been reserved by customers, and put them in appropriate files with their names on then. Easy. I then started working on the tills, and a customer came up to me.

    SC: Hi, I've come to collect my weekly comic.
    Me: OK sir, whats your name so I can find it for you?
    SC: *GASP!*

    At this point, a co worker comes up.

    CW: Sorry John, he's here on Work Experience, he doesn't know who you are.
    SC: Fine! My name is John Smith! (i cant remember what it really was)

    So, I looked through the files, and found his comic. A Beano (people from the UK will know what it is) and attached to it was a nice free gift. I cant remember what it was, but lets just say, it was a chocolate bar.

    SC: What is that?
    Me: Your order sir?
    SC: Not the comic! THAT!

    He pointed at the chocolate bar.

    Me: Thats the free gift! (I said very cheerily)

    He grabbed the chocolate bar, and ripped it off full force off the front cover of the comic, tearing most of the comic book apart. I stood there, completely shocked. The innocent 14 year old version of me couldnt believe someone could be that stupid.

    The co worker saw what happened and ran up.

    CW: Oh my God, John, I'm sorry, he's new!

    She ran to the comic shelve, grabbed another Beano, carefully cut off the chocolate bar, and presented him with a brand new comic.

    CW: Here you go John, I'm so sorry!

    She walked up to me.

    CW: Why did you give him a free gift? He HATES free gifts!

    So, that is my first experience with a SC, and a Sucky CoWorker. A very weird tale, but I did get two chocolate bars to eat.

  • #2
    Wow. The words I need don't exist,
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


    • #3
      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
      She walked up to me.

      CW: Why did you give him a free gift? He HATES free gifts!
      It's bad enough that "John" was such a dick, I can't stand customers that are rude to, or impatient with, new staff!

      But, what the hell is with the Co-IRKer? How were you supposed to know the idiot didn't like free gifts? She had absolutely no reason to treat you so crappily!


      • #4
        Geez, you were just a kid! Did he expect you to know who he was? It's not like he was a movie star or something. Even then, no one should be able to be such an ass.
        "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


        • #5
          "John" sounds like he was perhaps a high-functioning autistic or perhaps some kind of mental illness. I had a Down Syndrome client at the library who would FREAK OUT if the chair at her favorite cubicle was moved (i.e. wrong colored chair). I used to keep that chair behind our desk so she could have it when she came in. I remember one time she tantrumed herself SICK over the chair disappearing when one of the head librarians decided she liked it and took it for her office *sigh*

          Just saying, there could have been an underlying cause. But your co-worker should have explained rather than just chewing you out for not reading minds.
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Sounds more like Comic Book Guy to me.....

            "Worst. Episode. Ever."

            Sorry, couldn't resist the obligatory simpsons ref.


            • #7
              well, the SC could have had a mental illness or something, but you're co-worker should not have had a go at you like that! that was just ridiculous!
              If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried!


              • #8
                Yeah, not your fault you failed Mind Reading 101.

                NOBODY passes that class.
                Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.

