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Extra Tasty Crispy Bitter

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  • Extra Tasty Crispy Bitter

    Don't ask about the title. ;p Work botched my scheduled last night so I ended up stuck at the office for some odd 10 hours and they didn't even need me there that long. Thus the last few entries this week are exceedingly bitter.

    I'm moving today too so I got to stay 2 hours extra and then come home to the joy of moving. Plus my phone company turned my phone (and soon maybe my internet ><) off a day before they were suppose too. Gonna have to write this quick before it switches off too.


    Listen & Learn
    ( The emergency hotel booking line again.... )

    SC: "Is that a hotel and casino?"
    Me: "No, just a hotel"
    SC:"Do you have any hotel casinos?"
    Me: "No, sorry, just <hotel name>."
    SC:"Is that on the strip?"
    Me: "I'm not in Vegas, so I don't have that info."
    SC:"What's the address?"
    Me: "xxxx street name"
    SC:"Is that anywhere near the strip?"
    Me: "I don't know, I'm not in Las Vegas"
    SC:"Is it downtown?"
    Me: "I would have no idea, I am not in Las Vegas."

    You seem to be having trouble with part of this conversation. You know, the part where I talk.

    Generation Durrr

    Caller is 15 and stuck in Las Vegas for the evening. Caller cannot check into a hotel due to her age. Caller had my sympathy up until the point where Caller revealed it had never occurred to her to call her parents to request assistance. Caller was very pleased by this suggestion. Operator surmises that if children are the future, we're probably borked.


    1) You don't know your own number.
    2) Niether does the guy in the background.
    3) Despite a full minute of searching, you cannot locate the number and give up.

    I really have nothing to add to that level of failure. But I do assure you I am impressed. So you can take that home with you at least. Well, provided you know where you live. If not, ask that guy in the background again. He seems like a knowledgeable fellow.

    Dumbass on Board

    SC: "The reception's bad here cus this is a small town I'm driving through."
    Me: "Ok."
    SC: "Just another block and it'll probably get better."
    Me: "…ok"
    SC: "Don't hang up!"

    Look at me! I'm driving through an area with bad reception while reading your ad in the newspaper at the same time. Clearly this is the best time to add talking on my cell phone to the mix. If fate smiles upon me perhaps I can swerve into a Walmart or maybe wipe out and cut a brutal swath through of field of cows. If I'm really lucky perhaps I can miss a red light and slide into a bus load of Girl Scouts on the way to a bakesale! I don't know how this driving situation could get any better! Wait! I know. Toss me a beer!

    You = jackass.


    SC: "They're not open yet?"
    Me: "Nope, not till 7"
    SC: "What time is there?"
    Me: "6"
    SC: "Oh, really? I thought you guys were an hour ahead of us."

    They only way we're an hour ahead of you is if you live in a grimy houseboat that drifted out to sea in the night several days ago.


    SC: "I'd like to place an order."
    Me: "Ok, what's your name?"
    SC: "….uh……"

    C'mon Skippy, I can't pitch em any lower or slower then that. If you strike out here I don't know what to say. Perhaps we should ease you down to an activity more your speed. I hear colouring books are pretty awesome.


    SC: "I know I'm not calling the right number but maybe you can help me."

    I don’t think you've thought your cunning plan all the way through.

    Watch the Bitterness Increase...

    Me: "-and your phone number?"
    SC: "867-" (Go to red alert!)
    Me: "What's the product id?"
    SC: "Uh….33335-635"
    Me: "…33335-635?"
    SC: "Uh…3335-63"
    Me: "Ok, what size?"
    SC: "2 of them. One black, one white."
    Me: "Alright, but what size?"
    SC: "Large"
    Me: "I don't have white in large. Only black and navy."
    SC: "Uh…I already have navy."

    ( I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were trying to complete the Sweater Triforce.)

    SC: "What about XL?"
    Me: "I have white and black in XL"
    SC: "Ok, can I get a large black one and an XL white one?"
    Me: "Sure. Would you like anything else?"
    SC: "Yeah, I want both XL."
    Me: "Er…ok."

    ( Thank you for waiting long enough for me to add it to your order before changing it. )

    Me: "Alright, that comes to xxx dollars and should take about 2 weeks."
    SC: "Ok. How much will it cost?"
    Me: "… dollars."

    Argh, curse you and your entire area code. Why must you plague me? Don't you have something better to do? Is there a snowmobile not yet up on blocks in the front yard you could attend too? How about a transmission you could be taking apart in the bathtub? Is Spongebob not on yet or something? Could you not find a shovel to dig up the moonshine with? Did your date spring a leak and you can't get a patch kit till Home Depot opens? What's going on, I demand answers!


    Me: "Good morning, <company name>."
    SC: "……"
    Me: "….hello?"
    SC: "….."
    Me: "Hello?"
    SC: "….uh…."
    Me: "Hello?"
    SC: "Hi!"
    Me: "Hi."
    SC: "I'm Jackie!"
    Me: "…alright."

    (He manages to somehow place an order…..)

    SC: "But I don't want them right now."
    Me: "…you don't want to order them right now?"
    SC: "No I wanna order them but I don't want them right now. I want them after I get back."
    Me: "…..ok. Perhaps you should order them when you get back?"
    SC: "Yeah, I should do that, shouldn't I?"
    Me: "Yes."

    Hurry up Jackie, your Happy Meal is getting cold.

    Automatic Fail
    ( Guy's calling a local glass replacement company at 3am... )

    SC: "The thing is I'm here in Texas-"

    Ok, time out. You've already disqualified yourself. No need to go any further. Stop the press, put down the phone, pull up your pants and go do something constructive. Seeing as you're in Texas I'd wager there's something within a one block radius of you that needs to either be shot or deliciously BBQ'd. Perhaps both.

    ( With apologies to Texas )


    Me: "Do you need me to page the on call service guy for you?"
    SC: "Yes."
    Me: "Alright, I'll page him and he'll call you back."
    SC: "Who?"
    Me: "….the service guy."
    SC: "Oh."

    You know even goldfish manage to retain information for at least 6 seconds. So that puts you a level below a 99 cent purchase at the pet store. If I had to take a guess I I'd have place you around "damp Ritz cracker" level.

    Questions and Answers

    Me: "-and your first name?"
    SC: "Bong"
    Me: "….Bong?"

    Normally I might have asked what your parents were smoking when they named you but ironically that question has already been answered.

    Two Wrongs don't make a Right

    Me: "Good evening, <emergency line for a halfway house>"
    SC: "Yeah, whats wrong with the buses?"

    I would like to take a moment to point out there's another, more glorious wrong here that needs to be address first. So lets sort that one out first, shall we?

    Extra Tasty Crispy
    ( 3 in the morning... )

    SC: "You're still open?"
    Me: "Yep"
    SC: "Oh….."

    …..sorry to disappoint? Actually, no I'm not. In fact if there's anything else I can do to aid in the total and complete destruction of your personal world, by all means let me know now. I'm quite willing to go above and beyond the line of duty if I can crush every last bit of enjoyment from your day.

    Wait, what was I talking about again? Oh right, yes, we're still open.

    Extra Spicy?

    SC: "Can I have room 24?"
    Me: "Sorry, you have the wrong number."
    SC: "I do?"
    Me: "Yes."
    SC: "No."
    Me: "....."

    You're right, I'm just kidding. You really do have the right number. In fact let me go knock on room 24's door for you. Give me a few minutes to locate and don my bellboy uniform. Then I'll be happy to galavant around Vancouver attempting to locate whatever guest in whichever hotel you're trying to reach. At least until I either A) Get arrested or B) Locate and violently incapacitate you with whatever is within arm's reach. Which would be……ah, yes, the old standby: the stapler.

    National Security
    ( A certain US federal agency's Canadian office at 4am.... )

    SC: "Are you hiring?"

    Hell yes! We always employ completely random strangers off the street from other countries that call at 4am to work at the forefront of our nation's security.

    Well, actually, now that I reflect on the last 6 years, maybe they do.


    SC: "I wanna place an order."
    Me: "Sure, what's your name?"
    SC: "Troy."
    Me: "and your last name?"
    SC: "(Insert the sound a dog makes trying to chew half a cup of peanut butter)"
    Me: "…...Can you spell that?"
    SC: "Uh…..uh…….um……<click>"

    1 minute later.

    SC: "I wanna…uh…..order something."
    Me: "…..sure. What's your name?"
    SC: "Troy (sound of dog gobbering)"
    Me: "… do you spell your last name?"
    SC: "…………………………uh…..I dunno."
    Me: "Mhmm"
    SC: "I dunno."
    Me: "I can't really help you then, can I?"
    SC: "Just kiddin, my name is Billy Johanson"
    Me: "Mhmm"
    SC: "Huh huh…huh….huh huh. I'm jus kiddin' around with my buddy here."

    I'm sorry, what was that? I was too busy trying to figure out how I could get the pair of you mauled and hopefully at least partially digested by a polar bear. The logistics are a bit daunting, we might have to go as far as your backyard to find one. The real problem is renting the seal costumes for the pair of you. On the downside I would end up losing the deposit on them…..but hey, it'd be worth it. I'll bring my camcorder too so I can upload the resulting footage to YouTube later.

    I Hate You

    SC: "Yeah, I have some questions about yer showhomes and condos?"

    Sure, but first I have some questions about what makes you think this is important at 2:30 in the morning and how you managed to pull yourself away from licking the outlet in the kitchen long enough to call.

    <sigh> back to packing... ><

  • #2
    A little something for you:

    May it wipe the number 867 from your brain.

    Good luck with your moving

    And it seems you could use this as well:
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      i really love you posts. omg you must have some sort of large light bulb that attacts these loonies to you.
      History repeats, the names and dates change, but its always the same old story.


      • #4
        Heh heh. I'm the same way about it. On one had...suffering, on the other hand, so much material. -.-

        Earlier this week the office manager asked me if I wanted to work more hours. Not because we needed me too but because she noticed the longer I work the more bitter I get and the more bitter I get the more entertaining I become. ><


        • #5
          Your commentary cracks me up. ^_^
          "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


          • #6
            Did you at least get to work one hour less last night due to the time change?
            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


            • #7

              I love your posts. Dripping with such delicious and juicy sarcasm.

              If only there were some type of national holiday where we could actually speak these thoughts that run through our jaded minds and get away with it.

              Dick's can do this all the time (don't know if anyone has ever been there, but it's a restaurant in San Antonio where they basically get paid to be rude to you. We walked in and stood by the door, waiting for someone to seat us, and this waiter went by and said "Don't just stand there, assholes! Sit down!"). The rest of us should be allowed at least one day.
              "You are loved" - Plaidman.


              • #8
                Wow, the creeps call other ppl besides just me? Wow. I feel for ya, man. I understand your pain too.
                The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                • #9
                  Listen & Learn
                  ( The emergency hotel booking line again.... )

                  SC: "Is that a hotel and casino?"
                  Me: "No, just a hotel"
                  SC:"Do you have any hotel casinos?"
                  Me: "No, sorry, just <hotel name>."
                  SC:"Is that on the strip?"
                  Me: "I'm not in Vegas, so I don't have that info."
                  SC:"What's the address?"
                  Me: "xxxx street name"
                  SC:"Is that anywhere near the strip?"
                  Me: "I don't know, I'm not in Las Vegas"
                  SC:"Is it downtown?"
                  Me: "I would have no idea, I am not in Las Vegas."
                  Just for shits and giggles you should have given them the address for the Riverrock casino in Richmond.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                    I hear colouring books are pretty awesome.
                    They ARE. They have the BeckySunshine seal of approval.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Gravekeeper, I am love with your twisted, bitter, sense of humor. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It makes me wanna take a baseball bat, drive large nails into it all around the head, file them to sharp points, and use it on every single freak you have to talk to.
                      Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Heh heh. I'm the same way about it. On one had...suffering, on the other hand, so much material. -.-

                        Earlier this week the office manager asked me if I wanted to work more hours. Not because we needed me too but because she noticed the longer I work the more bitter I get and the more bitter I get the more entertaining I become. ><
                        I have to second her recommendation.

                        And tell you I think I'm in love.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          SC: "Is that a hotel and casino?"
                          Me: "No, just a hotel"
                          SC:"Do you have any hotel casinos?"
                          Me: "No, sorry, just <hotel name>."
                          SC:"Is that on the strip?"
                          Me: "I'm not in Vegas, so I don't have that info."
                          SC:"What's the address?"
                          Me: "xxxx street name"
                          SC:"Is that anywhere near the strip?"
                          Me: "I don't know, I'm not in Las Vegas"
                          SC:"Is it downtown?"
                          Me: "I would have no idea, I am not in Las Vegas."
                          I had to deal with one of those when I was living in my first apartment, and the upstairs apartment became vacant and the sign went up. This one genius decided the correct course of action would not be to call the number on the sign, but to ring the doorbell of the other apartment (mine.) Worse yet, he did this early on a Saturday morning, while I was in a nice deep sleep. The conversation went something like this.

                          Him: "Hi, I wanted to ask about the apartment for rent."
                          Me: "You'll have to call the number on the sign. I'm just the guy who rents the other apartment. I don't know anything about it."
                          Him: "OK, but how much is it going for?"
                          Me (Didn't he hear me say I know nothing about it): "I don't know. I'm not the landlord. I'm just the guy who rents this apartment.
                          Him: "How big is that apartment?"
                          Me (getting annoyed): " I don't know. I've never been up there."
                          Him: "How many bedrooms does it have."
                          Me (getting more annoyed): "I don't know. I've... never... been.. up... there!"
                          Him: "Well, how many bedrooms does yours have?"
                          Me (finally losing it): "One. And I was in it until you came along and rang my damn doorbell!"
                          Him (as it finally starts to sink in past the first few layers): "Oh, OK... I'll just call the number later."

                          Thankfully, he did not end up being my neighbor. Not that the ones who did move in up there were any better, but that's another story.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          SC: "The reception's bad here cus this is a small town I'm driving through."
                          Me: "Ok."
                          SC: "Just another block and it'll probably get better."
                          Me: "…ok"
                          SC: "Don't hang up!"
                          Do you know for sure he was driving? Maybe he was only a passenger. If he was driving, then I agree with the "Dumbass" assessment.

                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          Me: "-and your first name?"
                          SC: "Bong"
                          Me: "….Bong?"
                          I actually worked with a guy by that name once, ages ago. He was an oriental guy, IIRC. One of my coworkers wanted to work on his team simply because he had a "cool" name.
                          Sometimes life is altered.
                          Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                          Uneasy with confrontation.
                          Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                          • #14
                            The funny parts were your comments.
                            "Is Spongebob not on?"
                            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                            • #15
                              Heh, you remind me of a friend when i worked for a bank. People would state that they would write the president (ie, of the bank) and ask for the presidents address. he would, from memory, give the address of the white house.

