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Overweight and Greedy

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  • Overweight and Greedy

    (This is my first post, so please be kind )

    I have worked retail before and had many of my fair share of mishaps and SCs. Today's takes the cake on the inappropriate comments list. For background, I work for an independently owned Sweet Factory. Now, because my manager owns the franchise, he's very strict about sampling (none unless they are absolutely going to buy something--no freebe's whatsoever) and people who just walk in, grabs some candy from a bin and leave without paying for it. We will flag you down for eating a jelly bean. Seriously. Also, touching the candy means you buy it. We cannot sell contaminated food. Most people are very understanding.

    (all thoughts are italicized)

    Today, I came in at two pm and less than fifteen minutes in had an issue. My Co-worker, V we'll call her, caught the SC giving her daughter a gummi worm straight from the bin without using the tongs provided. So she handed SC a bag and told her to go and pay for it, then her daughter could eat it. The SC got in line, where I was ringing up an adorable elderly couple and folding closed their bags for them. Apparently, SC didn't want to wait and since V had left to grab her bag to go on her lunch, she goes, "Forget it then" and sets the bag down and leaves.

    Elderly Couple: Apparently she just couldn't wait.
    Me: Yes, because it takes ten minutes for me to seal a bag. *smile facetiously, they laugh*
    V: Did she take off without paying? *coming back out*
    Me: She left her bag-- *discovering the bag is empty, therefore the woman stole it* --You wanna run after her or me?
    V: I want my lunch.
    Me: *sigh* Ok.

    I run (yes, literally) after her, a good hundred yards down the mall by this point and stop her.

    Me: Ma'am, your daughter ate a gummi worm and you have to pay for it.
    SC: Oh really, I wasn't aware...
    Me: We have a lot of issues with candy thieves, so you can pay the 22 cents for the gummi worm or I can call security and have you kicked out of the mall for a year. *speaking very politely, but trying to make my point clear to a shoplifter*
    SC: Oh. *turns the stroller around and begins to walk back with me* You ran all the way after me over a gummi worm?
    Me: Yes.
    SC: Well, I suppose that makes sense, since you overweight people are always so greedy.
    Me: I can't believe she just said that. .............Ma'am, my being overweight has nothing to do with store policy. *I am 5'2" and 150 lbs. I do qualify as overweight but I'm far from obese, especially since I began this job in Nov at a weight of 167. Yes, I lost weight working at a candy store. Gasp.*
    SC: Of course not. *looking me up and down disdainfully as we walk, in my unflattering uniform and apron, but the whole time she has a very polite, pleasant sounding voice, like she was discussing the weather with a friend*
    Me: Actually, I've lost weight with this job and I rather like the way I look right now. And you ain't no beanpole yourself, lady.
    SC: Oh, all fat people say that.
    Me: Oh really. *reaching the store* Well, I'm sorry but this is store policy that you must pay for what you eat. These rules are made by my manager, who is neither overweight nor white (Korean immigrant actually).
    SC: So how are you going to charge me? *challenging tone* She already ate it.
    Me: Like this. *I weigh another one out* 22 cents please.
    SC: Here's a quarter, keep the change since you're so stingy.
    Me: *by this point trying not to punch her in the face* Have a nice day.
    SC: *She actually reaches out and takes the gummi worm I'd just weighed and moves to give it to her daughter.*
    Me: Ma'am, you can't do that unless you pay for it. That'll be another 22 cents.
    SC: Oh! *drops it on the scale and huffily leaves without paying for it*
    Me: Goodbye. I hope your daughter turns out better than you.

    Her glare was so worth it. My owner/manager's reaction to her comments? "She can't say that! You're allowed to ban her from the store next time." I love him sometimes.

  • #2
    Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
    * . . . the whole time she has a very polite, pleasant sounding voice, like she was discussing the weather with a friend*

    Know why she stayed polite? Probably so when you do try to ban her she can say she was "nothing but nice to you." And probably because it's a semi-well known fact that if you're arguing with someone and keep your voice down and polite, it;s a good way to make the other person get pissed off really quickly. That woman probably gets challenged often.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      I cannot believe she was so rude! .... well, actually I can, I've had customers like that before, but still...
      If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried!


      • #4
        Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
        SC: *She actually reaches out and takes the gummi worm I'd just weighed and moves to give it to her daughter.*
        Wow, she really didn't get it, did she?
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          welcome to the site. i am new myself great story look foward to more. ^.^
          History repeats, the names and dates change, but its always the same old story.


          • #6
            What a nasty lady. I hope she does come back just so you can refuse service to her. She was just taking a cheap shot because you embarrassed her and she had no other recourse!

            Can't wait to hear more candy stories!!!


            • #7
              Quoth adarhysenthe View Post

              Yes, I lost weight working at a candy store. Gasp.*
              Good for you!!!! I couldn't do it. I love Jelly Belly jelly beans waaaaay too much. Especially the buttered popcorn and toasted marshmallow flavors. Mmmm...

              But anyhoo, that lady was vile. It was the STORE'S policy, not yours. I'm sure you learn to pick your battles with a store policy like that; but that lady was just too nasty to let slide. People like that need to learn that they can't get free stuff AND put their grubby hands all over candy. Gross! And the only reason she probably decided to take a jab at your weight was because she had to pick on you for something...I think I'd rather have a few extra pounds on me than be an candy thief at the age of....well, however old she was, she had a kid, and was showing her that it's OK to just grab candy if you want to "try" some. C'mon, people, you don't know what a freaking gummy worm tastes like?! Yeeeesh!

              And welcome to CS!!! I too am looking forward to more stories!
              "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


              • #8
                Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
                SC: Oh, all fat people say that.
                So, what do all thieves say?



                • #9
                  Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
                  SC: Well, I suppose that makes sense, since you overweight people are always so greedy.
                  Me: I can't believe she just said that. .............Ma'am, my being overweight has nothing to do with store policy. *I am 5'2" and 150 lbs. I do qualify as overweight but I'm far from obese, especially since I began this job in Nov at a weight of 167. Yes, I lost weight working at a candy store. Gasp.*
                  SC: Of course not. *looking me up and down disdainfully as we walk, in my unflattering uniform and apron, but the whole time she has a very polite, pleasant sounding voice, like she was discussing the weather with a friend*
                  Me: Actually, I've lost weight with this job and I rather like the way I look right now. And you ain't no beanpole yourself, lady.
                  SC: Oh, all fat people say that.
                  I hate people like that. All the bitchy attitude, but keeping it "sweet" and "nice". Makes the comments all that more bitchy and snobby.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    So, what do all thieves say?

                    Apparently the ones around here in my neck of the woods say "It wasn't me."
                    Last edited by DGoddessChardonnay; 03-10-2007, 05:20 PM.
                    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                    • #11
                      What these people don't understand is, if EVERYBODY takes "just one" then eventually, the store is empty. That's why at Claire's, we phoned the police for ANY and ALL thefts we caught. I don't care if you just stole one itty bitty ring for just $3. You still get to get escourted out, and your parents still get to find out about it. Pay for it, or you'll pay the consequences. Just because you work at a candy store where the merch is edible doesn't make it any different. Someone's livelihood depends on that store!

                      And the fat comment...there are no words. Some people were born without that all-important brain-to-mouth filter. And the sad part is, she has a kid! Hopefully that kid doesn't learn from her mother.
                      I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


                      • #12
                        First of all, you're 5'2", 150 lbs and FAT?
                        Sweety, I'm 5'2" and 170 lbs. If anything, I'm picturing you looking just right.
                        That lady can kiss your bonbon. Now her daughter's gonna grow up a thief with the paris hilton syndrome to boot and actually act surprised on the Dr. Phil show "My daughter steals and disrespects me."
                        Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                        "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                        • #13
                          That lady can kiss your bonbon.
                          Thanks, that comment made my day!

                          What these people don't understand is, if EVERYBODY takes "just one" then eventually, the store is empty.
                          That's exactly why we have such strict rules. The candy is priced by weight so eating some is literally eating our profits and mall rent is high! Lucky for me there is a way on the register to add weight to it while I ring them (that's how we make you pay for eaten candy usually). Unfortunately, that means you must buy some of it for me to charge you for all of it.


                          • #14
                            So, what do all thieves say?

                            'but i'm your BEST customer? how dare you? i want the name of your manager, NOW!'

                            what a dumb bitch; gets caught, tries to cover, fails, then whips out cheap insults to save face.
                            look! it's ghengis khan!
                            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                            • #15
                              Why do customers think that stores get all their merchandise to sell for FREE?

                              This is why the manager at the young lady's store would always tell shoplifters "Give me MY clothes back!". It costs the store money to have the merchandise........and stolen merchandise is LOST money.....!!!!!!!!!

                              People are so fucking stupid....
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

