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dear caller:

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  • dear caller:

    Dear caller I can not hear; The proper response to "I am sorry, but I have a hard time hearing you" is NOT to then start screaming huffing and puffing isn't going to help, either....nor is it to continue at your normal tone then get huffy because ...well, I CAN'T HEAR YOU.

    Also? you can ask for a manager, but you will have to speak up for her as well. Manager will also not be very impressed by you calling me an idiot if you can't comprehend the need to speak up.

    Dear caller checking on an order after it has mailed; Once we give a package to UPS, USPS or whoever is doing the shipping it is OUT OF OUR HANDS. All I can do is pull the tracking info for you. You asking what I, personally, am going to do because your order had taken *gasp horrors* THREE WHOLE DAYS to ship will get an eyeroll in response and you being told that your order in in LALA land, per the website. Nothing more. Because I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SHIPPER.

    Say it with me, now... "my order is in the hands of the shipper. If I have an issue wit it taking more time than usual, my issue is with the SHIPPER and screaming at the CCR is useless."

    Dear customer pissed that med X is not covered/ no longer covered; I don't make the blasted rules. Trust me, if it were up to ME you would have what you need no problem. Sadly, we have rules and insurance companies are more worried about the next jet purchase than your drug coverage. It sucks. Anyway, screaming at ME gets you *nothing* I do not make the decisions, I just read you your results from your plan. Take the info on programs that offer assistance, and file the appeal through all the levels it takes to get the meds covered....or you could, you know, try the generic for 30 days and avoid the drama all together.....fight appeals after appeals for months- while totally off your meds- or try a generic for 30 days. no brainer to me. DUH.

    Dear customer who is just not going to be happy; You have been out for two weeks. I let you know that you can get your 90 day fills at the local pharmacy TOMORROW for the meds you are screaming that you will DIE without. Just as simple as calling and asking the dr to do it. BONUS is that you can keep going to that pharmacy and not have to bother with mail service, or bug the hell out of me, again!

    But oh no. We are at the 'principle' of the matter now. You want the scripts through mail order, dammit, and instead of saving you time, hassle, and money, not to mention getting you your life sustaining medications you would rather play the game where you call to 'harass' us every day, screaming about how your dr faxed us weeks ago. You refuse to call your dr yourself. All I can do is submit another request to the dr....but obviously there is a disconnect/ wrong number or something somewhere. I see you have been offered the number several times so your dr can call speak with a real person and see if we can figure it out, make sure they are correctly connected with e-scribe, have the right fax info, whatever, but no. You would rather play this game. Fine. Enjoy.

    Take all the notes you want on our call. I will happily repeat myself so you can get it all down accurately. You were offered two easy, quick solutions by me (and others according to the notes) and you refused them. Oh you are going to sue? Good luck with that when the calls get pulled and you are actively and repeatedly refusing resolutions.

    Really, one phone call, get your scripts today or tomorrow.....or continue beating your head against a wall. You pick.

    and finally

    Dear caller on vacation; You forgot your meds. It happens. I can get you an override, easy, and you can get the script filled at a local pharmacy. Only thing is that it still requires a call to your dr for them to send a script over to said local pharmacy. I have no way of doing that. Mail order is 90 days, local is 30 for your plan. I could transfer, but it would take at least 3 days for that process to happen, then the script would have to be transferred BACK to mail order. The easiest and quickest way to get your meds is to CALL YOUR DOCTOR and get it done. You left the meds at home, so you have to use some of your precious vacay time to clear up your mistake. Sorry. This is ridiculous? YAY! you said the magic word that lets me fix everything with a single click. NOT. Call your doctor.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 06-22-2012, 10:37 AM. Reason: Removed Fratching comments

  • #2
    Oooh, the caller that is so quiet that turning up the volume on the headset/phone only allows you to hear a garbled mess! I so hated those, because part of my job was to transcribe what the heck is wrong with the product so the tech could repair it.

    "Please speak up," does not mean screech at the top of your lungs into the receiver... before I can crank the volume back down to normal. And then after that screech, go right back to whispering. Now, not only are you still garbled, I now have a ringing ear to try to hear the garble THROUGH. I did have a defense for this... it was called, "I think there may be something wrong with this connection. Can you please call us back on our toll free number?" Cue the banshee wails again.... Grrrr.....

    You know, once told "Call the doctor," that's exactly what the sane custy will do. How come so many custy's can't be sane? It's not rocket science, but they sure act like it is.
    If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


    • #3
      You would not believe how difficult it is to get people to call their dr's office. You would think they bite or something.

      Sadly, I get the calls above


      • #4
        Anytime that I have ordered anything, and it arrived in less than a week, I was ecstatic. Three days? I'd be dancing!
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Quoth MoonCat View Post
          Three days? I'd be dancing!
          I've had shipping happen that fast unexpectedly on a few occasions -- mostly when buying electronic stuff from, uh, Nouveau Chicken >_>

          Placed an order online Sunday evening, standard el cheapo shipping, it showed up in the office Wednesday at lunchtime. Aweome ^_^
          "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
          "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
          "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
          "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
          "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
          "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
          Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
          "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

