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I don't care if it could KILL you I want it NOW!!

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  • I don't care if it could KILL you I want it NOW!!

    Today at work this lady came up to and ask me if I could get something off of the top shelf. That's fine, I'm a little over six foot tall, if you need something off the top shelf and don't wont to wait for someone to find the ladder you ask me. I get to where the item she wants is and it turns out to be clothes washing powder, and not just any clothes washing powder but the stuff I react the worst to.

    I politely tell the lady that I'm allergic to this particular product and will have to go grab the ladder and get my manager to get it down. This customer apparently figured that my health and safety is of no concern to her and says "No, I'm in a hurry and I need YOU to get it down now."

    "Ma'am," I say, "I can't get this down for you because if I am exposed to enough of this stuff I could potentially wind up in the hospital. Also, since my manager knows im allergic to this, if she finds out that I did I could get in trouble. I'm going to get my manager and she will get it down for you, I can't."

    As soon as i get finished saying this I see her eyes turn red and know what's about to come so I decide to get away as quickly as I can without being rude.

    "I going to get my manager now, she'll be with you as soon as she can."

    As I walk away to find my manager the lady says, "I don't care how allergic (sarcastic emphasis her's) you are, I need this now."

    I told her that I understood she was in a rush and high-tailed it out of the area and told my manager about the situation and she luaghed and found something to do for a good ten minutes before helping the lady.

    When she finally got around to the customer she told me to find something to do close-by if I wanted to so I did. I was pleased to hear my manager back me up on this despite the ladies protestations and accusations. She basically told the customer to shut up, pay for her stuff and leave, just in a much nicer way.

  • #2
    Nicer than I would've been.
    Just a simple "Get the hell out"
    Then again, that's why I'm not a manager
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3
      Your manager rocks!
      "Full price for gum?! That dog won't hunt, monsignor." - Philip J. Fry


      • #4
        I would have told her, that I would not get it down, for health reasons, and if she didn't understand that, then I would have to tell her to leave.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          My allergy is to peanuts. Wouldn't you know it that on my birthday last year my boss gave me a dozen peanut butter cookies. Not his fault though. I never told him. I gave them to the waitstaff to give to the kids who came in, telling them to make sure the kids weren't allergic as well.

          Seems OP's SC was allergic to being civil which is a much more debilitating allergy.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            Consider yourself lucky. I was reading on someother site a few years ago (might have been Fark but I'm not sure) of a similar situation. The clerk came back with the manager, manager got the stuff down, customer opens the package and throws a handful onto the allergic clerk saying "You are all full of shit. Nobody is allergic to soap."

            Clerk goes into a full out allergic reaction, the epi-pen had to be used and the poor chap was in the hospital for a little while until it was confirmed that he was over the attack. The woman was nailed for assult with deadly weapon charges and while I think she didn't get jail time, she had to pay a hefty settlement plus the clerk's medical bills.

            Could have been worse.
            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              Quoth coldcupofjoe View Post
              As I walk away to find my manager the lady says, "I don't care how allergic (sarcastic emphasis her's) you are, I need this now."
              I gotta agree with Mongo. I can just see her deliberately dumping the powder on you and then looking oh-so-surprised when you go into anaphy...ana....that damn shock I can't spell or pronounce in my head today.

              I'm even more surprised we haven't seen a story in the news announcing the death of someone in that type of situation. Bound to happen...
              Last edited by Ree; 03-09-2007, 03:09 PM. Reason: Fixing quote tags


              • #8
                That woman in Mongo's story should be in jail.

                Nobody's allergic to soap, eh?

                Got a good friend allergic to soap. It happens. People can be allergic to anything.


                • #9

                  Some people are just so...evil.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    I knew a woman who was allergic to iodine and my SIL is allergic to milk. People can be allergic to practically anything.

                    CCOJ, that lady should have been tossed out on her kester w/o the detergent.
                    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                    I'm a case study.


                    • #11
                      SC selfishness aside (but duly noted), I have to wonder what her hurry was?
                      Unless she was doing her laundry in the freakin' parking lot (and even then!), what did it matter if it took a few extra minutes to get the soap?

                      One can only hope that people like this develop an allergy to oxygen.

                      "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                      • #12
                        I had a customer once who hated her phone and had called in several times trying to get a different one without paying for it. She was telling me that it was dropping calls, and when I let her know it could be replaced but only with the same model, she told me it gave her headaches and a rash on her ear. I knew she was lying, I've never heard of anyone being allergic to plastic (you'd pretty much die if you were). I told her it was made out of the same materials as her previous device and she said that no other phone ever bothered her, but she was allergic to this one and unless we would replace it with something else she would make us pay her medical bills. I went to my Lead to see what to do in the off-chance that she was allergic to it (I was new, I didn't know better), and he laughed and said "Tell her it's made of hypo-allergenic plastic." She said she was going to sue and put us out of business, but oddly enough we're still here. As for her, well, I can only assume she went into anaphalactic shock and died in agony.

                        And good riddance
                        "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                        • #13
                          Quoth BlackIronCrown View Post
                          I gotta agree with Mongo. I can just see her deliberately dumping the powder on you and then looking oh-so-surprised when you go into anaphy...ana....that damn shock I can't spell or pronounce in my head today.

                          Thankfully my reaction is quite so bad that i would go into anaphylactic shock from having a box of powdered detergent tossed on me. But it is bad enough that if I did get that amount on my skin I would swell up enough to have to see a doctor about fairly quickly.

                          I think I would actually have to ingest the stuff before I would need an epi-pen, however I do hope I never find out.

                          Of course, knowing my luck, I'll get a customer who is vindictive enough to do something like but will have happened to see me drinking out of something and will put some in their.

