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"You aren't accomodating me!"

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  • "You aren't accomodating me!"

    My first thread!

    Ok, I was having a relatively nice morning as things go, but one phone call ruined it all. I work at a mid/high level photo lab that also has a portrait studio and the owners do off-site work. We are finishing up a shoot for a church directory.

    Lady calls and gives me this whole long sob story how she had an appointment for tomorrow at 5:30 but her one son couldn't make it so she changed it to 4:30 but now it's not a good time for her other son.

    me: So you'd like to reschedule? Ok, which day is better for you?
    SC: August 11

    me: We aren't doing the shoot for (her church) that day, the ones left available are this Friday.....
    SC: I already TOLD you I can't do that.
    me: ....the days for this shoot remaining for anyone are this Friday, and then next Fri and Sat.

    SC: Well, that just doesn't work for me!
    me: Ma'm, that is what is offered.
    SC: I want to come in another time, why are you preventing me? It's haaard when you have chiiiiildren you need to get all together. I want to talk to a manag....wait! What is your name?


    me: My name is (name) This requires a very specific lighting, camera, and background setup, we can not just take the photos any time, that is why we have scheduled dates. The manager in charge of the entire project is out of town at the moment, but her husband and the other manager will be in later today.
    SC: Well, (name), I don't like the way you are talking to me and you are NOT accomodating me at all. I want to talk to your manager!

    me: Those dates were set by the management, I have no personal control over any of this. He will be in later, let me get your....
    SC: You have it in your system - I expect to hear from him!

    So I go to the 4:30 and cancel it after writing down name and phone number, thinking the name sounded very familiar. Realize later it was for another guy who missed the family photo and needs to have a very specific photo taken so he can be photoshopped into the other one. (Who cancelled last week's appointment, FTR). It seemed odd, but whatever.

    Tell the manager when he gets in later, but shortly after the girl working in the portrait studio comes up to me and says she thinks she just got my pissed off lady from before. She was making confirmation calls and barely got 4 words out before the SC demmanded the manager. Apparently her appointment was at 4:45, but since she didn't let me verify her info and her last name was similar to the other guy's, I mixed them up. No big deal, able to fix it, but she was furious to get a confirmation call for an appointment she canceled and hadn't heard from my manger yet. I'm not sure what he said to her, but didn't call me out on it, just gave me a watered down version of "the customer is always right because that is our buisness."

    Ok, so you may be thinking I was hard on this lady, only 4 days (last Fri, this Fri, weekend after that) for this photoshoot, right?

    Wrong. These were the MAKE-UP dates for the original photoshoot. This company was at the church every day for just over TWO WEEKS (including 3 weekends) for several hours each day right after school lets out for the summer, so before most people go on vacation. Over 500 appointments, many with teenagers!, managed to do what this entitlement queen did not - make an appointment, go to the appointment, sit and smile for 15 min (TOPS). They had announcements at the church for weeks ahead of time, evening hours, morning hours, weekend hours to come in and have a family photo for the directory and get a free 8x10......but she just couldn't come in to do it! And I was sooooo mean and not accomodating that she was lazy, entitled, and expected me to kiss her feet for wanting to come in finally.

    I really wish the other manager (the one that was there today's wife) was at the store today. She is SICK of these people, this wasn't the first person to pull this on us - no other church or other event has ever been this bad, not to mention the FOUR make-up dates given!

    But yet, I was the one with the attitude problem because she couldn't be bothered before and now I can't do anything to help her? I'll go out of my way to help reasonable, greatful customers. But not ones like her! "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency of mine" was never more apt.

  • #2
    Indeed. What is wrong with this woman that a solid two week period couldn't accommodate her? It seems entirely reasonable that you have a specific setup and therefore only set it up on specific days. Heck, there are still three whole days to go, and one of them's a weekend. What the hell are her kids involved in? Whatever happened to "Kids, we're getting a photo done today. I don't care that you'll miss your SpongeBob movie, we're doing it because I say so"?

    My family did a lot of things because mum or dad "say so". That's one of the great joys of parenting. You can be the boss.


    • #3
      SC: I want to come in another time, why are you preventing me? It's haaard when you have chiiiiildren you need to get all together.
      it's only as hard as you make it; four opportunities, four chances to get it and be done, but nooo, entitlement queen expects everyone to dance around her.

      sorry, sweets; the boat sailed and you and your brats missed it. are we sad about this? no, no and nope.

      what is so hard about having her and her precious spawn rearrange her schedule; it's fifteen minutes that i'm sure they can all fit in, if they try.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

