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The Day The Job Stood Still

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  • The Day The Job Stood Still

    I'm free.
    Free of that insanity known as 'Retail'.
    Today I got a real job paying more than I've ever made before, and tomorrow I give my notice to the place that has been nothing but a huge pain in my rear since Day-1.

    I'm not bragging.
    Just completely, totally and utterly relieved.

    Of course, I still have to work out my week's notice...

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY

  • #2
    CONGRATS! I've been out of retail just for a little over a month, and I couldn't be happier doing my factory work. Thank the Lord!

    However, I will never forget retail and the lessons I learned. The stories are forever etched in my mind, from every retail job. I will continue to be a polite, gracious customer when I am the customer.

    Since I am now in the "customer" category, all I have to say is I have nothing but respect and admiration for retail workers. I mean, if there's a website where we complain about our jobs and customers (in retail), then it must be pretty bad.

    Cheers to all of us, retail and non retail people! We've all been there (or are still there) and we all kick major ass!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      What to say on your last day at work?

      Ah, but that week will be heaven, because:
      You can now say all the things you've been saving up for your last day at work!
      My old manager used to say (when we came up with a scathing reply we wish we could say about something a customer said/did, after customer left) "That would be great to say on your last day at work!" (implying that it *would* be your last day at work if you said it.)

      We used to keep a list of things we'd like to say on our last day at work...what about all of you?
      I no longer fear HELL.
      I work in RETAIL.


      • #4
        Believe me, Enjis, I'm already thinkin' about it.
        Actually, my last retail job afforded me the chance to come down on a customer hard, and I so didn't take it. I live in shame over that one.
        What happened was it was my very last day with a small local toy store chain (since out-of-business, I believe), and as I'm letting out a large group of people and getting ready to lock the door, this moron and his two sons push past me.
        Mind you, the lights are out and my co-worker is counting the registers.
        Me: "I'm sorry, sir, but we're closed."
        SC: "What time do you close?"
        Me: "6 o'clock."
        SC: "But it's just NOW 6 o'clock." (I swear to GOD he actually said this.)
        Me: "Yes, sir. It is."
        I guess I went into some sort of shock at the guy's logic. I couldn't say anything more than "I'm sorry, blah, blah, blah, closed, blah, blah, blah."
        He finally left and afterward I was sooooo disappointed that I didn't say SOMETHING.

        Knowing the job I have now, someone will definitely peeve me that last day (since it pretty much happens on a daily basis) and I'll probably have a well-rehearsed tirade waiting for them.
        Hey, what are they gonna do? Fire me?

        "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


        • #5
          We had a few weeks to enjoy the fact that we were closing for good.

          Two women wanted some pate in the display, and they were desperate for the best date they could get. While I was rummaging around in the counter (the best-dated stuff was in the cabinet underneath...), one of them did a stage whisper:

          "It's much cheaper in the supermarket."

          "That's why we're closing down for good in six weeks," I told her with a cheerful smile.

          They didn't look too happy about that one, but it amused me.



          • #6
            Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon
            Knowing the job I have now, someone will definitely peeve me that last day (since it pretty much happens on a daily basis) and I'll probably have a well-rehearsed tirade waiting for them. Hey, what are they gonna do? Fire me?
            I should be a grown-up and remind you to not burn any bridges on your way out. When I quit my job last August (after nearly 10 years), that was the advice that I consistently received. You never know when you need a good reference and making a bad impression on your last day is the last impression your supervisor may have of you.

            Of course, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't say that I totally took advantage of the last 3 weeks of my job (and pretty much all last summer to be honest).


            • #7
              I remember my last week at the Tim Hortons. There were these kids that consistently came in and tore up the place, leaving me to sweep and mop what they left behind. The worst part about this was I knew them, went to highschool with them and one would hope they'd keep their tables clean out of respect for me. Nope.

              So they came in one night and proceeded to pour sugar on the tables and rip up the napkins in little tiny pieces and sprinkle them all over the floor. I watched the entire thing and their friends busting a gut as they talked about the 'big mess she's gonna have to clean up.'

              They got up to leave as I was nonchalantly sweeping up various crumbs and such from tables nearby.

              *giggle* *snicker* *sputter* *giggle* "I think you missed a spot over here!" They said as they got up to leave.

              I smiled sweetly and handed the broom and the dustpan to the ringleader. "Oh that's okay. I'm sure you'd want to clean up your own mess... I even brought you guys the broom!"

              *sputter* *sputter* "WHAT!? You can make us do that!" *sputter* *sputter*

              "Sure I can, Brenda... But I'm not making you. I just figured since you accidently made a mess, you'd be okay with cleaning it up. I could just call the cops and have you guys arrested for littering and loitering, I guess," I said with a sweet smile.

              She snatches the broom from me and glares. "I'll have you fired for this!"

              I smile. "You can try I guess... But since this is my last week, I don't think my boss will care very much."

              Now I don't actually remember if she cleaned it up or not. I think she may have just half-heartedly smeared around the sugar and napkin bits on the floor and stomped out with her friends. But it was the fact that I stood up to that silly bitch after watching her destroy that booth everytime she came in with her stupid friends was the key thing. And boy was it ever worth it.

              Never did get much of a reference from the boss, but he was a bit of an asshole to begin with anyway and I had a job lined up already.


              • #8
                Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon
                Mind you, the lights are out and my co-worker is counting the registers.
                Me: "I'm sorry, sir, but we're closed."
                SC: "What time do you close?"
                Me: "6 o'clock."
                SC: "But it's just NOW 6 o'clock." (I swear to GOD he actually said this.)
                Me: "Yes, sir. It is."
                SC's do this all the time to me. I close my desk at 8 pm. They'll come up and actually say "It's only 2 after!!! Can't you just open for a second" Nope because then it will be 10 after and another SC will request the same thing. And a vicious cycle will continue.

                My last week at my grocery store job is going to be great. I'm probably coming in drunk off my rocker. I'm going to be as rude as possible to the customers that reguarly give me problems. And I'm finally telling off all the co-workers that have pissed me off. I'm only a couple of months away!!!
                Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                • #9

                  I hope you really like your new job. Oh, and more money is always a good thing!!!!
                  "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


                  • #10
                    Quoth AmericanZero8503
                    SC's do this all the time to me. I close my desk at 8 pm. They'll come up and actually say "It's only 2 after!!! Can't you just open for a second" Nope because then it will be 10 after and another SC will request the same thing. And a vicious cycle will continue.

                    My last week at my grocery store job is going to be great. I'm probably coming in drunk off my rocker. I'm going to be as rude as possible to the customers that reguarly give me problems. And I'm finally telling off all the co-workers that have pissed me off. I'm only a couple of months away!!!
                    The one I hate is when they say something like "But its not that time yet by MY watch!!!" So what? I've seen 5 watches all give different times. My watch says I should have been gone a minute ago, buzz off.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Personally, the customer who is shopping at 8am and asks you to open an hour early is the most irritating.

                      Or the bus loads of Foreign Kids who always seem to be shopping at 9am on a Sunday in the UK. What the organisers never plan is the Sunday Trading hours state we can only open for 6 hours per sunday. So, the whole of the City Centre does 11-5.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Broomjockey
                        The one I hate is when they say something like "But its not that time yet by MY watch!!!" So what? I've seen 5 watches all give different times. My watch says I should have been gone a minute ago, buzz off.
                        Sorry SC. I go by the time clock. Whatever time I punch in, I am punching out exactly 8 hours later. If I don't get my overtime approved, I can be written up. And you are Just.Not.Worth.It.

                        Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.

